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  • Memorial Day Poppy Facts: DO YOU KNOW

    Ginger Maddox|May 23, 2018

    THAT in the spring of 1919, amidst complete devastation, the poppies bloomed in abundance on the battlefields of France where so many of our men had fallen in battle, and that replica of this poppy has become the Memorial Flower of the American Legion Auxiliary? THAT The American Legion was the first national organization to adopt the poppy as its Memorial Flower, having taken this action at the National Convention in Cleveland, September 27-29, 1920? THAT the American Legion Auxiliary adopted the poppy as its Memorial Flower at its organizing...

  • Turner Talk

    Diana Maloney|May 23, 2018

    Kirsti and Max Cederberg were to Great Falls last Friday to spend an early Mother's Day with Nellie. Leneus Erickson went to Wyoming a week ago with Shannon Downing for his grandson, Dusty's college graduation. A 90th birthday celebration for Jim Reed was held on Saturday afternoon. All six of his children were in attendance as well as many of his nieces and nephews, etc. He was delighted to see many people who rode his bus over the years as well. What a wonderful afternoon! Don and Bonnie...

  • Reed Honored with 90th Birthday Celebration

    Diana Maloney|May 23, 2018

    Family and friends honored James Reed of Turner at an open house party on his 90th birthday this past Saturday. The Legion Hall in downtown Turner was abuzz with a luncheon and cake in his honor. All six of his children made it home to help their Dad celebrate his special day and honor the many accomplishments of his life. A surprise presentation was made to Reed by Elissa Zellmer with a Quilt of Valor. What an amazing surprise and honor! To top off the party a wagon ride was given to guests...

  • Chinook Senior Center

    Marlane Wenzel|May 23, 2018

    The first week under new directorship went well for the Senior Center. I am still looking forward to meeting everyone, as well as having fun getting reacquainted with friends from the past. Thank you all for making me feel welcome. Get well thoughts and prayers going out to Ray Reid and Connie Pursley. If you or anyone you know is interested in being a board member please let Rochelle and or Marlane know so we can get your name on the ballot. We are also voting for Senior of the Year 2018. The...

  • Turner holds Class of 2018 Graduation

    Diana Maloney|May 23, 2018

    The Turner School held its Commencement exercises this past Saturday, May 19, 2018 at the Turner School gymnasium. The processional was played by Mrs. Heather Jorgenson. Senior, Eddie Harmon, gave the welcome, followed by a the introduction of the guest speaker by Stacie Cornell. The Commencement address was given by Mrs. Heather Jorgenson. A Parent presentation was given by the Seniors. Long stem roses were given out to the parents and special guests, and family. A speech was given by Senior,...

  • Chinook Senior Center

    Marlane Wenzel|May 16, 2018

    The Chinook Senior Citizen's Center welcomed their new director, Marlane Wenzel on May 11th. We all look forward to the new adventure. We hope you all had a wonderful Mother's Day. Shanghi Rummy was played on Tuesday with Amy Smith the winner. Black Out Bingo was played on Thursday with Amy Smith and Rosalie Perrine as winners. Pinochle was played on Friday afternoon high was Virginia Olson and Rochelle Wohlschlager with low. All are welcome to come and join the activities during the week. We...

  • Watkins headed to Girls State in Helena

    Diana Maloney|Apr 25, 2018

    Melanie Watkins, a Junior at Turner High School, was recently selected to represent Auxiliary Post #109 and Turner High School at this years American Legion Auxiliary Girls State. This year marks the 70th year of the Girls State program in Montana. The six day program takes place June 10-16th at the Carroll College in Helena. Watkins will be joining other girls from Montana where they will spend their experience doing full democratic process of seeking office, holding elections, and...

  • Turner Talk

    Diana Maloney|Apr 25, 2018

    Max and Kirsti Cederberg were to Chinook on Saturday to visit Edith and Bill Bilger. Keep your calendar marked for May 19th. Family of Jim Reed will be holding a 90th birthday celebration in his honor. More details later as the date gets closer. A preschool screening was held this Monday at the Turner School. Spring has finally sprung on the Big Flat. Much of the snow has been slowly melting and green grass is peaking up! The Cal Wearley Memorial Track Meet will be held on Wednesday, April 25th beginning at 8:30. This is a good meet that you...

  • Region 6 FWP: Anticipates it will find Winterkill in some area ponds

    Marc Kloker|Apr 18, 2018

    For Immediate Release It has been a winter for the books in Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks Region 6. After the summer of 2017 that was plagued by record drought conditions, the 2017-2018 winter will go down as the 2nd snowiest winter on record in Havre (92.5”) and the 3rd snowiest on record in Glasgow (63.2”) as of April 9. In addition, the month of February was the coldest on record since 1979, according to the National Weather Service. As we are finally moving into spring, many folks are wondering how a winter like this may affect small pon...

  • Tuner talk

    Diana Maloney|Apr 18, 2018

    Tom and Lucy Fairbank were to Chinook on Sunday to watch some of the three on three tournaments held there. Bill and Mary Hake were to Canada one day this week to attend funeral services of Brand Nelson. Terry and Tammy Jones were to Chester on Sunday to attend a pre-school program that their granddaughter, Kenley Tempel, participated in. Gerald and Shirley Keller had a family supper at their home on Sunday evening. Attending were Jerry and Laura Kinsella, Arlene Keller, Roy Keller, Fritz Keller, Johannas Brown, Raymond Keller and kids. Sonny...

  • Turner American Legion announces Essay Contest winners

    Diana Maloney|Apr 18, 2018

    Each year the Turner American Legion Auxiliary sponsors an American Essay Contest for students in grades 5-12. Grade levels are divided into classes, and a certain word requirement must be met within that age level. One award in each competing class is presented in each division. The local winners were recently judged and winners were announced this past week at the Turner School by Auxiliary member, Mrs. Brenda Mohar. Division I winners were Cassidy Grabofsky and Emma Timmons. Cassidy is the...

  • Turner Talk

    Diana Maloney|Apr 11, 2018

    Glenna Ammen was to Big Sandy on Saturday to attend the last Elementary Jamboree of the season. She enjoyed watching the kids. Tom and Lucy Fairbank took in the Turner Prom Grand March on Saturday. They enjoyed seeing all the kids dressed up so nice in their suits and dresses. Gerald and Shirley Keller took in the Spring Fling on Friday at MSU-N. On Saturday, they were to Malta to watch Kash and Olivia Keller play in some 5 on 5 tournaments. Welcome home, Dan and Amy Hutton! They have returned home from Lake Havasu where they have been for a...

  • Region 6 Volunteer Hunter and Bowhunter Education Instructors Honored

    Marc Kloker|Apr 11, 2018

    Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks honored the service of its Region 6 Hunter and Bow Hunter Education volunteer instructors at the annual workshop, which was held on Saturday, March 24, in Wolf Point and on Sunday, March 25, in Havre. The workshop is an annual event that invites all the volunteer instructors across the region for a day filled with visiting, updates to the program, demonstrations of new equipment and ideas, and most importantly, honoring years of service. This was the first time...

  • Turner Talk

    Diana Maloney|Apr 4, 2018

    Darla Quinlan spent Easter and the weekend with her Mother, Rose Van Voast. Shania Maloney was home for Easter. She and Diana took Easter dinner to the ranch to join Randy, Garrett, and Gavin. It was cold but the baby calves were still making their appearances. Bobbie Doiz of Climax, Duane and Dawn Schurman, Brian and April, Avery and Piper were Easter guests at Susan and Ron Fox’s. Anita and Steve Reed and family, Linda and Darel Hauge, and Harlan and Jane Krass drove down to Harlem to have Easter dinner with Tim and Hilary Richman and g...

  • Turne Talk

    Diana Maloney|Mar 28, 2018

    Glenna Ammen was to Box Elder to the Elementary Jamboree basketball games this Saturday. Don and Bonnie Harmon were to Havre to the Hoop Fest on Saturday where the Turner boys team played. They enjoyed it a lot. Terry and Tammy Jones helped with the Brew Fest in Havre on Saturday. Max and Kirsti Cederberg were to Chinook on Sunday to visit with Edith and Bill Bilger. Cathy Grove visited Rose Van Voast for the weekend. She also reported that all of “Rose’s girls” recently returned from their “girls Winter vacation” where they enjoyed going to...

  • White Pine 4H Club has been busy this winter and will continue to be in spring

    Emma Klingaman|Mar 28, 2018

    The sixth meeting of the White Pine 4-H club was called to order by Acting President Colton called to order at 5:30 p.m. on March 15th, 2018 at the Chinook Meadowlark School Cafeteria with 13 members, 2 leaders, and 5 guests present. Grace led the American pledge and the 4-H pledge was led by Britton. Roll call was to name a place you would like to visit. Acting Secretary Britton read the minutes from the last meeting. The minutes were approved as read. Treasurer Britton gave the treasurer's...

  • Turner Talk

    Diana Maloney|Mar 21, 2018

    Ralph and Nancy Snider just want to say that they have been enjoying all the Tornado basketball! It was exciting watching the high school girls and boys, especially following the girls to divisional. Now that the Jamboree’s are in full force, they see improvement each week in the little Tornadoes. Thank you kids for all your hard work and dedication. Thanks for making it fun for everyone! The State Science Fair is taking place this Monday and Tuesday in Missoula. Those who were planning to attend were Jack Harmon, Lacey Hickel, Shyan Krass, and...

  • Turner Schools celebrate PI Day: 3.14159265 35897932384626433832795028841971693993751

    Diana Maloney|Mar 21, 2018

    The Junior and High School students at Turner School enjoyed observing PI Day at their school this past Wednesday, 3/14/18. The students shared their knowledge of PI DAY with other students in the school. They had a bracelet craft they did with the younger students of using various colors of beads to represent a particular number and stringing the various colors along to make a bracelet of the significance numbers beginning with 3.14. The students really enjoyed the older students coming to...

  • Turner Talk

    Diana Maloney|Mar 14, 2018

    Steve, Colleen, and Lacey Hickel attended the Elementary Jamboree in Turner on Saturday. Fantastic games!! Tom and Lucy Fairbanks attended the young Tornadoes basketball games on Saturday at the Turner gym. Bill and Mary Hake attended the Montana Seed Show in Harlem this weekend. They were involved in some set up and working in the quilting display room. Tammy Jones enjoyed a weekend recently with some of her girlfriends in Red Lodge. She came home in some inclement weather. Anita Reed returned home after spending 4 days at Northern Montana...

  • Turner School celebrates 'I Love to Read Month

    Diana Maloney|Mar 7, 2018

    Students and Staff enjoyed having reading mentoring this past week at the school. The younger students teamed up with an older student and read to each other. It was such a rewarding site as the little ones absolutely ate up being mentored by an older student. The older students were such a delight to watch work with the younger students. It was such a rewarding event! Shown is Lacey Hickel, a freshman, listening to Savannah Heilig, a first grader, enjoy the read aloud activity time during I...

  • Turner Talk

    Diana Maloney|Mar 7, 2018

    Glenna Ammen enjoyed attending the Elementary Jamboree games in Turner on Saturday. Congratulations to Bonnie and Don Harmon on their 54th wedding anniversary. They celebrated their special day on February 28th. May you have a wonderful year to come and many more celebrations! Gerald and Shirley Keller attended the Elementary Jamborees in Turner on Saturday. Max Cederberg was to Great Falls this week with Edith and Bill Bilger, who had doctor appointments there. They all visited with Nellie Cederberg while there. Richard and Marjorie Hickel...

  • Turner community sends Tornadoes off to Northern C Divisional

    Diana Maloney|Feb 28, 2018

    The girls Tornado basketball team was sent off to the Divisional tournament with a community Pep Rally this past Tuesday evening at the Turner Old Gym. A taco dinner was served following a pep rally involving school students, parents, community members, and coaches. Everybody had a part in this event and it was obvious that the community supports their students 100% as the gym was full. This is the first time Turner has had a girls team advance to Divisional since the 1996-1997 season. Everyone...

  • Turner Talk

    Diana Maloney|Feb 28, 2018

    Colleen and Steve Hickel and Landon attended the Divisional Tournament in Great Falls this past weekend. Darel and Linda Hauge attended Montana Rural Water Conference in Great Falls. While there, they took in the Tornado basketball games. Julie, Dylan, Cody, Austin, and Isley Welsh attended the Divisional Tournament in Great Falls. A nice crowd was in attendance at the Community Pep Rally held Tuesday night at the Old Gym. Thanks to everyone who attended and to Cindy Cowan for her organization of the ordeal. It was a fun way to send off the...

  • Turner Talk

    Diana Maloney|Feb 21, 2018

    The first day of Elementary Basketball was this Monday. Be watching the schedule for upcoming games from our little Tornadoes. The Divisional basketball tournament will begin this Wednesday in Great Falls. It looks as though Turner plays at 5:30 against Heart Butte. Ron, Susan, Avery, and Piper Fox have been visiting family in Buffalo, WY for a few days. Anita and Steve Reed enjoyed the Valentine’s Day dinner sponsored by the DC Club last Sunday. Tricia and P.J. Kimmel spent the week cheering on the Tornadoes and Lady Tornadoes. They want to s...

  • Turner sends basketball teams off to tournaments with pep rally

    Diana Maloney|Feb 21, 2018

    There was a pep assembly this past Wednesday prior to sending off both girls and boys basketball teams to their District 9C Tournament. Community members, staff and students were invited to come send the kids off TORNADO STYLE prior to their first game of tournament play. Pep Club adviser, Cindy Cowan, had a friendly competitive game between both teams and the girls were declared winners. The coaches, Mr. Zach Holland, and Jennifer Baird, introduced both teams, and spoke briefly about the...

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