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  • Chinook Senior Center

    Ginger Hansen|Mar 19, 2025

    Hello From the Chinook Senior Center We have had several people joining us for our Tuesday movie day. We originally had these scheduled on Wednesdays, however, we were “Hi-Jacked” by the Pinochle Marathon players, so for now, we are still Tuesdays. We normally begin our movie immediately after lunch. We will be painting our pots on the first day of Spring, which is Thurs. March 20th. These pots will be dried for the week and we will then plant them the following week. There is a $5.00 charge for this activity. We will be creating a Zion Acr...

  • Chinook Senior Center

    Mar 12, 2025

    Hello From the Chinook Senior Center March is here and with it all of the different weather patterns that we can expect for Montana! We have all enjoyed some very unseasonably warm climates for several days, but I don’t think winter is quite done with us. Before you know it we will be celebrating the Risen Lord. Several different denominations celebrate Lent during this season, so, please know that we will offer a Fish alternative on each Friday, during this Lenton season. Just let us know that you will be observing Lent by not eating meat and...

  • Chinook Senior Center

    Mar 5, 2025

    Hello From the Chinook Senior Center Well, here we go into March! I don’t think that winter is done with us, but who knows! We get what we get and we are thankful for all of the moisture. Probably not the subzero temperatures. The first day of Spring is March 20th. If you have lived in Montana very long, you know that Mother Nature can play lots of tricks on us. On March 20th, despite whatever Mother Nature brings….we will be having a “Spring Fling, Flower Thing”. This means that we will be painting flower pots to plant the following week. W...

  • Happy Friendship Time, Hello God, It's Me, Mara

    Mara|Mar 5, 2025

    You know, Lord, a friend said that ‘friend’ is used to define a person who knows all your faults but loves you anyway’; saying, she’d found a slip of paper in her Grandma’s Bible that listed a lot of words related to ‘friendship’. Grandma also mentioned that we were to remember that Jesus said: ‘Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid,’ - reminding us to check out JOHN 14:27.” ‘Elisa’ then asked’ “What WERE some of the words you were going to...

  • Chinook Senior Center

    Feb 26, 2025

    Hello From the Chinook Senior Center A HUGE Thank you to Amelia Funk for the lovely Valentine flower vases to keep our tables festive during our Valentine celebrations. This lady is a sweetheart, indeed. I would like to take a moment to thank Makhayla Farmer who has designed a beautiful logo that is in our Senior Center news. She is very talented and it looks lovely. Speaking of Valentines……we have had lots of fun, with games and a very special menu that was prepared on Feb. 14th. We had a very full house and we all enjoyed a wonderful mea...

  • Love is Like a Box of Chocolates

    Theresa Danley Milk River Churches|Feb 26, 2025

    No, I’m not misquoting Forrest Gump here. I’m reflecting on the celebration of love that is often expressed through cards and flowers and…yes…heaps of chocolates arrayed in valentine boxes that ultimately layer the landfill at the end of every February. But it’s not necessarily the one-time use, disposability of love that is marketed and exploited every year that I want to focus on – not today anyway. Let’s go back to that box of chocolates. Any good box of chocolates comes with a road map so that one’s fingers can make their way to the most de...

  • Chinook Senior Center

    Feb 19, 2025

    Hello From the Chinook Senior Center Well, let’s just say that winter has arrived! Brrrr. Unless you must go out, please stay warm and safe! We would LOVE to see you, but you can call us, as well. Our main priority is to keep our community safe by delivering to them, if you need this service and if you are 60 years of age or older and have filled out some very brief paperwork! It really is that simple. You would then get the best meal around for an absurdly low cost. 357-2648 We have had people who’s vehichles would not start, and sur...

  • Chinook Senior Center

    Ginger Hansen|Feb 12, 2025

    Hello From the Chinook Senior Center February is a short month with as many activities as we can pack in to it! We have Cribbage, Cornhole, Cards, Billiards, Movies, fellowship, friendship and as much fun as we can have. Friday, February 14th we will be serving a very special meal for the people who will be joining us in our Center! We will follow that meal with many different games. We will have a Scavenger hunt with lots of fun prizes and Valentine Bingo! SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 15TH @ 11:00, WE ARE PARTNERING WITH THE MILK RIVER CHURCHES TO HOST...

  • Chinook Senior Center

    Feb 5, 2025

    Hello From the Chinook Senior Center Well, there went January! Normally, that month takes about 90 days to go by, but…this year it went fast! We have some super fun things coming up! We have a wonderful Valentine’s party on Friday, February 14th, with a very special menu (for those of you who will be joining us, in house), followed by games galore! We will have fun prizes for those participating in this activity. Saturday, February 15th (in partnership with the Milk River Churches), we will be SERVING THOSE WHO HAVE SERVED US! We are looking fo...

  • A Helpful Hand Hello, God, It's Me Mara

    Mara|Feb 5, 2025

    You know, Lord, a friend shared about seeing goodness of folks while out shopping. If we’re paying attention, we might also see a ‘helping hand’. Last week, a short elderly lady, tried to reach a box of pasta off the top shelf in the grocery store; no way could she reach it. A lad near her, turned, asked if she needed help. She smiled, pointed to a certain ‘box’ – he grabbed it, handed it to her; she thanked him. He actually looked a bit surprised to hear her say, ‘THANK YOU!’ He smiled, nodded and walked off. To give a helping hand, to be a p...

  • Chinook Senior Center

    Ginger Hansen|Jan 29, 2025

    Hello From the Chinook Senior Center We are smack in the middle of Pinochle Marathon and many teams are getting together to get all of their games in prior to the end of April, which is fast approaching. Several of the participants just call us and get their groups together, here at the Center. It is a central location which most are able to get to as a gathering place. This also makes it easier to get all of their scores turned in, so that the tallies can be totaled. If you are interested in playing in this group for the fall start up, please...

  • Chinook Senior Center

    Jan 22, 2025

    Hello From the Chinook Senior Center Holy cow! The middle of January! We are having card parties, movies and games galore! You should really be here! We know how to have fun! If you are missing out…..GET IN HERE! We have also re-established a Pool League. Turns out that our cook, Howard is pretty darned handy at this. So far, unbeaten. Bring your game! We will once again be having a fun Valentine’s party on Feb. 14th, complete with a Scavenger hunt, Special Bingo and prizes galore. We will also have a very special lunch on that day. We are als...

  • Services of Milk River Churches

    Jan 22, 2025

    Milk River Churches is an organization between American Lutheran Church of Chinook, United Methodist Church of Chinook, Chinook Presbyterian Church and First Presbyterian Church of Havre. By faith and trusting God to lead us, we unite as one body of Christ to humbly serve and share the love of Jesus Christ with each other, our communities, and the world. We gather together for worship on the first Sunday of each month. Jan 5th - 11:00 AM Chinook Presbyterian, Potluck following Worship Jan 12th - 9:00 AM Chinook Methodist Jan 19th - 9:00 AM...

  • Chinook Senior Center

    Jan 15, 2025

    Hello From the Chinook Senior Center December was a whirlwind of activities here at the Center. We had many different things that were enjoyed by all who attended. January also looks like we will continue to see lots of activities here, and we hope that you will come in and enjoy all that we offer. Many of these activities do not have any cost associated with them. While Bingo is still 25 Cents a card, that is amazing, because most centers are charging one dollar per card. We will be gathering for movies, here and there, and would love for you...

  • My Answer

    Rev. Billy Graham|Jan 15, 2025

    Q: I always feel kind of depressed after Christmas, and I've never been able to figure out why. It usually takes weeks and weeks for me to begin feeling normal. Why is this? A: I’m not a psychologist, of course—but I’ve noticed that some people do tend to feel somewhat “down in the dumps” after they’ve been very busy. It’s not just physical exhaustion (although that may be part of it); often it’s emotional exhaustion as well. I often think of Elijah in the Old Testament. He was one of God’s greatest prophets and a man of deep faith, and he had...

  • Services of Milk River Churches

    Jan 15, 2025

    Milk River Churches is an organization between American Lutheran Church of Chinook, United Methodist Church of Chinook, Chinook Presbyterian Church and First Presbyterian Church of Havre. By faith and trusting God to lead us, we unite as one body of Christ to humbly serve and share the love of Jesus Christ with each other, our communities, and the world. We gather together for worship on the first Sunday of each month. Jan 5th - 11:00 AM Chinook Presbyterian, Potluck following Worship Jan 12th - 9:00 AM Chinook Methodist Jan 19th - 9:00 AM...

  • Services of Milk River Churches

    Milk River Churches|Jan 15, 2025

    Milk River Churches is an organization between American Lutheran Church of Chinook, United Methodist Church of Chinook, Chinook Presbyterian Church and First Presbyterian Church of Havre. By faith and trusting God to lead us, we unite as one body of Christ to humbly serve and share the love of Jesus Christ with each other, our communities, and the world. We gather together for worship on the first Sunday of each month. February 9th - 9:00 AM Chinook Presbyterian and 11:00 AM Havre Presbyterian February 16th - 11:00 AM American Lutheran with...

  • Chinook Senior Center

    Jan 8, 2025

    Hello From the Chinook Senior Center So, here we are at the close of another year. A year of fellowship. A year of good health. A year of good camaraderie. We here, at the Chinook Senior Center have been richly blessed by all of the wonderful people who partner with us to make this Center a place of JOY! We have countless people who come in every day and help in a myriad of ways. We have people who deliver meals to those who truly cannot come in and dine with us. We have people who help serve. We have people who clear the tables. We have...

  • Services of Milk River Churches

    Milk River Churches|Jan 8, 2025

    Milk River Churches is an organization between American Lutheran Church of Chinook, United Methodist Church of Chinook, Chinook Presbyterian Church and First Presbyterian Church of Havre. By faith and trusting God to lead us, we unite as one body of Christ to humbly serve and share the love of Jesus Christ with each other, our communities, and the world. We gather together for worship on the first Sunday of each month. Jan 5th - 11:00 AM Chinook Presbyterian, Potluck following Worship Jan 12th - 9:00 AM Chinook Methodist Jan 19th - 9:00 AM...

  • Chinook Senior Center

    Dec 25, 2024

    Hello From the Chinook Senior Center Wow! Another week is gone! Why does it seem that they pick up speed when we get into December? We had a nice gathering of people here on Friday, Dec., 13th for the 2nd annual Remembrance Tree lighting, with the wonderful talents of Sheri Miller on our keyboard. That woman can PLAY! We are richly blessed each and every time that she comes in. We also had Pastor Johnny Spence from the Alliance church, who gave a poignant message to those of us who have loved and lost someone who is at home with the Lord....

  • Christmas is Coming, Hello God it's Me, Mara

    Mara|Dec 25, 2024

    You know, Lord, another friend shared about a prayerful ‘blurb’ she’d recently read which reminded her of where she’d lived or visited. ‘Jenny’ mention that she was having morning devotions near a window that looked out over a peaceful pond; which is way South; out of our state. Anyway, she heard the birdies singing, saw the sky was dusted with soft shades of blue and white which made her aware of Jesus’s presence. But she’d lived in other places, where views were less serene with a littered alley in a crime-ridden neighborhood as a backdrop ...

  • Chinook Senior Center

    Dec 18, 2024

    Hello From the Chinook Senior Center Firstly, let me take a moment to THANK all of the people who donated an item, or who came to help with the auction, on Saturday! It is a tremendous amount of work and there are people around me who are always willing to help. I am so very grateful for those people. THANK YOU, also to all of the people who came to bid on the items that we collected over the past 4 months. Every single person matters in the outcome of our success! Pat yourselves on the back, knowing that you are an integral part of our Center...

  • Chinook Senior Center

    Dec 11, 2024

    Hello From the Chinook Senior Center By the time you read this article, we will have conducted our 2nd annual live auction, to benefit our Chinook Senior Center. We are under contract for our funding to have several fundraisers per year, for compliance. This is why you see our Center put forth the energy & effort to have several fundraisers throughout the year. We had a wonderful time looking around at all of the vendors that were out on Friday, and seeing the parade! There were some pretty sweet floats! While, personally, I hate to see...

  • Chinook Senior Center

    Chinook Senior Center|Dec 4, 2024

    Hello From the Chinook Senior Center We trust that you all had a season of THANKFULNESS with your families and friends. We are all blessed to live in a small community that embraces one another. We have a group of giving people who come together to make a COMMUNITY THANKSGIVING DINNER, for those who truly cannot come in, so they deliver to them. Of course, it is always nicer to have everyone gather as a family of community members at the Thanksgiving table, so next year, if you are able, please consider joining them all at the Commercial...

  • They Think They're Just Ranching

    Ranchers Stewardship Alliance|Dec 4, 2024

    New research showcases the profound impact of long-term private land conservation on the surrounding public landscape. In the vast grasslands of the Northern Great Plains, ranchers have long been the silent stewards of some of America’s most fragile ecosystems. These are people who understand the land in a way few others do—people whose hands are calloused from years of hard work, and whose education often comes from the very soil they nurture. A Polaris UTV serves as steed as Leo Barthelmess ushers cattle to the next pasture on his south Phill...

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