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Articles written by Bcj News

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  • Progress Steady on St. Mary's Siphon Project

    BCJ News|Mar 12, 2025

    With snow accumulation and colder weather, progress has slowed in Babb, the site of the St. Mary's Siphons, but work continues. "The crews have been amazing in the freezing weather," said Project Manager Jennifer Patrick. "They show up everyday and get to work despite the conditions." The project is around 45 percent complete according to Patrick depending on which area of the project you are talking about. Despite the challenging below zero temperatures, the dedicated crews of NW Construction...

  • Many County Roads could possibly be Eroded due to flooding

    BCJ News|Mar 5, 2025

    Due to the sudden rise in temperature over the past week, flooding has caused many roads to be closed around the county. These roads can be very dangerous as water erodes the roadways and causes other types of damage. The picture above shows Birdtail Road, which has now reopened. Be sure to check the Blaine County Road Department's Facebook page for the latest updates....

  • New Mayor Appointed By City Council

    BCJ News|Feb 19, 2025

    During last Tuesday’s Chinook City Council meeting, an interim mayor was appointed to replace Mayor Glen Huestis who resigned Feb. 5 due to health issues. The Council voted to approve council member Robert Smith for the role to fill the vacancy until the end of the term this November. With the appointment, it leaves a vacancy on the council which needs filled with an appointment of a new member. Smith has been serving as mayor in Huestis’s absence. In other business, the council discussed the progress of the waste water project. Concern was...

  • Harlem Elementary Holds Spelling Bee

    BCJ News|Feb 5, 2025

    Harlem Elementary, spotlighting the 5th and 6th grade students, held its annual Spelling Bee on Wednesday, January 29th. All of the participants proved to be impressive during the competition, but 5th grader, Jaxton Brady, managed to stand firm and eventually, come out on top. The runners up were McKearen Stiffarm (gr. 5), Rooney Briere (gr. 6), Nathaniel LongKnife (gr. 6), Ahsini Bell (gr. 6), Rain Janis (gr. 6), and alternate, Emily Hockhalter (gr. 6). The top 6 elementary students will join...

  • Two MSU-Northern Rodeo Standouts are headed to the Montana Pro Rodeo Circuit Finals

    BCJ News|Dec 11, 2024

    od of Malta will be heading to Great Falls January 9-11 to compete in the 46th Annual Montana Pro Rodeo Circuit Finals. Cox will be competing in the WPRA Barrels. She is currently ranked 5th in the standings and looking to climb the ranks in the finals. Cox is competing in her first circuit finals, following in her mother's footsteps. Cox's mother, Laurie Faber, competed in the first two circuit finals back in 1980 and 1981. Orahood will be competing in the WPRA Breakaway Roping. She is...

  • What's the meaning: Thanksgiving History by two Norwegian Girls

    BCJ News|Nov 21, 2018

    Once again, it is time for turkey, mashed potatoes, stuffing, cranberries, and pumpkin pie to be shared with friends and family. The history of Thanksgiving is a little more complicated than other American Holidays. Americans typically think of the first Thanksgiving in 1621 with the Pilgrims and the Powhatan Indians. This was a three day celebration to thank the Powhatan Indians for helping the Pilgrims to survive. However, it wasn’t until 1789 when George Washington proclaimed November 26, as a national day of Thanksgiving. Even then it f...

  • Communities show support come tournament time!

    BCJ News|Nov 2, 2016

    When the post season tournaments take place in October/November for Cross Country, Football and Volleyball or in February/March for Wrestling and Basketball students of all our local schools can count on one thing, tremendous community support. Fans from Turner, Hogeland, Harlem, Hays, Lodge Pole and Chinook show up in force to cheer on their team. For complete tournament coverage see pages B2-B3....

  • Most replaced guardrail in Blaine County

    BCJ News|Dec 30, 2015

    A crane from Baltrusch Construction, in Havre, had to be called to move a semi-tractor and trailer crash last week at the drainage near the Red Rock Creek Bridge west of Chinook on Highway 2. The crash occurred about 2:45 p.m. on Wednesday, December 16. The truck caught the guardrail and skidded off the highway. The tractor and trailer remained connected with the trailer still on the highway and the tractor dangling off the road. Ace Towing, also from Havre, assisted with the separation of the...

  • Chinook Chamber of Commerce gives back to the community

    BCJ News|Dec 23, 2015