We've Got The County Covered

Articles written by Diana Moloney

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    Diana Moloney|Nov 22, 2023

    The Turner School Pep Club had plenty of activities leading up to Homecoming. Painting miniature T’s throughout downtown Main Street was a big hit. At the center of Main, a large T was painted with all the class years to represent the students in Junior and High School this year. The community also enjoyed hearing the Wet Weather Band play music throughout the afternoon of the Homecoming events. A huge thank you to them for taking time from their daily routine to come entertain the crowd. J...


    Diana Moloney|Oct 19, 2022

    A great time was held a couple weekends ago on the Big Flat when the Turner School celebrated Homecoming festivities all week long. The week was kicked off with various dress up days at school and all students asked to participate. A favorite always seems to be Pajama Day, and two new ones added to the week were Patriotic Days and Western Days. It concluded with the traditional Green and White Day where students were invited to wear their school colors. The grand finale was on Friday where...

  • Students Celebrate 100s Day

    Diana Moloney|Mar 23, 2022

    The students in the first and second grade classroom recently celebrated the 100th day of school. Given the 4 day school week at their school, it has taken a bit longer to reach this milestone. Their teacher, Mrs. Diana Maloney, made and decorated a cake that is entitled, "We're 100 Days Smarter," for the kids to enjoy during snack time. They had fun drawings throughout the day, every 100 minutes. They read stories about the 100th day, had special crafts, and special assignments. They had a fun...

  • Turner school faculty eager to educate students

    Diana Moloney|Dec 11, 2019

    The faculty and staff at Turner are happy to educate all children from the Big Flat and surrounding area. They and the children are busy this month preparing for the holiday programs and of course basketball!! There's always lots to do, but education always comes first. Those present for the photo are back row L-R: Jacquie Richman, head cook, Mrs. Bobbi Beck, Title, Mrs. Maggie Kimmel, Clerk, Mrs. Callie Phillips, Business, Mr. Zach Holland, History and PE, Mr. Tony Warren, Superintendent, Mrs....

  • Suicide rate in Montana Leads the Nation, Blaine County heavily affected

    Kody Farmer and Diana Moloney|Sep 11, 2019

    Montana has been near the top of the list of states with the highest suicide rates in the Nation, but an increase of 38% from 1999-2016 has moved the state to the top of the list. According to the Center for Disease Control, Montana had a suicide rate of 25.9/100,000 in 2016, nearly double the National average of 13.5/100,000. Blaine County in 2019 has had to deal with several suicides, mainly amongst our youth. Rural American has a 45% higher risk of suicide than the National Average and...

  • Turner Talk

    Diana Moloney|Aug 30, 2017

    Last weekend, Max and Kirsti Cederberg went to Great Falls and took Nellie Cederberg to lunch. Susan Fox attended a DCCW Board Meeting in Billings this weekend. Denise and A.J. Watkins took Rennay to Missoula where she begins college soon. The kids at Turner School have a full week of school in. Best of luck to them as they begin their routines and sports. Brooke Reed, and the Wildcat Volleyball team, participated in an all day volleyball tournament in Malta this past Saturday. If you get a...

  • Tuner Talk

    Diana Moloney|Aug 9, 2017

    Tom and Lucy Fairbank were to Beaver Creek Park camping for a few days this past week. Gerald and Shirley Keller attended a 40th Birthday party for Danny Kimmel on Friday. Max and Kirsti Cederberg attended the surprise 40th birthday party for Danny Kimmel on Friday. Bridget Reed participated in the Harlem Public Library summer reading program and she visited the library on the final day of the program on Friday. Max and Kirsti Cederberg enjoyed having a visit from Russ Getten of Havre and Gary G...

  • Turner Talk

    Diana Moloney|Aug 2, 2017

    Don and Bonnie Harmon and their family want to thank everyone who expressed any sort of sympathy in the form of texts, visits, food, attending services, etc. for Eleanor this past week. They were just so touched by all the love that was felt during this difficult time. Thank you from the bottom of their hearts. Tammy and Terry Jones were to Whitefish to a Berger family reunion this past weekend. While there they also visited with Sarah and Stuart Howell. Kevin and Sasha Keller and family were...

  • Turner hosts their yearly Firemen Picinic

    Diana Moloney|Jul 26, 2017

    A potluck picnic was held this past Friday at the Turner Park sponsored by the Turner Volunteer Fire Department. The firemen barbecued hamburgers and hot dogs along with corn on the cob. The public filled in with potluck salads and desserts. The meal was delicious and a great time was had reminiscing, visiting, along with water games, and horse shoes. Pictured is a line of community members who worked their way through the food line. Everything was so tasty and a great job was done by the local...

  • Tuner Talk

    Diana Moloney|Jul 26, 2017

    Linda and Darel Hauge attended a surprise birthday party for Tricia Kimmel on Tuesday, the cereal crop tour on Wednesday, and the fireman picnic on Friday. Anita and Steve Reed and family attended the Turner Volunteer Fire Department picnic on Friday. They enjoyed meeting baby Isaac Kropf, newborn son of Tyler and Kyli Kropf, who also attended the picnic. Sonny and Nellie Obrecht took in the Catholic Church anniversary happenings on Saturday. Shania and Diana Maloney were in Great Falls this...

  • Turner Talk

    Diana Moloney|Jul 12, 2017

    Loretta Beck visited Shirley Keller on Tuesday. Independence Day visitors at the Max and Kirsti home were Jack and Carla Van Voast, Lenny Erickson, Glenna Ammen, Peggy and Francis Van Voast, Mark Van Voast, and Les Simons. Hilary Richman visited and had lunch with Maloney’s on Saturday while her girls were at the basketball camp. Bill and Mary Hake enjoyed having friends from Minnesota for a few days this past week. Condolences are extended to the Eleanor Harmon-Bickel family. Mrs. Harmon p...

  • Coach LaVon Meyers brings his basketball camp to Turner

    Diana Moloney|Jul 12, 2017

    LaVon Meyers from Box Elder came to Turner this past weekend to put on a two day basketball camp for children ages Pre-K to High School. Age group levels were set up on both Friday and Saturday. In the camp the kids learned an assortment of skills, defense, offense, ball handling, as well as some scrimmages. Grades 7-12 met twice on Friday for an intense but fun learning camp led by Coach Meyers. The students came away from this camp feeling that it was definitely a worthwhile experience. Coach...

  • Class of 2021 graduates from Turner Junior High

    Diana Moloney|Jul 5, 2017

    The Junior High Graduates of Turner School were brightly dressed in a coral attire. They are L-R: Austin Welsh, Shane Kimmel, Alaynee Hawley, Brooke Reed, Shyan Krass, Ethan Heilig, Connor Van Valkenburg, and Brandy Calvert. Their colors were Coral, Silver, and White. Their class flower was the carnation. They chose the class motto from the wise John Wayne, "Tomorrow hopes we have learned something from yesterday."...

  • Turner students earn perfect attendance

    Diana Moloney|Jul 5, 2017

    These two students were the only two who had perfect attendance during the 2016-2017 school year. They were recognized for their dedicated achievement the last day of school. Superintendent, Mr. Russ McKenna presented the two students with a certificate at noon with all the elementary's presence. They are Bridget Reed and Brady Zellmer. Bridget was a third grader and is the daughter of Anita and Steve Reed of Turner. Brady was a second grader and son of Elissa and Jordan Zellmer of Hogeland....

  • Turner Talk

    Diana Moloney|Jul 5, 2017

    Susan Fox was to Buffalo, WY to help her granddaughter, Lyvee Fox, celebrate her birthday. She will spend a little extra time with them over this next week as well. The Turner Boys basketball team traveled to Malta on Friday and Saturday to play in a basketball tournament. They won several games. Hilary Richman and Hannah and Natalie visited and had lunch with Diana and Shania Maloney on Saturday. Tom and Lucy Fairbank enjoyed camping at Beaver Creek recently. David Heilig of Long Beach, CA was...

  • Blaine County II extends thanks to Harmons for their service

    Diana Moloney|Jun 28, 2017

    The Blaine County II Ambulance crew bid Don and Bonnie Harmon farewell this past Sunday at a retirement BBQ picnic at the Turner Park. The Harmon's have invested a lot of time and commitment into the Ambulance and its services over the years and the now the community will sorely miss their presence. Don was instrumental in getting the ambulance on the Big Flat dating back to 1974. In reminiscing back to that time, he recalls other ambulance personal who also played a big part in that mission....

  • Turner Talk

    Diana Moloney|Jun 28, 2017

    Mark your calendars for the 100th Anniversary at the St Thomas Aquinas Catholic Church of the Big Flat, July 22-23rd. If you plan to attend the celebration on July 22nd, please RSVP to Nancy Snider at 379-2343 or Shirley Keller at 379-2228. They need to let the caterer know a number so it would be appreciated if you could let the ladies know asap. Thanks! Everyone is welcome to attend. Don and Bonnie Harmon wish to thank everyone who came to their retirement picnic on Sunday at the Turner Park....

  • Classics on display at Turner Car & Tractor Show

    Kody Farmer and Diana Moloney|Jun 21, 2017

    This past Saturday Turner, Montana was the place to be if you were a car enthusiast as the 241 Grill and Tavern hosted their Second Annual Car and Tractor Show and Fly In. Visitors came from all over north central Montana and Canada to join in the fun. More than forty cars plus several bikes and tractors lined main street during the show. The town of Turner swelled as several hundred people descended on the community to take part in the fun. The 241 Grill and Tavern served a Barbecue dinner...

  • Turner Talk

    Diana Moloney|Jun 21, 2017

    Dan and Jesse Fillerup of Arizona have been visiting the Brown and Hickel families this week. Remember to mark your calendars for the Turner Volunteer Fireman picnic on Friday, July 21st. The half beef will be raffled off at that time. If you would like a ticket contact any Turner fireman or 379-2235 or 379-2289. Randy and Diana Maloney and Shania traveled to Bozeman for a couple days this past week. The Annual meeting of the Blaine County Water and Sewer District #1 will be Wednesday, June...

  • Turner Talk

    Diana Moloney|Jun 14, 2017

    Remember to keep July 22-23rd open on your calendar. The St. Thomas Aquinas Catholic Church of the Big Flat will be celebrating their 100th anniversary these two day. Lots of fun with picnics, etc. to take place. More information to come as it gets closer. There will be a Car Show-Fly In this coming Saturday in Turner. The Lions will be holding a breakfast at the Legion Hall from 8:00-12:00 noon. Come support this worthwhile group and enjoy a delicious breakfast. The Turner Volunteer Fire Depart...

  • Turner High School honors students at 2017 Spring Awards Banquet

    Diana Moloney|Jun 7, 2017

    The 2016-2017 Awards ceremony was held this past Monday evening in the school gymnasium. Junior and Senior High students along with their parents were in attendance along with school staff. A welcome was done by Student Council President, Ella Billmayer. Dessert and beverages were served to the group before extra curricular awards were announced. Mr. Russ McKenna presented the Academic All State awards. Those receiving an award for basketball were Ella Billmayer, Sarah Billmayer, Raegan Conlan,...

  • Hutton Leaves Turner

    Diana Moloney|Jun 7, 2017

    Michael "Donnie" Hutton was honored at a reception after school one day this week. A lovely cake was baked and decorated by co-worker, Michelle Keller, as well as coffee. Donnie has been at Turner High School for the past two years teaching Science. He will be retreating to ponds filled with trout and spoiling grandbabies! Congratulations on your retirement and best wishes as you move away from Turner....

  • Veterans Day in Turner: Honoring and saluting our heroes...

    Diana Moloney|Nov 18, 2015

    The student council of Turner Public School, under the direction of Mr. Donnie Hutton, hosted the annual Veteran's Day program at the Turner School gymnasium. The colors were presented by the American Legion, Post #109 with math teacher, Mrs. Michelle Keller leading the national anthem with others invited to join in. The crowd that consisted of students, faculty and staff, community, and Auxiliary members filled the gym with patriot pride and emotions as the students welcomed veterans and their...

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