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  • A Visit from the Little Ones

    Kay Russo|Jan 27, 2016

    How little is little? In this case, little means age two but not yet two and a half, and four, but not yet four and a half. The girl is older. Parents were not on the scene; this was an overnight with Grandma. Grandpa was out of town, but Grandma is brave. Two is too young for some children of two to spend the night away from parents but somehow this little boy can do it. Grandma had had the foresight to stop at the craft store before picking up Alice and Edward Saturday afternoon. After mud, modelling clay, Silly Putty, and Play-Doh, now...

  • BEAR PAW Meanderings

    Robert Lucke|Jan 27, 2016

    Let’s get one thing out in the open right away. There is no such thing as wind chill numbers unless you are going to school, work or the grocery store buck naked. For wind chill is the measurement of the wind on bare skin. If it was any good it would be used in summer as well. Can you imagine the weatherman telling you to dress warm today because even though it is eighty above, it is only sixty due to the wind chill! It is hogwash and not to be believed. I have been trying to debunk this craziness for over fifty years now and have to admit, I...

  • Blaine County Library

    Guest Column|Jan 27, 2016

    The Blaine County Library Board of Trustees will hold their regular monthly meeting today at 2:00 p.m. in the library meeting room. Story Time is Tuesday mornings at 10:30 a.m. All kids are welcome to join whatever fun things Kelsey has planned. LEGO Club is Tuesday afternoons from 3:30 to 4:30 and is open to grades K though 6. Middle School Hangout for February is scheduled for Thursday February 11 at 3:30 p.m. There will be ping pong, Wii, board games, crafts and food! The Middle School Hangout is for kids in grades 6 through 8. We have a...

  • "I Know the Plans"

    Jane Mills Morrison|Jan 27, 2016

    At the end of the annual meeting, just before the prayer of dismissal, the pastor turned to Jeremiah 29 and read to the congregation: “Surely I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord, for your welfare and not for harm, to give you a future with hope.” I wonder how many times in the past 2600 years this passage has thrilled and inspired God’s people. People are often reminded that God has a plan. He has a plan for each individual life and he has a plan for the people collectively, as a whole, as a Church. In this case, most of the peopl...

  • The Journey

    Eli Hofer|Jan 27, 2016

    I’ve always been fascinated with the Old Testament, and how the experiences of God’s people in those ancient pages grant us insight and direction into our own life’s spiritual journey. The New Testament writer Paul declares in 1 Corinthians 10:11-12 “Now these things happened to them as an example, and they were written for our instruction….,” Speaking about the exodus of the Israelites out of Egypt. Their journey began after the God of Heaven brought 10 horrible plagues against the Egyptians to show both the Israelites and the Egyptians that t...

  • St. Gabriel's nativity set - vintage art and a longstanding tradition

    Steve Edwards|Jan 27, 2016

    Reporter's note: Nita Jergeson called asking if I'd like to do a story about an old nativity set on display at St. Gabriel's Church in Chinook. I was interested and went the Sunday after New Years to see the nativity set. I was expecting a table top small statues around a stable, like most nativity sets I'd seen in other churches. This set was made up of figures that were displayed on the floor because of their size. It was a large, spectacular scene with all the figures associated with a...

  • Tornadoes celebrate Homecoming week, announce Royalty

    Jan 27, 2016

    The Turner Tornadoes are celebrating Homecoming this week. Activities are planned for each day of the week and will culminate with the Coronation during halftime of the boys game Thursday against Dodson. The daily schedule is as follows; Monday - Pajama Day, Tuesday - Super Hero Day, Bonfire/Pep Rally at 7:00 p.m. Wednesday - Favorite team day, Parents vs. players scrimmage 6:00 p.m. Thursday, Green and White day. Basketball, Thursday night, girls at 6:00 p.m., boys at 7:30 p.m. Float...

  • Young Wildcats ROAR

    Jan 27, 2016

    The ROARing students for the third week in January are both students in Ms. Brown's fifth grade class, Maciah Talks Different, and Sequoia Beaumont. Maciah and Sequoia have demonstrated they are worthy to join the ROAR roster by demonstrating Respect, Organization, Safety, and Responsibility. Harlem Elementary is very proud of these two young ladies!...

  • Harlem Library

    Colleen Brommer|Jan 27, 2016

    February is Library Lovers Month! When you stop by the library fill out a heart with the name of your Literary Valentine ( a book character you love!). Your name will be entered into a drawing and you may win a basket of fabulous prizes! Did you finish your all-time favorite book for the January Book Challenge? Contact the library with the title and we will enter your name into the drawing for a gift certificate from a local business. The challenge for February is to read a young adult novel. The library has a great selection of young adult...

  • Chinook Senior Center

    Kristi Norby|Jan 27, 2016

    February is soon upon us and we have a very busy schedule planned for the month at the center. We have our new menu out, so stop by and get one or pick one up when you come in for a delicious cinnamon roll on Thursday mornings. If you want more than 6, please order a week ahead of time. We are in the process of setting up a new class called Senior Exercise starting on Thursday, Feb. 4 at 10 a.m. Carmen Van Voast from Spring Back Therapy will be instructing this activity. We will have a sign up sheet and are looking for participants. Come try...

  • Harlem Senior Center

    Katie Noel|Jan 27, 2016

    What Happened in history on January 16th? On 3-23-1977, The Mini-Series "Roots"... debuted on ABC TV... it became the single most-watched program in American history This Week's Dining Pleasures Jan. 27: Salad Bar Jan. 28: Roasted Chicken Jan.29: Breakfast Meal Jan. 30: Beef Stroganoff Birthdays to Celebrate January - February Ardis Hewitt - Jan. 31 Ione Schilling - Feb. 1 Tom Ragsdale - Feb. 2 Please check out the colorful art in the Activity Room on the refrigerator. Our coloring gals are...

  • Missoula Children's Theatre production of "Aladdin", a big success following Saturday performances

    Steve Edwards|Jan 27, 2016

    After casting the 60+ roles for actors, filling positions for behind the scenes technical assistants, recruiting a pianist and a full week of after school practices, the Missoula Children's Theatre's (MCT) production of "Aladdin" was staged, in two performances, last Saturday. Rhea Miller, the local coordinator for the annual event, said, "Things went very well, we had good audience turnout and the kids did a great performance." This was the 37th appearance in Chinook of the traveling theatre...

  • Winter feeding in the Bear Paws

    Jan 20, 2016

  • Bear Paw Meanderings

    Robert Lucke|Jan 20, 2016

    I turned 75 this January. That is a monument for me and for those who would say I am just a spring chicken yet, not true. I feel every one of those 75 years most of the time. How did I get this far? It was simple, brandy, martinis on Friday and Saturday nights and a huge white sheepskin rug to make me feel good every time I look at it! There was a time I was the holder of a huge collection of stuffed animals. Real stuffed animals. It was a collection that had belonged to the Lou Lucke Company and I added to it through the years. It got too big...

  • If You Are in a Crime Novel . . .

    Kay Russo|Jan 20, 2016

    I don’t mean if you are deep in a crime novel and don’t want to be distracted. I mean if you are a character IN a crime novel, there are certain things you have to do. One is, if you are driving on a winding road to anywhere, with or without pursuers, you have to snake your way through the trees, the brush, or whatever the terrain offers. Gone are the days of winding roads; if they aren’t straight, they are snaking their way through the wilderness or up a mountain. If a mechanical object is a potential sound-maker, when someone uses it, it [d...

  • Looking Back In Time

    Robert Lucke|Jan 20, 2016

    It is January of 1907 and the news this week is mostly all about the Little Rockies. Abraham Gill has disappeared and the Ruby Gulch is getting bigger and bigger as a gold mine. Mr. Gill was a partner of a man named Winter who had a ranch close to Landusky. The ranch had belonged to Johnny Curry and Curry eventually shot Winter to get the ranch back. There is a wonderful ghost story about Winter being seen yet in his night gear, brushing his teeth as that was what he was doing when he was shot. Anyhow, Abraham Gill came out looking for...

  • ANC Certificates of Excellence winners

    Jan 20, 2016

    Award Winners...

  • What 'Cher Point

    Robert Lucke|Jan 20, 2016

    So, this weekend in the NFL it is the Chiefs at the Patriots. It is Green Bay at Arizona. It is Pittsburgh at the Broncos and it is Seattle at the Panthers. Last week every non home team won. Could it be that this week every home team will win? As usual I have not seen the games yet. More about that at the end of this column. There are local basketball standings to go over first of all this week. In standings on the boys side in A Havre is third right now. That is all the statewide standings regarding boys basketball teams. On the girls side of...

  • Young Wildcats ROAR

    Jan 20, 2016

    The newest students to join Harlem Elementary's ROARing student roster are third grader, Lacia Walls, and sixth grader, Kyrsten Henry. Lacia and Kyrsten have demonstrated the four ROAR Rules by being Respectful, Organized, Always safe, and Responsible. We are very proud of these bright young ladies!...

  • Cheer campers put on a halftime show to remember

    Jan 13, 2016

  • Bear Paw Meanderings

    Robert Lucke|Jan 13, 2016

    As long as the weather stays above zero and there is a tad of snow on the ground, it is a perfect time to get out to Beaver Creek Park and take advantage of winter conditions out there. Take sledding. There are several hills that are perfect for sledding. One is at the turn to go to Sucker Creek and another is at the Taylor Road turnoff. There are long slopes with not extreme steepness, good snow cover most of the time and it is just fun to go out with the family and enjoy sledding other than the College Hill in Havre or your own private hill...

  • Treasures New & Old; Death and Taxes

    Kay Russo|Jan 13, 2016

    We’re going to put off the death part yet awhile. Taxes, not so easy. The dreaded packet came in the mail yesterday. They want to throw me off the scent so they try to pretend that there aren’t as many sheets of paper in the packet as I see. Do they think I am blind? First there are six pages, unnumbered, so they don’t count. Pages 1 and 2 come next, numbered, with all kinds of information about me that I already know. Quite a bit of it is wrong, either because it changed since last tax season or because it was already wrong. Who are these...

  • Turner students a step closer to earning a college scholarship following Geography Bee

    Diana Maloney|Jan 13, 2016

    Three students were declared winners at the Turner School in the local Geographic Bee held this week. Shay Humphreys was declared the winner, while second place went to Chantry Jorgenson and third to Shane Kimmel. Humphreys won the school competition of the National Geographic Bee and a chance at a $50.000 college scholarship. The school Bee, at which students answered questions on geography, was the first round in the 28th annual National Geographic Bee. Thousands of schools around the United S...

  • Blaine County Library

    Jan 13, 2016

    If you didn’t attend one of the computer classes presented by Triangle Communications, you really missed out! The Triangle staff is very well trained and they are willing to go above and beyond to help the community with their technology questions. Everyone who attended the classes was able to get their questions answered and if one trainer couldn’t solve the problem, another one could. We thank everyone who made the effort to attend the classes, which were presented free of charge by Triangle Communications. A huge thanks to the trainers who...

  • Chinook Senior Center

    Kristi Norby|Jan 13, 2016

    By Kristi Norby Good morning! It’s that time of year after the holidays when things slow down but not here at the Chinook Senior Center. We have a lot going on this week, so I better get right to it! Last week’s winner of shanghai rummy was Lois Hanson and our bingo winner was Karyn Higgins. At the Pinochle Party, high was Eunice Lott/Frances Ewing and low was Lawrence Siemens. Winning the double pinochle was Cassie Morgan and Don Durocher. There will be a North Central Area Agency on Aging meeting this Friday, Jan. 15 in Chester that several o...

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