We've Got The County Covered

Articles from the September 5, 2018 edition

Sorted by date  Results 1 - 21 of 21

  • Future business owners get an early start!

    Sep 5, 2018

    This weeks entry into our Front Page Photo Contest comes from Linda Hutton. Pictured Above we have three young entrepreneurs selling lemonade on Main Street in Turner on Friday, August 31. Left to right are Wrien Wolery, Bridget Reed and Lex Wolery. Lennie Erickson was their first customer of the day. Please remember when sending in your entries to include a brief description along with your name and contact information. Send entries to bcjads@mtintouch.net...

  • Blaine I Ambulance to offer Emergency Medical Training (EMT) course this fall

    Steve Edwards|Sep 5, 2018

    Blaine I, the ambulance crew based in and serving the Chinook area, plans to offer a basic Emergency Medical Training (EMT) course starting in the fall. Those who complete the 180 hour in-class program will qualify to take the state licensure exam. Asked why the course was being offered, Dan Friede said, "Like any small community, there is a need for volunteers to serve on the ambulance crew. Looking ahead we know of at least four current crew members who will be retiring within the next year...

  • Looking forward to the 2018 Sugarbeet Festival? Let's also take a lookbackward

    Steve Edwards|Sep 5, 2018

    This year's Sugarbeet Festival, set for Friday and Saturday, September 7 and 8, will be the thirteenth edition of Chinook's celebration of the humble sugarbeet. The first festival was held in 2005. In the Festival's more than a decade-long history the event has gone through a few variations, but it still centers around the sugarbeet and the role of the sugary plant in the Milk River Valley. A brief history of the sugarbeet in Blaine County For readers not up to speed on the history of the...

  • Chinook ambulance crew to offer ECG baseline testing at upcoming Health Fair

    Steve Edwards|Sep 5, 2018

    The Chinook ambulance crew, in conjunction with the Sweet Medical Center, will be offering baseline heart testing during the health fair at the Sugarbeet Festival on Friday, September 7. Ambulance crew members will use 12-lead heart monitors from the Blaine I ambulances to perform the ECG tests. A completed baseline ECG report for each person tested will be sent to their primary medical provider and Northern Montana Hospital. Should a cardiac event occur in the future, the baseline reports can be used by medical personnel to assess the extent o...

  • Blood Drive Sept. 11th in Chinook

    Carla Jenewein|Sep 5, 2018

    The Red Cross is in urgent need of all blood types. Each pint of blood given can save up to three lives. So please, bring yourself, bring a friend, bring a family member, and join the Red Cross in giving of your life saving gift. Appointments are highly encouraged by the American Red Cross. So, if you have not made an appointment you can go on-line at redcrossblood.org or call 1-800-733-2767 (1-800-REDCROSS). The Red Cross will begin accepting walk in donors at 12:30PM and walk in slots will also be available throughout the day. Appointments ti...

  • September is National Preparedness Month

    Mark Weber|Sep 5, 2018

    National Preparedness Month, recognized each September, provides an opportunity to remind us that we all must prepare ourselves and our families now and throughout the year. This year, National Preparedness Month will focus on planning, with an overarching theme: Disasters Happen Prepare Now. Learn How. From last fall’s snow storms and fires to this springs flooding, power outages and evacuations should be fresh in our minds. As a whole, Blaine County managed the situations well, but what would have happened with a few changes to the s...

  • Chinook Area Chamber has new representative

    Sep 5, 2018

    Megan Singh is a new face at the Chinook Area Chamber's downtown office on Indiana Street. She joined the Chamber on August 13 and will be in the office 8am-10am, Monday through Friday. She's a 2012 graduate of Chinook High and most recently was a seasonal worker in Alaska. The Chamber's phone is 357-2532....

  • Turner fairs well in the American Legion Poppy Poster And Americanism Essay contest

    Sep 5, 2018

    This past week was one that was an exciting one for member of the Turner American Legion Auxiliary. They had member, Brenda Mohar, come to the Turner School to present awards from the American Legion Auxiliary Poppy Poster Contest and the Americanism Essay Contest. She was very happy to present awards from various grade levels. Class I winner of BOTH the Americanism essay and the poppy poster contest was awarded to Abigail Grabofsky. Abby is the daughter of Sadie and Matt Grabofsky of Turner....

  • Hogeland Happenings

    Jane Krass|Sep 5, 2018

    The 4th Annual Tristan Billmayer Memorial Suicide Awareness Prevention Walk will be held this coming Sunday September 9th. Registration and breakfast will be at the Turner Legion Hall from 9-10:15 am. A short program at the Turner gym will follow. Busses will transport people to the St. Thomas Church, where the walk will begin and go back to Turner. Chuck, Joely, and Josh Hiniker spent Thursday-Monday at the Ed Zellmer home visiting family. On Thursday, Susan Billmayer was down to Harlem to help Pastor Ellen pack up to move to CA. Dixie...

  • Turner Talk

    Diana Maloney|Sep 5, 2018

    There will be a bridal shower for Katie Jacobsen, future bride of Chad Jones, next Saturday at the Turner Lutheran Church, September 8th at 2:00 p.m. Everyone is invited to attend. Bob Fox from Buffalo, WY is at Turner for a few days helping with family harvesting. Max and Kirsti Cederberg were to Malta on Tuesday to visit with Sonny Anderson and Joyce Mord and then on to Chinook to visit Edith and Bill Bilger where they took hot fudge sundaes to celebrate Bill’s 97th birthday. Then later they visited the Maloney’s to help Garrett cel...

  • Leona (Sanford) Gilmore

    Sep 5, 2018

    Leona (Sanford) Gilmore of Chinook, MT passed away August 27th 2018. She was born to Albert E. "Hon" and Elizabeth (Ferko) Sanford, July 19th 1927 in south Blaine County. She joined her brother Albert and an adventurous pair they became. Leona went to school at Raglan Bench School through 8th grade, then move into Big Sandy School dormitories to complete high school, then graduated in 1945. Later she went and married Kenneth Gilmore in 1947, and together had 2 children. They lived in Chinook... Full story

  • Nicholas Hood RunningFisher

    Sep 5, 2018

    Beloved son and brother Nicholas Hood RunningFisher 59, crossed over out of this world on August 18, 2018. Wake services will be Tuesday, August 28, 2018, 8 P.M. at St. Paul's Mission. Funeral Mass will be Wednesday, August 29, 2018 at 11 A.M. Interment to follow at Mission Cemetery, Scattering at Eagle Child Mountain. Condolences for the family may be left at www.kirkwoodfuneralhome.com Nicholas came from a long line of Aaniih/Gros Ventre warriors his Grandfathers include: Bears Shirt Chief of... Full story

  • James Ronald Acher

    Sep 5, 2018

    James Ronald Acher passed away on July 17, 2018. James, or Jimmy as he was called by those who knew him well, was born in Havre, Montana on August 27th, 1937, to Ivor and Martha (Wisch) Acher. An only child, James was raised on a small Angus cattle ranch east of Chinook, Montana. He attended and graduated from Chinook High School in 1955, and attended Northern Montana College, where he received his teaching degrees. He taught school at East Glacier Park in Lavina, Montana, and at Harlem Elementary School in Harlem, Montana. He also worked as a... Full story

  • My Answer

    Dr. Billy Graham|Sep 5, 2018

    From the writings of the Rev. Billy Graham Set an example through prayer for your children Q:Is it important for children to pray and, if so, what should a parent do if a child refuses to pray? — P.C. A: Encourage your children to pray and teach them by example. When children see and hear their parents pray it can become a natural and important thing throughout their lives. But don’t force your children to pray. Perhaps a few minutes before bedtime you can read a story to them about Jesus and ask them if they understand what the story is abo...

  • Chinook Senior Center

    Marlane Wenzel|Sep 5, 2018

    Where did August go? Seems to me this month went way to fast. I had hoped we would have some time between not having to run the AC and having to turn on the furnace, but I don’t think that will happen. We are taking applications for the head cook position. Please stop by the center and pick up an application. Yoga will be starting on Monday mornings at 9:30 beginning September 10. It did not get into the calendar for September. The movies are every Wednesday at 1 in the library meeting room. The Ice Cream Social was fun and well attended. It i...

  • Blaine County Library

    Sep 5, 2018

    We would like to welcome our new Clerk, Kadie Dahl this week. Stop in and say hello to Kadie and if you haven't met our new Assistant Librarian, Kelsey Buhmann Brown, say hello to her as well! This week we will be participating in the Sugarbeet Festival by having a StoryWalk on Saturday. What is a StoryWalk? In a nutshell, a StoryWalk is two books that have been dismantled, laminated and presented page by page on a trail, bike path, or in store windows. The StoryWalk is a way for families to rea...

  • Harlem Library

    Sep 5, 2018

    September is “Library Card Month.” If you do not have a library card please stop by and register for one. All you need is a current photo I.D. We will need a working phone number and mailing address as well. When you register your name will be entered to win a free book! Books and Babies meets on Tuesdays at 10 A.M. in the library meeting room. This weekly program focuses on early childhood development for infants, toddlers and preschoolers. Children listen to stories, sing, play and do fun activities. Parents/caregivers must accompany their ch...

  • Sugarbeeters sweep Big Sandy, finish 3rd at own Invitational

    Kody Farmer|Sep 5, 2018

    The Chinook Surgarbeeters had a fantastic week on the court. It began with a three game sweep of the Big Sandy Pioneers in the District 6C-East opener for both teams. The Sugarbeeters then hosted the 36th Annual Chinook Invitational on Friday and Saturday, finishing third in a field that included quality teams from the Class B and Class C ranks. Thursday in Big Sandy the girls wasted little time in dispatching the Pioneers. In the opening set the 'Beeters cruised to a 25-13 set win. Set number...

  • 'Beeters cage Badgers 40-22, will face Fort Benton Friday at home

    Kody Farmer|Sep 5, 2018

    The Chinook Sugarbeeters evened their record at 1-1 following a 40-22 win over the Cascade Badgers Friday night. The long trip was made easier with the win and the 'Beeters were able to stay healthy as they prepare for a big game this weekend at home against the Fort Benton Longhorns. The Sugarbeeters were able to stay healthy for the most part in the win over the Badgers and will have their full roster available for the first time all season when they take on the Longhorns this Friday. Senior T...

  • Montana Fish Wildlife and Parks: Hunters must expect to see bears

    Sep 5, 2018

    For Immediate Release With Montana’s bow hunting and upland game bird seasons opening Sept. 1, remember that slow moving, quiet or game-calling, scented and camouflaged hunters will soon be sharing the landscape with the state’s even stealthier bears that may be stalking similar prey. It may not be an encounter one hopes for, but all hunters must be aware there is that potential. Grizzly bears are found throughout the western half of Montana, not just the Rocky Mountain Front, Bob Marshall Wilderness complex and the Yellowstone ecosystem. The...

  • Montana FWP Reminder in the Field this Hunting Season: Be a Good Steward of the Land

    Marc Kloker|Sep 5, 2018

    Although most hunters respect the land, property, and wildlife they are hunting, many others do not. Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks would like to remind hunters and all outdoor enthusiasts to be good stewards of the land, and respect both private and public property. The FWP Region 6 Citizens Advisory Committee, recognizing that this is an ongoing issue, raised the need for more public outreach. Every hunting season, there are reports of vandalizing of Block Management Area (BMA) boxes,...

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