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In late June the oldest operating business in Chinook moved to a 'new, old location.' The "Journal," which published its first edition in May of 1890, moved south on Indiana Street to the set of buildings recently referred to as "the old Chinook Hardware." The newspaper is now operating from a building that was built around 1912, then modified over the years with additions and, more recently, the remodel of one of the original buildings and the removal of the wooden structure on the southside...
An especially dry spring and warming temperatures are resulting in several official actions that will affect commerce and life in Blaine County. Montana Governor Steve Bullock issued an executive order and an official request to U.S. Agriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue. Both actions have to do with providing help to nineteen eastern Montana counties as well as Fort Belknap and Fort Peck Indian Reservations. An inter-agency order for Stage I Fire Restrictions affected several areas in north...
Fresh from a success in the recent special election to fill Montana’s sole Congressional seat, Montana’s Republican Party held its annual state convention in Billings on June 9 and 10. Delegates selected a new state chairman, heard from Republicans who hold statewide elected offices and were updated by Montana’s Republican U.S. Senator Steve Daines and new House member Greg Gianforte. There were 37 of Montana’s 56 counties represented by 162 voting delegates. Convention attendees also heard from four probable challengers who plan to seek th...
Stage 1 Fire Restrictions Ordered for Blaine, Roosevelt, Sheridan and Valley Counties (Lewistown, Mont.) – The long, hot days of summer are drying out the vegetation in north central Montana. The resulting increased fire danger has prompted authorities to begin implementing fire restrictions. Blaine, Roosevelt, Sheridan and Valley counties started Stage 1 fire restrictions on Friday, June 30, 2017 starting at 12:01 a.m. These restrictions apply to all state, private, Bureau of Land Management, and U.S. Army Corps of Engineers managed lands w...
For some time I've been wanting to do a story about snow planes...those exotic looking forerunners of the modern snowmobile. Snow planes were popular on the upper plains of the Midwest, first as a means to travel over the snow, later as a form of recreation. Many were built on the chassis of old airplanes-using the plane's cabin as a passenger compartment, moving the engine and propeller to the rear for push and adding skis. In Montana ranchers built and used the machines to check on cattle and...
I have written before that I am not a big fan of potato salad. That is strange because I like everything that goes into potato salad. The other day I found a very old recipe in a Betty Crocker cookbook and thought I would try that. The biggest difference between that potato salad and today’s potato salads is that today, cooks recommend adding the dressing while the potatoes are hot so the dressing gets in the potatoes themselves. This salad recommends the potatoes be very cold when applying the dressing. Anyway I did like this potato salad. It...
Elvin "Ellie" Kermit Johnson, 94, of Lemmon, SD passed away peacefully in his sleep at the Five Counties Nursing Home in Lemmon on Sunday, September 4, 2016. A celebration of Elvin's life was held on Saturday, July 1, 2017 at 11:00am, at the American Lutheran Church in Hogeland, MT, with a graveside service to follow at the Wing Cemetery with full military honors. Elvin was born September 14, 1921 to Knute and Helga (Stusrud) Johnson. He grew up on the family farm with his six brothers and one... Full story
RED CROSS BLOOD DRIVE is Tuesday, July 11 in Chinook at Wallner Hall. The Red Cross will be accepting walk-ins only from 12:30 P.M. - 1:00 P.M. Appointments and walk-ins will be accepted between 1:00 P.M. and 6:00 P.M. Appointments are highly encouraged by the American Red Cross. So, if you have not made an appointment you can go on-line at or call 1-800-733-2767 (1-800-REDCROSS). Any healthy person age 18 (or age 16 or 17 with a signed parental consent) or older and weighing at least 110 pounds is eligible and encouraged to...
The Junior High Graduates of Turner School were brightly dressed in a coral attire. They are L-R: Austin Welsh, Shane Kimmel, Alaynee Hawley, Brooke Reed, Shyan Krass, Ethan Heilig, Connor Van Valkenburg, and Brandy Calvert. Their colors were Coral, Silver, and White. Their class flower was the carnation. They chose the class motto from the wise John Wayne, "Tomorrow hopes we have learned something from yesterday."...
Susan Billmayer hosted a Baby Shower for Katie and Maya Billmayer on Friday evening. A nice crowd of ladies attended and many lovely and useful gifts were received. Elissa and Jordan Zellmer and family returned home from Belle Fouche, SD where they attended a Jones family reunion. Susan Billmayer stopped in for a visit Tuesday afternoon with Jane and Harlan Krass, and the girls who happened to be there too. It was good to get together. Joely Hiniker and family spent the weekend at Elissa and Jordan Zellmers, coming for Elvin Johnson’s memorial...
These two students were the only two who had perfect attendance during the 2016-2017 school year. They were recognized for their dedicated achievement the last day of school. Superintendent, Mr. Russ McKenna presented the two students with a certificate at noon with all the elementary's presence. They are Bridget Reed and Brady Zellmer. Bridget was a third grader and is the daughter of Anita and Steve Reed of Turner. Brady was a second grader and son of Elissa and Jordan Zellmer of Hogeland....
Beat the heat and cool off at the library! Relax in the reading room while reading a newspaper or magazine. Bring in the family to play in the children’s area. Check out a new book. The Harlem Library is now part of MontanaLibrary2Go. This service allows you to download ebooks and audio books using your library card number. Call or stop by for instructions for your device. Three new crime suspense novels are “Full Wolf Moon” by Lincoln Child, “Proving Ground” by Peter Blauner, and “Robert B. Parker’s Little White Lies” by Ace Atkins. “A Simple...
We'd like to say a big thank you to the Stonebroke String Band for coming to our Summer Library Program last week. They gave demonstrations of their instruments and then played a silly kid's song that they learned especially for our group. The Blaine County Road Crew will be joining us next week at our Summer Library Program to show us some of their big machinery. On Monday, July 10th we'll be showing the movie "Surf's Up 2" at 2:00 pm in our nice, cool, air conditioned meeting room. Summer...
Thank You to Dale Klungland for fixing the lawnmower wheel. Thank You to Linda Tangen for the radishes. Thank You to Barb McDonald for the cheese brick, beans, milk, spaghetti and tuna. Thank You to Jan Egeland for the jigsaw puzzle. Thank You to Helen Hornung for the box of tissues. Thank You to the Catholic Ladies/Mohar family for the pies and mayonnaise. Thank You to Klunglands for the tomatoes. Worth a LOOK-SEE! Most of our photo books (2011 to 2017) re-capturing 6 months at a time with...
Just a quick note this week... I hope everyone had a fantastic 4th of July weekend! The Hearing Clinic is scheduled for Wednesday, July 5 starting at 10:30 a.m. Thursday morning is our Strong People exercise class at 10:30 a.m. and then we play Bingo at 1 p.m. Last week, Gerri Lenhardt won the Jackpot prize. The Kitchen Band will be playing at 11 a.m. on Friday. Come down for lunch and play pinochle afterwards. Last week we had 2 tables going. Don't miss out on the Public Card Party scheduled...
Susan Fox was to Buffalo, WY to help her granddaughter, Lyvee Fox, celebrate her birthday. She will spend a little extra time with them over this next week as well. The Turner Boys basketball team traveled to Malta on Friday and Saturday to play in a basketball tournament. They won several games. Hilary Richman and Hannah and Natalie visited and had lunch with Diana and Shania Maloney on Saturday. Tom and Lucy Fairbank enjoyed camping at Beaver Creek recently. David Heilig of Long Beach, CA was...
The Park Board would like to thank Thom Maclean for his service on the Parkboard. Thom was appointed in 2002 to represent the city on the Park Board. In 2005 when Mike Harding resigned as president, Thom agreed to accept the position of president. Little did he know that he would spearhead the Board for the next 15 years. Thom was the longest sitting president on the Park Board since it was formed in 1979. We will miss him as he was always willing to research and take part in our projects for the park. Under his guidance we had new sidewalks...
Chinook Youth Softball's A-League team finished off their season on June 26th in Havre. They are left to right back row: Allison Powell,Alyssa Schoen, Kinley Hamilton. Middle row: Sarah Gillett, Teagan Richman, Shay Hauer, Anna Morrow, Grace Ymzon. Laying down: Jayden Miller, Tylie Richman. Coaches Left to right. Heath Richman, Jeremy Garrison, Rob Kelly...
The Chinook High School boys basketball team completed a highly productive June this past weekend in Malta. The Boys won the Annual Swishfest Tournament defeating Hays/Lodge Pole in the championship 52-32. They also posted victories over Sunburst, North Country and Poplar. The boys finished June with a 17-4 record posting some very impressive wins along the way....
The Chinook Lions Swim team started the second half of their season on a high note winning the Malta Invitational team and relay championships. Chinook's Daniel Tilleman and Katie Tilleman each share High Point honors and several swimmers won individual championships. Katie won all three of her events finishing first in the 25 Meter Breaststroke (:22.77), the 25 Meter Backstroke (:22.40) and the 25 Meter Butterfly (:22.29). Daniel won the 50 Meter Freestyle (:36.05) and the 100 Meter Freestyle...
The University of Montana football team is getting a new and better schedule as the years roll on. Most know that when the Grizzlies started playing the University of North Dakota, that brought a whole new level of football to the Big Sky much as it pains me to say that. Nothing should be as good in North Dakota as in Montana but that University of North Dakota football team is not good. Try great! In 2024 the regular Big Sky season will move to twelve games and that will make some extra slots to fill. One that the Grizzlies are going to use...
Valley Clover 4H Teen Leader Raynee Hasler first came up with the idea for a bike ride at the beginning of the year when she had to write her goals as Teen Leaders for the upcoming year. "I wanted to do something different that no one had done before. Then came along the idea of an informative health activity such as a bike ride," said Hasler. " It wasn't until about the first few weeks of June that I remembered my idea. That's when I told Shandell about my plan to get some feedback. After...