We've Got The County Covered

Articles from the November 20, 2019 edition

Sorted by date  Results 1 - 25 of 29

  • Harlem Country Christmas Approaches

    Donna Miller|Nov 20, 2019

    The Harlem Civic Association invites everyone to their Harlem Country Christmas and Soup Supper event scheduled for Sunday, December 15 from 1:00 p.m. until 6:00 p.m. at Harlem Community Center, formerly the Harlem VFW “Vet’s Club” and Bowling Alley located at 530 Central Avenue West. Vendor Tables will open at 2:00 p.m., and those attending the Country Christmas event will have shopping opportunities until 7:00 on Sunday evening. Some of the vendors already registered include Emily Olson, who creates jewelry, crafts, and various fur-a...

  • Shipping Blaine Counties 69,000 cattle

    Kody Farmer|Nov 20, 2019

    Blaine County is home to right around 69,000 head of cattle. The official number moves slightly up or down each census but the number is pretty constant. Cattle are on the move year around, but from September through November the bulk of area cattle are being shipped to buyers, relocated to winter pasture or being sold to other producers. A common sight at any Blaine County gas station or fill up is similar to the one pictured above, cattle pods loaded and ready to head on down the...

  • A Slow but Steady Pace Produces Progress on Indoor Event Center at the Blaine County Fairgrounds

    Donna Miller|Nov 20, 2019

    Although the year is gradually coming to a close and the target September completion date has come and gone, the Blaine County Fair Foundation (BCFF) hasn't broken stride in their efforts to get the Indoor Event Center built and operational. In a meeting in September, the BCFF approved a contractor bid from Rock Bottom, LLC, a company owned and operated by Cody Kissner of Chinook. Offering the best price, Kissner was the only one to bid within the BCFF's budget. Before the recent heavy snowfall...

  • Thanksgiving Dinner is for everyone, join us at the Senior Center - Organizers stress a need for pies

    Kody Farmer|Nov 20, 2019

    No one is exactly sure what year the first Community Thanksgiving Dinner was held in Chinook, but most agree it was in the 1980’s. First held in the Presbyterian Church, the event later moved to the Chinook Senior Center when the present facility was completed. Organizers of the most recent edition of the community dinner say the number of diners has stayed fairly consistent and financial support has remained generous and adequate. This year’s menu followed traditions fare: turkeys with the trimmings including dressing, mashed potatoes, gra...

  • Chinook's November Red Cross Blood Drive collects 35 Pints

    Carla Jenewein|Nov 20, 2019

    The Chinook community hosted the American Red Cross Blood Drive on Tuesday November 5, 2019. There were 39 individuals that showed up to donate with 4 deferrals making our total number of pints donated 35 on a goal of 41. We appreciate all who braved the weather to come out and donate. Our next blood drive will be on Tuesday, January 7, 2020 from 12:30-6:00 at Wallner Hall. You can go online at www.redcrossblood.org to schedule your appointment early. Jim Warburton and Ede Breitmeier reached their 4 gallon mark with this blood drive. Great...

  • Journal Jots

    Nov 20, 2019

    Harlem Library Kick off the holiday season with the Creative Christmas program at the Harlem Public Library Nov. 26, 7 P.M. This year our guest crafters are Jennifer Strzelczyk and Dorothy Harris who will present ideas for your Christmas crafting and decorating. Refreshments will be served and all ages are invited. You may be the lucky door prize winner! The Friends of the Library annual Wine & Cheese Holiday Fundraiser is set for Dec. 4, 6 P.M. Tickets are on sale at the library. Yummy holiday fare will be served. There will be live auction...

  • USDA Issues Second Tranche of Market Facilitation Program

    For Immediate Release|Nov 20, 2019

    (Washington, D.C., November 15, 2019) – U.S. Secretary of Agriculture Sonny Perdue today announced the second tranche of 2019 Market Facilitation Program (MFP) payments aimed at assisting farmers suffering from damage due to unjustified trade retaliation by foreign nations. The payments will begin the week before Thanksgiving. Producers of MFP-eligible commodities will now be eligible to receive 25% of the total payment expected, in addition to the 50% they have already received from the 2019 MFP. “This second tranche of 2019 MFP payments, alo...

  • Stella Lamb

    Nov 20, 2019

    With a gentle tug, God reunited Stella with her son, Bruce in heaven on the evening of November 15th. Stella Rice was born July 20, 1926 in Big Sandy, MT to Carrie and Walter Rice; she was the middle child of nine siblings. After graduation from high school, she went to work for the Great Northern Railroad as a telegraph operator. She met George H. Lamb while working at the depot and they were married two months later. World War II was going on and George was called to serve his country. Upon... Full story

  • Big Flat Catholic Kids collect food for the local food pantry

    Diana Maloney|Nov 20, 2019

    Holidays are a happy time where families gather and have a big meal to give thanks. But, that isn't the case for all families. Some find themselves either alone or have the family but can't make ends meet to afford a big meal. That's where the food pantry comes in. The food pantries are there for the less fortunate, or for those who just can't get food to eat. The Catholic youth of the Big Flat had a food drive this past Sunday. They hit the roads in the Big Flat community where they collected...

  • Great American Smokeout: You can quit Vaping or Smoking

    For Immediate Release|Nov 20, 2019

    For more than 40 years, the American Cancer Society has hosted the Great American Smokeout on the third Thursday of November. The Great American Smokeout is an opportunity for smokers to commit to healthy, smoke-free lives – not just for a day, but all year round. The Great American Smokeout provides an opportunity for individuals, community groups, businesses, health care providers, and others to encourage people to use the date to make a plan to quit, or plan in advance and initiate a smoking cessation plan on the day of the event. A...

  • Blaine County Library

    Nov 20, 2019

    Plan ahead, 28th Annual Hassle Free Christmas Program will be Tuesday December 3rd at 7:00 p.m. As always we will have demonstrations, the Bell Choir will perform and we will have plenty of goodies to eat. The Blaine County Library Board of Trustees will meet Monday November 25th at 4:00 p.m. in the library meeting room. Blaine County Library will be closed Thursday November 28th in observance of Thanksgiving. We will also be closed Friday November 29th, but you can find us at the Christmas...

  • Harlem Library

    Nov 20, 2019

    Please join us at the Creative Christmas program Nov. 26, 7 P.M. Start off your holiday season with a fun evening featuring guest crafters Jennifer Strzelczyk and Dorothy Harris who will share holiday crafting and decorating ideas. Refreshments will be served and all ages are welcome. You may be the lucky door prize winner. Bring a friend! The Book Challenge for November is to read a book set in Montana. You may wish to choose one of the ten nonfiction prose titles nominated for the Great Montana Read sponsored by Montana PBS. Check out our...

  • Iota Chapter Held Their Monthly Meeting

    Nov 20, 2019

    Iota Chapter of Delta Kappa Gamma, an international society for women educators, met October 28th at the Chinook Motor Inn with Peggy Perry as their guest speaker. Peggy spoke on the topic of OPI's Multiply Tier Support System which she teaches to school systems. It is a program used to help curb bullying in schools and to encourage students to finish their high school education. Iota's next meeting is November 25 at 5:30 pm at the Chinook Motor Inn....

  • Chinook Senior Center

    Karyn Higgins|Nov 20, 2019

    Well it went and warmed up again, I don’t think this weather ever knows what it’s doing from one day to the next. But I won’t complain, I’m happy there are no bugs out now. Jodi will be here on Monday November 25th, from 9-12pm to go over Medicare Part D, if we have enough people interested. Call Karyn at 357-2648 to get on the list. If you would like to have a meal delivered on Thanksgiving, please fill out a dinner request slip with your name, number, and address and return it to us by Wednesday the 27th. Last week activity winners for; Whist...

  • Harlem Senior Center

    Nov 20, 2019

    Thanksgiving is fast approaching! I always feel like the Holiday just seems to get lost in between Halloween and Christmas! IF you think about it; it is the only holiday you don’t have to feel the pressure of finding the prefect costume and going into debt to buy gifts that will eventually sit in a corner or shelf somewhere in your home. I feel the most important gift we can give to each other is a helping hand, gentle touch, quick call or just a simple hello. The most important gift we can give someone is our time. I’m trying to get a rep...

  • Hogeland Happenings

    Jane Krass|Nov 20, 2019

    Loretta Beck attended the Veteran’s Day dinner on Monday evening in Turner. Susan Billmayer attended the funeral for Keith Benson in Harlem on Tuesday. Linda and Darel Hauge visited with Harlan and Jane Krass on Sunday afternoon. Diana Maloney visited later in the evening. Susan Billmayer visited with Shannon Van Voast on Thursday afternoon. Loretta Beck attended Keith Benson’s funeral in Harlem on Tuesday. Hilary Richman and Anita Reed visited Jane and Harlan Krass on Saturday between Jamboree games. Wally and Loretta Beck rode with Mike, Cry...

  • Zurich Association of Parents Recalls a Colorful History

    Donna Miller|Nov 20, 2019

    This summer, Zurich Elementary School will hold its first All-Class Reunion and celebrate its 105-year history. The celebration is scheduled for June 12-13, 2020. However, in 1988, the survival of the school itself was in question. On September 5, 1988, the wooden structure, which was built around 1915, was wiped out by fire. The school fire was reported about 7:00 a.m., but by then the building was so engulfed that it was a total loss. Although the fire was blamed on an apparent electrical malfunction, the cause was never precisely determined....

  • Harlem Elementary ROARING Students of the Week

    Janice Gilham|Nov 20, 2019

    Harlem Elementary has chosen Second grader, Carrigen Stiffarm, and fifth grader, Tresten Cole, have been chosen as Harlem Elementary's newest ROARing students. Carrigen and Treston are Respectful, Organized, Always safe, and Responsible, while continually practicing perfect citizenship. Phenomenal Lil' Wildcats, Carrigen and Treston!...

  • Young Artists and Writers Are Called to Create

    Donna Miller|Nov 20, 2019

    Dina Abdulhadi, Special Projects Coordinator with the Alliance for Young Artists and Writers/Scholastic Art and Writing Awards, is encouraging all students in grades 7–12 (ages 13 and up) to apply for their New York Life Award. The award provides six students whose visual art or writing explores personal grief, loss, and bereavement with $1,000 scholarships. Montana students are also eligible for a special state-level scholarship of $500. For Montana youth, visual art submissions are due on December 3, and writing works are due on December 1...

  • South of the Border:"Iron rod jerk lines: powering oil well pumps for nearly 150 years "

    Steve Edwards|Nov 20, 2019

    Columnist's note: Travelers in north central Montana are used to seeing pumpjacks (oil wells) dotting the region. Around Oilmont on the way from Whitlash to the I-15 access north of Shelby (on S-343) we pass a sizeable area of small, older-looking oil wells. Some are pumping, others seem to be idle. There's also a lot of abandoned buildings and equipment that were used to produce oil and gas. East of the town of Oilmont, about two and a half miles on the north side of the highway, there's a...

  • Blaine County Beacon: The Perils and Rewards of Risk

    Donna Miller|Nov 20, 2019

    After graduating from Chinook High School in 2002, Crystal Murphy attended UM-Western in Dillon, earning a Bachelor's of Science Degree in Business Administration in 2006. Shortly after her college graduation, on May 20, she married Eric Stepper, who is originally from Helena. Later that year, the couple moved to Chinook. "Eric likes small communities, so he was totally on board for moving to Chinook," Stepper said. "Besides, this is my home; my friends and family are here." While her husband,...

  • 11 Chinook, Harlem athletes earn All-Conference/All-State Volleyball Awards

    Nov 20, 2019

    District 6C-East Awards 1st Team All Conference Delaney Kellam 11 Chinook Ginger Hauer 11 Chinook Olivia King 12 North Star Kenidee Wolery 11 North Star Amanda Cline 12 Big Sandy Tatum Hull 10 Chester/J-I 2nd Team All Conference Zayna Henderson 11 Box Elder Shayla Borlaug 11 North Star Saige Scheresky-O'Neil 12 North Star Jayden Miller 11 Chinook Sam May 12 Chester/J-I Lainey Gregory 12 Big Sandy All-State Delaney Kellam 11 Chinook Ginger Hauer 11 Chinook Olivia King 12 North Star District 2B...

  • Thank you for your service!!

    Nov 20, 2019

    Many Blaine County Schools showed their respect to veterans on Veterans Day. We thank you all for your service!...

  • Annual 4H Achievement Night Award Winners

    Nov 20, 2019

    Hannah Schoen • Teen Leader Award -Up & Coming Young Leader Victoria Kirby • 4H Ambassador • 4H Teen Leader • 2019 "I Dare You Award" Winner • The Montana Black Angus Auxiliary Buckle • Grand Champion Jr. Showman Cody Arnold • Steers of Merit Award • Grand Champion Steer of Merit Carcass Award • Reserve Champion Senior Showman Natalie Richman • Super Sweepstakes Home Economics Award • 2019 Herdsmanship Award - Sheep Barn • Lamb Carcasses - Certified Lambs • Grand Champion Lamb Carcass Mad...

  • Annual 4H Achievement Night Award Winners

    Nov 20, 2019

    4H Achievement Night Winners Continued. Great Job Everyone!...

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