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The Chinook Fire Department recently hosted locals to learn how to join the fire department. Chief Kraig Hansen said, "We currently have 17 firefighters (three women and 14 men) on our roster, we need 28." He added, "During the East Fork fire a lot of people helping fight the fire, told me they might like to be volunteer firefighters. We could use 10 new firefighters right now." Six prospects showed up, several with volunteer firefighter experience. Shortages of volunteer firefighters are not ju...
A severe thunderstorm ripped through Turner, Hogeland and surrounding area's last Tuesday. The storm contained high winds, large hail and rain and left a swath of destruction that included completely uprooted trees, property damage and severe crop damage. The communities quickly came together to help each other assess the damage, get things cleaned up and repair what could be fixed. Small communities can always count on their neighbors when things get tough....
Library Director Colleen Brommer said there was a good turnout for the Community Appreciation staged by the Harlem Friends of the Library. Brommer said the Friends always try to host some sort of a summer event, this year it was an open house, cupcakes and summer drinks and a visit by Jack Young, local author, Harlem High teacher and library board member Young was signing his recently released book entitled "Down Range." The Friends of the Library were instrumental in raising funds for new...
By Steve Edwards BCJ News Reporters note: During the recent Blaine County Fair I was working at the Lions' Club pronto pup food booth. The booth was just across from where the Dreamland Carnival was set up. During a break in the pronto pup trade I was watching the carnival workers prepare to open, shining their rides, organizing their game booths, preparing fair food and getting ready to welcome customers. One of my co-volunteers wondered aloud, "What do you suppose it's like to be a carny?"...
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CHINOOK, MT. July 13, 2018 – With the addition of Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor, Dustin Ratliff, Sweet Medical Center (SMC) is now able to reach its goal of providing Integrated Behavioral Health services to its patients. Integrated Behavioral Health, or Integrated Care, is an approach to caring for patients using a team of professionals in the primary care (medical clinic) setting. A team of professionals works with patients to address their physical, b...
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Marc Kloker Information and Education Program Manager Communication-Education Division Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks, Region 6 Reser Reservoir, a Bureau of Land Management (BLM) reservoir located approximately 18 miles northwest of Chinook, will be slowly drained throughout the summer due to structural damage at the dam. A small washout was observed this spring, and repair and maintenance to the dam is necessary to avoid a complete loss to the structure. Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks is working with BLM staff to...
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE By David Baier While it may be best known for retirement, Social Security is also here to help you get back to work if you are disabled. For millions of people, work isn’t just a source of income, it’s a vital part of who they are, it gives them purpose and pride, it’s a connection to community. If you’re getting Social Security disability benefits, we have good news for you. Social Security’s work incentives and Ticket to Work programs can help you if you’re interested in working. Special rules make it possible fo...
Nora Conner, Outreach Coordinator with the Sweet Medical Center (SMC), earlier said she was hoping for good weather and a large crowd for the Patient Appreciation/Business After Hours event held last week. It's the third year SMC and Chinook Dental have teamed up to welcome guests and show their appreciation for community support. Last year an end of the event rain shower put a damper on things. Conner was all smiles this year with the warm and pleasant evening. Caterer Val Frank said she...
Reporter’s note: My story about the old Orpheum Theatre’s stage and John Deere Day appeared in the May 9, 2018 issue of the “Blaine County Journal.” My motivation to research and write that story was based on a letter I received from Calvin Blatter, a former resident of Blaine County who now lives in Great Falls. I wanted readers to see the letter from Calvin. Calvin (now 94 years old per his niece Leanna Blatter Johnson) handwrote the following four-page letter telling the story of why he knows there was a stage in the old Orpheum because of a...
Emma Jean Larsen Lewellen started her journey home on June 21, 2018. She was born at Fort Belknap, Montana on April 13, 1929, the 6th child to Berthathmue Larsen and Angela Ragged Robe Larsen. Emma Jean married Joseph Francis Lewellen on December 25, 1951. Raising their family of three children, they lived in Washington, Arizona, California, and almost every town in Montana. Their retirement years were spent in Fort Belknap, Montana where they owned and operated "J & J Second Hand Store." She en... Full story
Tuesday July 10, 2018 was the Red Cross Blood Drive in memory of Amanda Oehmcke. The drive was held at Wallner Hall. There were 38 donors presenting with 30 viable units collected. The family of Amanda would like to thank all of those who came by to donate in Amanda's memory and they appreciate all of your kind words. There were 3 first time donors: Amanda Stroebe, Cindy Haney and Shellie McMaster. Other donors receiving pins were Don Ranstrom-15 gallons, Nicole McCracken-2 gallons, Jack...
Q: My whole life I have heard that Christians are expected to be Christ-like. Is that really possible? — D.I A: It is God’s will for His followers to become more like Christ. He came to show us the way, but it can only happen as we submit every area of our lives to His authority. The key word is “submit.” It is an unpopular word particularly in today’s self-indulgent culture. The idea of handing control over to someone else (even God) goes against the grain of our natures. This is usually the first spiritual battle a new believer encounter...
Thanks to everyone who attended the Friends of the Library Community Appreciation Summer Fun Event. It was a great way to spend a summer afternoon. Congratulations to Andrea Hansen, Havre, who won the adult door prize and to Ozzy Baker who won the door prize for children. Thanks, too, to Jack Young, our guest author, for selling and signing his new book. He has another one coming out soon so stay tuned as we will have a special event to celebrate both his books! Congratulations to Bridger Hawley...
Thank you to: Albertsons for the vegetable and fruit snackpacks; To: Bev Devaney for the fresh cherries; To: Barb McDonald for double-bagging the bags for the Food Bank; To: Elsie Bertelsen for the case of water; To: Misty Mohar for the green beans; To: Gen Benson for the jigsaw puzzle. Ann Azure, Lilah Orlando and Ken Heilig were the latest $5.00 Gift Card winners of the “Share the Wealth” Albertsons Monopoly. Bake Sale for Days For Girls, sponsored by several local churches, Wednesday, August 1st, 10:00 am, in front of Albertsons “Le...
Thank you to The Eagles, 4-H and VFW for the donations of food this week. We appreciate your thinking of us. There will be a picnic for the YAVs (Young Adult Volunteers) this Wednesday, July 18, 2018, in the park. Thank you Lauren and Lacy for being available to the Senior Center. Last week activity winners are as follows: Bingo - Annette Powell, Rosalie Perrine, Virginia Olson. Shanghai Rummy - Mike Randall. Pinochle - High Don Durocher, and low Mike Randall Our activities start at 1 p.m. Our activities include Pinochle on Monday, Shanghai...
As Chinook Public Schools gears up for the 2018-19 school year, there are several topics I would like to address with everyone: things to do, staff placements and staff needs, weight room, corporate sponsor program and possible activity fee changes. Things to do As we enter the fall there are several items to have ready for students. For students that have attended Chinook Schools and live out of Chinook District, please fill out a Student Attendance Agreement (FP-14). This is a yearly form that needs to be Board approved. Our office has them o...
We had quite a storm on Tuesday afternoon. There was terrible wind, rain and hail with it. There was a lot of damage in parts of the Big Flat. Some were hit very hard and others not so much. Area residents are still picking up tree branches and debris in their yards and around their farms. Susie Mason is here from Lincoln visiting her daughter Elissa , Jordan and family. Teresa Cornell spent a few days a week ago in Scobey visiting Cassie, Richard and family. Duane Klindworth celebrated his birthday on Friday with family. They all went to Andys...
Glenna Ammen took in the Fireman Picnic on Saturday. Brian, April, Avery, and Piper Fox traveled to Amery, WI for the Fox family reunion. April and Piper continued on to Milwaukee for Jacquelyn Dinusson's wedding. Max and Kirsti Cederberg enjoyed the Annual Firemen picnic on Saturday. Don and Valerie Van Voast were tasked with the cleaning up their yard after a violent wind and hail storm on Tuesday, July 10th. Friends and relatives arrived to help remove limbs and tree trunks the next day. Thos...
Officials with the Ohio-based Certified Angus Beef ® brand recently invited guests to "#BrandtheBarn with Us" at the Shipwheel Cattle Company south of Chinook. The barn branding and accompanying celebration was part of a year long commemoration of the first beef brand's 40th anniversary. To honor the history of the brand, organizers planned a nationwide campaign to paint the Certified Angus Beef ® logo on 40 barns in 24 states. In Montana only the Swanson family's barn at Shipwheel...
The swim season has one more weekend in the pool before swimmers head to the Eastern Divisional Swim meet and the Chinook Lions and Harlem swimmers are looking good as the season winds down. The teams were in Scobey this past Saturday and Sunday and swam extremely well. The two teams combined to set 21 pool records and one federation record. Many swimmers broke records on Saturday during their preliminary swim and then re-broke the record in the finals on Sunday as they continue to improve each...