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Evelyn Shubert laid down her dental equipment after 41+ years as a Registered Dental Hygienist. Since 2014 she's worked full time at the Chinook Dental Clinic, located at the Sweet Medical Center. Prior to that she worked in both Havre and Chinook. For several years she was full time in Havre, then alternated working at both clinics. Her husband, Ken, retired a few months ago and she decided to retire as well. Even as a child Shubert said she always wanted to pursue a career in some...
At its March meeting the Chinook City Council approved a new water restriction ordinance, heard department reports and learned details about the expected completion date of the upgrade to the water treatment plant. Newly appointed City Clerk, Carol Floren, was named as the city’s representative to the Bear Paw Development Corporations’ Board of Directors. Council President Robert Smith, in the absence of Mayor Keith Hanson, called the meeting to order. Council members present were Mitch Haider, Robert Smith and Clint Greytak. Council mem...
Two more candidates have filed for the Clerk of the District Court opening to be filled during this election cycle. The clerk’s position is for a four-year term. Carrie Gilmore Mundlin, currently a Dispatcher with the Blaine County Sheriff’s Office, has filed as a Democrat. She is married to Chris who works for the Blaine County Road and Bridge Department. She will run in the primary against already announced Democratic candidates Rebecca Blankenship and Tami Mitchell. The primary is set for June 7. Pauly B. Miller has recently announced as...
Triangle Communications invites public libraries and nonprofit organizations throughout Triangle’s service area to apply for one or more units (no more than ten per entity) of our retired laptop computer lab. By giving away the laptops, Triangle hopes to increase access to broadband technologies, foster digital literacy and encourage the use of online resources. The lab consists of 20 Dell 15” laptops with power cords purchased in 2009. They have been lightly used for workshops and demonstrations. Laptops come “as is” with no additio...
March can be a very fickle month. Or maybe it is that I am expecting so much of spring out of March and frequently the month is much more about winter than spring. The National Weather Service told me a couple of weeks ago to look for March to be the end of El Nino which has been providing us with such an open winter. It has been probably the strangest winter I have ever spent on the banks of the mighty Milk River. Day after day it is sunshiny, cold at first, then warming up to the 40’s. Lots of wind and more of the same week after week a...
“How do I love thee? Let me count the ways.” The poet means a person, but many people would say this about their downfall. Fortunate are you if you can take ‘em or leave ‘em—sweet things to eat, that is. One woman already of grandmother age says she simply doesn’t dare have a cookie or piece of cake, because the taste of one of these would result in bingeing on such goodies till the whole plateful is gone, “and I’d go looking for more.” Other people, granted, probably many fewer, are indifferent to the whole tribe of sweet things and actual...
You know, Lord, friends were planning their dream vacation. They showed us brochures, were choosing a date and then were getting ready to purchase tickets. Oh, they had some wonderful plans. Although some of us may not have a dream vacation here on earth, we do have something wonderful to look forward to that is even greater than the plans of our dear friends. Your word tells us all about it, Lord, IF we believe in You! Sometimes stress gets unbearable; that’s when we need to pick up our personal brochure (the Holy Bible) and turn to R...
A few weeks ago we ended our study “The Journey” with these words: Lord willing, in the next few articles we will discuss the Israelites continuing journey through the wilderness and how it applies to us in our spiritual walk. We will see how we can apply the crossing of the Red Sea, the feasting on the Manna, turning bitter water sweet and Sabbath rest along with whatever other experiences the Israelites had as applied to our own life. So let us continue with the lesson. The Israelites left Egypt, supposedly on a 3-day journey to sac...
On Saturday, February 26, 2016, Heaven welcomed Helen Lila Bley. While our hearts are broken, we know she is happy to be with her family there. Helen was born January 16, 1930 to Elizabeth and James Dunbar in Chinook, Montana. She, along with her brothers and sisters grew up on the family ranch just outside of Cleveland, Montana. After graduation from high school, she went to work for Buttrey Foods in Havre. She welcomed her first son, James Zygmond, on May 11, 1950 and her daughter, Vicki...
Harlem, MT Benjamin G. “Westy aka House bear” Bear Jr. Passed away February 26, 2016 in Harlem, Mt. of natural causes. Wake services were held Wednesday, March 2 at 6:00 p.m. at Red Whip Center. Funeral services were Thursday at 11:00 A.M at Red Whip at Ft. Belknap. Westy was born August 17, 1955 to Benjamin G. and, Erma (Snell) Bear Sr. He was raised in the Christian way of life taught to him, and his siblings by their mother Erma at an early age. He loved his childhood on the family ranch, and especially the animals, he was always rai...
Chinook, MT Robert Eugene Erskine 95 passed away February 26, 2016. He was born December 29, 1920 to Eugene and Anna (Paige) Erskine. He attended school at the Central School House and worked on the family farm with his father. Robert married Marian Anderson October 9, 1943. He left the family farm and acquired another farm south of Chinook where he and Marian made their home. He farmed and raised livestock until he retired. Robert had many hobbies but his favorite was fishing. He was preceded in death by his wife Marian, parents, Eugene and An...
After nearly two decades the annual Blaine County Wildlife Museum's major fundraiser still draws a sellout crowd. Museum Manager Tammie Edwards said banquet tickets sold out a few days before the annual Banquet and Auction held last Saturday evening at St. Gabriel's Catholic Church in Chinook. Ticketholders had the opportunity to tour the museum downtown before heading to the church's parish hall where they could view auction and raffle items to be sold and given away after dinner. By 6:30 p.m....
“A Treasure Concealed” by Tracie Peterson is a new romance available this week. If you like thrillers, we have several ready for checkout. “Clawback” by J.A. Jance is an Ali Reynolds novel. “Steel Kiss” by Jeffery Deaver is a Lincoln Ryme novel. “Gone Again” by James Grippando is a Jack Swyteck novel. We have two non-fiction books available. “Smarter Faster Better” by Charles Duhigg will provide you with the secrets of being productive in life and business. “Montana, Warts and All” is full of stories pulled from the first decade of Montana...
Seed Show Mania all takes place next weekend! We will have our Senior Center booth down there. If you can take a shift manning our booth, please sign up with Katie today. To put on the Calendar… “Mary Poppins”, musical at MSU-Northern... 8:00 p.m. tonight, 10th, 11th, 12th, 17th, 18th, 19th. 2:00 p.m. matinee on 6th and 13th. You don’t want to miss this one! Sunday Community Meal, Sunday, March 20th, shrimp is on the menu. Christian Comedy, nationally famous Daren Streblow will be performing live at the Havre Assembly of God Church on Tuesday...
Marilyne’s party turned out very nicely. We had lots of help from Kathy O’Brien, Tom Tilleman, Sharon LaPlante, Kasie McIntosh, Rochelle Wohlschlager and Myrla McCoy. The Kitchen Band did a fantastic job as usual! We appreciate all your help. Along with our usual activities for the week, we have planned the Public Card Party for Sunday, March 13. There will be a free VITA Tax Clinic with a tax preparer here to help you on Monday, March 14 from 10:30 a.m. until 3 p.m. You don’t need an appointment, just stop in. The Cancer Support Group meets...
Happy March to all! Have been watching in my yard for a robin, and on Sunday I saw one! Do you suppose it is Spring? The Big Flat Catholic Church will hold their Spring Dinner and Bazaar on Sunday, March 13, from 12-2:00 p.m. They will be serving turkey with all the trimmings. Come out and enjoy a great meal! Ashley Bare was home from Billings over the weekend to help Mom celebrate her birthday and come and celebrate Grandpa Bill Hay’s 90th birthday. Susan and Gene Billmayer attended the soup supper and Lenten Services in Hogeland this past T...
Remember the Catholic Spring Dinner on March 13th. It all begins at 12:00 til 2:00 p.m. Come join the Catholics for a tasty Turkey dinner complete with the trimmings. The Lions will be serving up a tasty breakfast on Sunday, March 20th. This group does a lot of good for the community and supports our youth at various activities. Come join them for breakfast and support their efforts. The breakfasts are always so yummy!! Breakfast begins at 8:00 a.m. Johannas, Shannon, J.R. and Jake Brown spent ten days vacationing in Oregon and California....
The Harlem Library will be closed Friday, Mar. 11 because of the Seed Show. Hope to see you there! Events to mark on your calendar are an Internet Security workshop presented by Triangle Communications on Tues., Mar. 22, 6 P.M. in the meeting room. April Fox will lead a jewelry making workshop for the next Learn at the Library program Tues., Mar. 29, 7 P.M. There will be a small fee to cover the cost of materials. Books and Babies and Lego Club will take a break until the first week of June. Story Time continues to meet on Fridays at 10 A.M....
From a troubled childhood in Bosnia on a flight to boarding school, he discovered his passion for flying that has become a highlight in his life. The pilot let him fly the plane and told him he was the best pilot he met so far. For a child who hadn’t heard much encouragement that was all he needed to start looking toward his own future and what could he become. At school, he sought mischief out one day and found literacy in the library. His very first book, he couldn’t read and wasn’t interested in reading. The librarian hinted at the myste...
The fourth meeting of the Valley Clovers 4-H Club was called to order by President Brooke Elliott at 1:00 PM, on January 10th 2016 at Triangle Communications in Havre. There were four leaders, twenty four members, and several guests present. For our winter activity the club went ice skating, and followed with pizza before the meeting. Reports were given on Shooting sports, winter activity, and the park area at the fairgrounds. The club received a grant for $1,000 from Triangle Communications to go towards the park area project down at the fairg...
On Tuesday, March 1st, Harlem Elementary kicked off 'I Love To Read Week' with one of the most memorable series of presentations ever! That evening, award winning author, Mr. Ben Mikaelsen, shared his background and life's adventures during a 'meet and greet the author' appearance. With the community in attendance, Mr. Mikaelsen explained how to "Find the Heart of the Story," while displaying photos of the catalysts which stimulated many of the storylines for his books, two of which may...
Bree Swanson, along with other area youth competed at the 2016 Montana Winter Fair Youth Beef Show held January 31st in Lewistown. Bree won 1st place in the Beginner Showmanship class with her heifer "Sparkle" receiving a jacket. "Sparkle," a Registered Angus Heifer is Bree's 4-H Beef Breeding project. This was the first time for both of them, they plan on heading to a few more shows around the state this summer including the Blaine County Fair....
Lane Schmitt, of Chinook, Montana, recently re-enrolled in the American Angus Association®’s MaternalPlus® program as a commitment to making genetic improvements in lifetime cow herd productivity. Breeders participating in MaternalPlus are keenly focused to better evaluate herd reproductive performance, the number one profit driver in the cow-calf industry. MaternalPlus is a voluntary, inventory-based reporting system that collects additional reproductive trait data to provide Angus breeders and their customers the information they need to mak...
Bear Paw Development Corporation of Havre encourages landowners of properties that may be contaminated to inquire about funds for environmental assessment and cleanup. The multi-county economic and community rural development organization has funds available from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and Brownfields grants that may be used within Liberty, Hill, Blaine, Phillips and Chouteau counties and on the Rocky Boy’s Indian Reservation. “Currently we have over $195,000 in grant funds available for environmental assessment and $68...
Great Falls, MT- Montana Farmers Union has announced it will host the annual Young Producer Conference in Havre at the Best Western Plus, April 1-2.The agenda will include topics ranging from Ag Lending, Tools for Ag Techie-Technology and Agriculture & Social Media by Ryan Goodman with AgriClear. Attendees will also have the opportunity to go off-site to the Northern Ag Research Center for hands-on education on Cattle Handling & Technology, Cover Crops for Grazing and Soil Health. Friday night’s keynote speaker will be blogger and farmer S...