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Montana has been near the top of the list of states with the highest suicide rates in the Nation, but an increase of 38% from 1999-2016 has moved the state to the top of the list. According to the Center for Disease Control, Montana had a suicide rate of 25.9/100,000 in 2016, nearly double the National average of 13.5/100,000. Blaine County in 2019 has had to deal with several suicides, mainly amongst our youth. Rural American has a 45% higher risk of suicide than the National Average and...
This past Saturday Turner, Montana was the place to be if you were a car enthusiast as the 241 Grill and Tavern hosted their Second Annual Car and Tractor Show and Fly In. Visitors came from all over north central Montana and Canada to join in the fun. More than forty cars plus several bikes and tractors lined main street during the show. The town of Turner swelled as several hundred people descended on the community to take part in the fun. The 241 Grill and Tavern served a Barbecue dinner...