Sorted by date Results 1 - 22 of 22
By the time the fair opens on Thursday, July 4, exhibitors will have spent countless hours preparing their entries, hoping to win premium ribbons, bragging rights, or simply the personal satisfaction that comes with accomplishment. This year, the Blaine County Fair will offer four new open class entry opportunities to potential exhibitors. Three of the new categories: Cake Decorating, Knife Skills, and Culinary Education will be available in the Culinary Department where Hope Hamilton serves as...
On Friday, July 5 and again on July 6, as part of the Chinook High School All-Class Reunion, Mighty Big Jim and the Tall Boys will be the featured music at a street dance on Indiana Street beginning at 9:00 p.m. on both nights. Two former CHS students who graduated in 2003, Katelynne (Sharples) and Jayson Eslick are members of the Rock Jam Americana style band whose home base is Wibaux, Montana. Created on February 1, 2013, Mighty Big Jim (MBJ) and the Tall Boys have been influenced by Bruce...
It looks like summer may finally be joining us! There are many fun events heading our way soon starting with the fair, swimming lessons and an all class reunion. Let’s take a moment to discuss one of the very important issues during the summer, Sun Safety! When out in the sun we are exposed to harmful ultraviolet rays (UV) which are the number one cause of skin cancer. We also can have this exposure when using tanning beds or sunlamps. Too much exposure to these rays can also cause sunburn, eye damage, and premature wrinkles. Often times the d...
Timely filing a Notice of Loss is required for all crops including grasses. For losses on crops covered by the Noninsured Crop Disaster Assistance Program (NAP), producers must timely report damage or loss to their administrative County Office. For all low yield and value-loss crop claims, a CCC-576 Part B Notice of Loss must be filed within 15 calendar days of earlier of the date disaster occurs (or becomes apparent) or the normal harvest date. However, all producers should be aware that deadlines to provide initial notice to FSA do now vary...
The letters you see missing here AMERICAN RED CROSS may not seem like a big deal. But the letters A, B and O make up our main blood groups. And for a patient in the hospital needing blood, it’s everything. Only 3 out of 100 people in the U.S. donate blood, yet every two seconds someone needs it. Fewer people are donating blood to help patients. You can change that by joining the Missing Types movement and fill in the missing blood types. By donating blood you’ll help kids battling cancer, accident victims, and patients fighting lif...
Emily Billmayer was home this week to attend the funeral of Jack VanVoast on Tuesday. Ed Zellmer visited at the Wallace Beck home on Tuesday. Wayne and Mary Ellen DeLoach arrived at the Palmer Anderson homestead a week ago and are glad to be here. The Big Flat looks so beautiful with all the rain and critters that are visiting….deer, antelope, birds, but the gophers can go away! Wayne and Mary Ellen had coffee with Nancy and Ralph Snider and Fred and Sylvia Mohar, and the VanValkenburgs have stopped by as well. They celebrated Dee’s bir...
The 2020 Census provides vital information for you and our community. It determines how many representatives each state get in Congress and is used to draw district boundaries. Communities rely on census statistics to plan for a variety of residents needs including new roads, schools and emergency services. Each year, the federal government distributes hundreds of billions of dollars to states and communities based on Census Bureau data. Montana's share of federal funds for 2015 was...
The Montana Hemp Advisory Committee will meet Wednesday, July 10th at 1:00 pm following the Central Agricultural Research Center Field Day in Moccasin (52583 US Highway 87, Moccasin, MT 59462). Visit the CARC website for more information on the Field Day. For more information on the Montana Hemp Advisory Committee, click here. The Montana Department of Agriculture’s mission is to protect producers and consumers, and to enhance and develop agriculture and allied industries. For more information on the Montana Department of Agriculture, visit a...
I am allergic to dandelions. Every spring, my lawn begins to grow, the dandelions show up, and I start to develop headaches and sinus problems. When it gets tiresome enough, I mow in an effort to beat them back. Every home owner knows that mowing won’t solve the problem. In fact, it can make the dandelion problem worse by spreading their seeds out. The new seeds take root and new dandelions sprout up. I could certainly solve the problem, but I don’t really want to put the effort in. The issue is the roots that sit under the surface. Cutting the...
Patricia Gaye Vargas (Sargent), - Chinook, MT. Gayelynn and family invite you to lovingly celebrate Pat’s life on July 6, 2019, 10 a.m. at the American Lutheran Church, 537 Ohio St., Chinook, MT 59523. This is a fitting time to celebrate her, as she so enjoyed the reunions in Chinook! The family looks forward to meeting and reminiscing with all who knew and loved Pat. Refreshments will follow the service. Please come as you are, as we know you may be running from one event to the next....
Q: Why does it seem suffering gets worse when we have more conveniences and more scientific breakthroughs than all of history? A: In every country throughout the world there are people suffering—it has been like this since the beginning. Personal pain has been with us since God told Eve she would have pain in childbirth. Some pain is visible, and some is intensely private. Suffering comes in all forms—physical, emotional, spiritual. Some people have their share of pain more than others, but all experience it; it’s part of life. Every gener...
The library will be closed July 4 in observance of Independence Day. There will be no Readers Club or Lego Club this week. If you have completed June's Book Challenge let the library know so your name can be entered to win a gift certificate from a local business. The Book Challenge for July is to read a western novel. The library is currently conducting a community survey. You may complete the survey on our Facebook page or come in and fill out a paper copy. We value your opinion so please...
The library will be closed Thursday July 4th in observation of Independence Day. We will be open regular hours Friday. Thank you to everyone who attended the Montana Conversations program "Montana UFOs and Extraterrestrials" with Joan Bird last Wednesday. Bird presented a very interesting program. Funding for the Montana Conversations program is provided by Humanities Montana through grants from the National Endowment for the Humanities, Montana's Cultural Trust, and private donations. Summer...
Thank you to the board members for helping with the cooking and serving and making our picnic on Friday a fun day. We are really blessed to have such a wonderful group of people that make the Senior Citizen’s Center a fun place to be. We are going to be closed Thursday and Friday the 4th and 5th of July. See you all on the 8th. Enjoy the fair and I hope you get to see some old friends this weekend during the all-class reunion. Black out for Bingo went to Anita Perez (Irene Bingo Gauthier’s daughter). We had 16 bingo players Thursday. Our act...
Thursday, July 4th: Harlem 4th of July Celebration. 4:00 pm - parade down main street Harlem. Potluck picnic in the city park at 5. Sponsored by Harlem Civic Association; bring salads and desserts. Bring a non-perishable food item as a donation to the Harlem Food Bank. July 4th - Karolee Cronk’s 80th birthday party at the Harlem Senior Center from 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm. July 2-7 - Blaine County Fair. Remember! The foot clinic for July will be Tuesday, July 16, 2019. The clinic is booked up for July, but you can make your appointment for August. O...
Montana Actors Theater (MAT) is immersed in rehearsals for the MAT Youth Production, which this summer will be She Kills Monsters. If area youth missed the auditions on June 14 and June 15, they still have an opportunity to pursue MAT’s touring KidsMAT Summer Children’s Theatre camps. According to promotional materials, the Youth Production will feature a comedic romp into the world of fantasy role-playing games. She Kills Monsters tells the story of Agnes Evans as she leaves her childhood home in Ohio following the death of her teenage sis...
The Blaine County Library invites parents and caregivers to participate in their Books and Babies program. In its first year, the program is designed to build language and social skills. The program, which began on June 7, meets on Friday mornings from 10:30-11:30 through July 5. Librarian Valerie Frank reported that the Books and Babies program began as a request from local parents. “Anytime we try a new program, it takes a while for it to take off, so we will continue to offer this program at least for the summer and assess whether it is a v...
The old saying goes "April showers bring May flowers", the question now is what do June showers bring? This past month saw all of Blaine County receiving above normal precipitation throughout the month. For the most part the storms have just brought sustained rainfall with some minor thunder and lightning. Last Thursday, June 27, had a storm that brought much more than just rain, with sustained wind speeds approaching 40 Mph and a gust that toped out at 59 Mph according to the Nation Weather...
June was a busy month for the football program at Hays/Lodge Pole High School. New Assistant Football Coach Jerry Racine has been busy putting on camps and taking are youth to camps outside the area since coming to Blaine County. Coach Racine was most recently the Head Coach in Browning. While there he helped the Indians end a 34 game losing streak, going 4-1 in the tough Northwest Class A division and hosting a first round playoff game. Now Coach Racine is busy organizing camps for not just...
8 & Under Bantam Girls Ayzlee Kelly: 9.) 25 Meter Freestyle - :25.72; 7.) 50 Meter Freestyle - 1:00.50. Akaysha Kelly 11.) 25 Meter Freestyle - :26.40; 8.) 50 Meter Freestyle - 1:01.53. 9-10 Midget Girls Amyerah Kelly 11.) 50 Meter Freestyle - :45.66; 9.) 100 Meter Freestyle - 1:40.58. 9-10 Midget Boys Kyle Hudon: 8.) 100 Meter Freestyle - 1:50.67; 11.) 50 Meter Freestyle - :51.37. 11-12 Junior Boys High Point - Shayne Stiffarm: 1.) 200 Meter Individual Medley - 2:59.70; 1.) 50 Meter Breaststroke - :40.84; 1.) 50 Meter Butterfly - :34.54....
Curious about kayaking or stand up paddle boards? Join Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks and Capital Sports for a free paddling event on Saturday, July 20, from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Helena Regulating Reservoir. Participants can try out a variety of kayaks and paddle boards. Experienced instructors will be on the water to help you learn the ropes. Kids 10 and under must paddle with an adult. Please bring a life jacket or borrow one of ours. Kids activities and information booths will also available on shore before and after paddling. For more...
Column No. 20 Columnist's note: With the onset of spring in the Sweet Grass Hills there's a profusion of wildflowers along the roads and in the fields. I've always had an interest in wildflowers and decided to do a column about wildflowers in my adopted home around Whitlash. I equipped myself with a couple of well-respected wildflower guide books, did some looking on the internet for resources to help me identify wildflowers and hooked up with Bob Thompson, a third generation rancher in the...