Sorted by date Results 51 - 75 of 152
I love May. It is because of the flowers. They come out, first the tiny yellow buttercups, and then a whole host of flowers follow them. It all starts in May. It is confusing. Old timers from Montana call yellow bells buttercups. So do I but actually the buttercups come out very early and hug the earth as if to get warm. On sunny and warmer days, in Beaver Creek Park, sometimes huge displays of buttercups can be seen in the flat just west of Eagle Rock close to the Beaver Creek Highway. Then come the crocuses. They are not crocuses either but...
It is Saturday afternoon and the nags are running at Churchill Downs as the Kentucky Derby got underway. It is too close to my deadline to tell you much about the race. More about that next week. For now though it has been raining most of the day in that part of Kentucky and the track is muddy. Classic Empire is the 4 to 1 pre race choice but there is no really dominant horse in this year’s Derby. What there is are lots of women’s large and floppy hats, lots of men in seersucker suits and strange hats, and many, many mint juleps. When I moved i...
It is May. Easter is past us and we all are ready for a long and quiet spring with enough moisture to keep everything growing but not five feet of snow which can happen especially around Memorial Day. I was amazed because as I looked over spring recipes for Easter and the like, I did not see a single recipe anywhere for Hollandaise Sauce. Hollandaise is one of the Mother Sauces and is perfect for spring due to its bright yellow color. It is especially good on asparagus but equally good on roasted vegetables too like roasted potatoes and...
First thing this week is to look at where the NBA playoffs were on Saturday last. Remember when one team is playing another team it is the best of seven games that wins the series. On Saturday it was Houston winning their series over Oklahoma City 4 to 1. In a beginning series it was San Antonio over Memphis 4 to 2. Utah leads the LA Clippers 3 to 2. It is Washington over Atlanta 3 to 2. How about Boston over Chicago 3 to 2? Toronto won their series over Milwaukee by 4 to 2. Cleveland won their first series and for them it is playing Toronto...
Let me preface this story by saying that there are log cabins in Zortman called the Buckhorn cabins. They are nice places to stay the night or a week. But that was not always so. When I was in high school and college and stayed at the Buckhorn sometimes they were not so nice at all. I remember one time in around 1960 when I stayed there and did not get much sleep at all. The owner took Jim Dullenty, a school chum, and me to a cabin and we went in. The then owner said there was a small propane leak in the stove that he had not been able to find...
I love to stay in rustic cabins. Matter of fact I lived in several rustic cabins during my life and they were simply great! What got me thinking about those cabins is that I got the dates that I am going to be staying at cabin 6 at the Village Lodge in Apgar. It is a cabin right on both Lake McDonald Creek and Lake McDonald and its picture windows frame the mountains that surround Lake McDonald. I will be staying there a few days this spring and a few more days in the fall. When I stay at Lake McDonald Lodge I usually stay in cabin 14 which is...
On this day in 1945 President Franklin D. Roosevelt died in Warm Springs, Georgia. He had just been sworn in for a fourth term in January of that year. It was war time and that was the reason President Roosevelt ran for a fourth term in the first place. He was very ill at that time. In fact the ceremony of celebration of his fourth term and the swearing in of him for that term was held at the White House, not the capitol as he was too ill to go through all the ceremonies that going to the capitol would bring. Then he went on a long and...
I am a happy man. It has taken a lot of years but finally my team, Gonzaga, got to the final game. I know they lost to North Carolina 71 to 65 but that did not matter at all. Those of you who read these rantings regularly know that for years I have picked my Zags to go all the way. They never have until now. And to think that Oregon was also in the final four! It boggles the mind. I may not live to see it but one day there is going to be a western final game. It is going to happen! For now, I know of some who made huge amounts of money on...
A friend told me that her sister made a very simple but wonderful casserole. She started by browning hamburger, adding a sliced up cabbage and tomato sauce. She baked that until bubbling and it was wonderful. Last weekend I tried my version of that dish. Basically what I did was to add shredded cabbage to my hamburger/macaroni hot dish. It was very good and the shredded cabbage really added to it. What you will need is: - 1 pound of hamburger - One onion diced - 1 ½ cups dried macaroni prepared like the macaroni box says - 2 14oz cans of...
Well, gentle readers, I am still in the middle of March Madness and can make a prediction about a final winner although I have never gotten those predictions right yet. I kicked myself because I dropped Oregon out of the Sweet Sixteen and then I began to think that this could be their year. But my final four is Kentucky, Kansas, Gonzaga and Villanova with Gonzaga winning it all. Will that happen? You know how I love the Zags and so hope springs eternal! I have been reading that the NFL is going to be different next year. It seems that their...
March can be such a fickle month. It is a month when we all are so anxious to see an end to winter and a beginning of spring and then when March comes in like a lamb, we think we made it through another winter only to have our hopes dashed with storm after storm after storm pushing us around like a ship in a hurricane. This March has been especially bad in that although there has been no really cold weather, it can be fifty above one day and then, like when these words are being written, the weatherman says that if it gets up to fifteen above w...
It is Saturday afternoon and I have not heard yet how Northern’s women did in their playoffs. I do know that Carroll won and Western lost earlier on Friday. I finally got my brackets done in the 2017 Division I basketball tournament and March Madness had officially gotten off to a great start. I will give you my elite 8 this week and predict the winner of it all next week. I have the elite 8 as Villanova, Duke, Gonzaga, Arizona, Kansas, Louisville (although my heart is crying Oregon), North Carolina and Kentucky. I took a few chances but not m...
March 24 and 25 the Farmers Union is putting on a Producers Conference at the Havre Best Western Plus That is a Friday and Saturday. Farmers Union President Allan Merrill said that for a long time that conference used to be held at Fairmont but did not seem to be doing the job. Then one of the conference organizers who went to MSU Northern asked why not put the conference right in the middle of Montana agriculture and close to the Agricultural Research Center south west of Havre. The conference was moved to Havre for the first time last year an...
I got excited the other day because somewhere I had picked up a recipe for Christmas Morning Breakfast Casserole. Now there are many breakfast casseroles floating around but few that call for potatoes in them rather than bread. I love potatoes in my breakfast casserole and when I saw the first ingredient in this one was for cheesy hash browns it had my attention quickly. I spent a lot of time in the frozen potatoes department of a grocery store looking for the cheesy hash browns only to find that they were not there! So I put my good recipe...
First an update about the length of what is left of winter. As most readers know, in the west our ground hogs are marmots. We are fortunate living where we do because in the Bear Paw Mountains, on Clear Creek and far up White Pine Gulch lives a resident predictor of winter named Marmaduke Marmot. Sure enough there was a gathering in front of his instinctively through crevice and burrow, February 2, when he came out to see if he would see his shadow or not. Well, gentle readers up White Pine that morning there was a terrible blizzard raging and...
I am always finding a lobster on sale and sticking it in the freezer. That way when I want to I can have what I call a triple surf dinner. It is a hot lobster with drawn butter, lobster salad and a shrimp cocktail with homemade cocktail sauce. Please note that when I say lobster I mean lobster tail. It is very easy to steam a lobster. Get it thawed out and steam it a minute for each ounce it weighs. Take the shell off when the lobster is steamed and serve with a vat of good hot butter. For a salad, it is just as easy. Thaw the lobster; take...
When I was in college I had two good friends who were in college as well. One was my cousin Butch (James Lucke) and one was a high school mate by the name of Jim Dullenty. Jim went off to Journalism School at the University of Montana and Butch and I stayed home and attended Northern. We spent many weekends visiting Jim in Missoula. He had introduced us to the famous Montana author Dorothy Johnson (The Man who Shot Liberty Valance and The Hanging Tree). For some reason she loved having coffee with the Havre ruffians on Saturday morning....
When I was a boy there were lots of Oriental people in Havre. I am reminded of this because the Chinese New Year is January 28. Many Chinese and Japanese had come here to work on the railroad and when the railroad was finished they liked the country and stayed or maybe some could not afford to go anywhere else. I saw a lot of Chinese people in particular because Havre was full of Chinese restaurants and it seemed as if there was not a Chinese restaurant, why then many Chinese started laundries in the town. Some of the best food I have ever...
Tis the time for New Year’s Resolutions. Tis also the time for very up close and personal dreams as well. Are they related, that is my question? For the past two years I have been having very up close and personal dreams. Let me tell you about one I just finished a few minutes ago. I was staying with a friend at the School House Log cabin on Clear Creek where Henderson Creek meets Clear Creek. In the cold reach of reality, that cabin is not even there anymore. Across the road from that cabin was another large structure that is gone now too. I...
I always like to start a new year with a recipe that has fewer calories. I have done one of my favorite shrimp cocktails many times before but it never fails to taste great on a cold January night. Cook your own shrimp. Get some that are called U 16 to 20, thaw them out, take the shells off and as you are deveining the shrimp, cut down and split the middle section to the tail. When you cook them they will puff up and appear much larger than they are. Do not overcook but do not undercook as well. There is nothing worse than undercooked shrimp. A...
It is a new year but we are going to stay with 1909 for a while yet as it is just getting interesting. Lots going on. Let’s start with the Dodson Dam. A well known resident of Valley County who was in the city yesterday is authority for the information that the Dodson Dam is three quarters completed and that if the weather continues favorable the crest should be affixed by March 1. Construction work is being trusted to the utmost, three gangs of men being worked in eight hour shifts, says the Great Falls Tribune. The dam will be the cheapest o...
It is playoff season in the NFL. But first, it is national championship time in college football. It took many years but finally instead of a bunch of disjointed bowl games there are now a bunch of disjointed bowl games and a couple of national championship games. I have not been the slightest bit interested in those games because one can come to only one conclusion. No matter who plays whom, it is going to be Alabama who comes out on top. Now it won’t always be that way and I imagine that those games will be a lot more fun to watch and m...
This is the time of year that we look back in time at what good and bad has happened during the past year and we look forward to see what good and bad we can look forward to in the coming year. This has been a strange year. The politics of it , that seemed to be the worst for me at any rate. To be able to say that I did not want to vote for either political ticket, that has never happened before. Not for me anyway. Usually one of the candidates has some redeeming features that I can hang my coat on. Not these two. Nothing. But one had to win...
This is the last column of newspaper stories for 1909. However, through the magic of old newspaper stories, we will continue on with 1909 in January. But for now, let’s see how it all ended up! There are still Christmas trees available at the Havre Commercial Company. They have been drastically reduced in price after Christmas. At the beginning of the New Year, 1910 just think of it. The citizens of Havre are so optimistic about building the city into the best anywhere. So many things happened in 1909 to make the city civilized instead of the r...
The biggest news in the football world is that it is all coming to an end. This signals week seventeen and after those predictions, it is on to the playoffs and finally who is going to be in the Super Bowl? There was some late breaking Bobcat news this weekend, however. Let’s start with that. DeNarius McGhee, famed Bobcat star quarterback has been hired by MSU Bozeman as their quarterback coach. This is a good move for the Bobcats as he knows the field very well even though the Big Sky has been changing. Look for McGhee to add much to the B...