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One of the best ways to prepare squash is to cook it with bacon on the top of the stove. That way of cooking squash gives it a wonderful taste and is simple to do. Not only that but you can cook it ahead and just heat it up when you want to serve it. In the Lucke test kitchen I had wondered how that squash recipe would taste using applewood bacon. I see by looking at recipes that applewood bacon is used for a lot of things lately so I decided to prepare my squash using that bacon. I have not yet cooked the squash that way. I plan on cooking som...
There are many experts telling us what is happening in pro football these days. It used to be that there were three in the booth calling the game in the days of Frank Gifford and Monday Night Football. These days there is barely enough ego room for two to a booth. There are lots of innuendo, lots of prideful remarks and lots of thinking they are experts in calling whatever game they are calling. I laugh when I think of that because it is fun to go back to the old definition of an expert. Take the word apart. An ex is a has been and a spurt is...
I don’t know but I think that I started to collect ghost stories when I was very young. My fear of the dead and the collecting stories about them came about in several very natural ways as I look back and think about my jaded past. When my great grandmother died I must have been about 6 or 7. Not only did I have to go to her funeral but my mother said I should lean over the coffin and kiss great grandmother good-bye. I stayed awake nights thinking of how I would get through that horrible experience. So, I must have had some bad feelings a...
I have been listening to the Dan Patrick Sports Show on the tube a couple of times this week and I must admit, I am shocked at what I have heard. There has been a lot of street talk about NFL commissioner Roger Goodell. And, through the years, most sports pundits have stood up for him, saying what a good job he is doing. Well, since he got fast and furious into the discipline area of the NFL, there are not as many nice words flying around anymore. And, now that there are not the people watching the games this year and revenue is seen to be...
This is a tale about two outhouses. Why, you may ask am I writing about two outhouses when I should be writing about three at least! One I am not writing about was on a very famous ranch on Clear Creek where the owners built the outhouse right over Clear Creek so it had a permanent flush to it! Great but, not for the neighbors down the creek. My favorite of all outhouses was at the old school house cabin on Clear Creek where Henderson Creek runs into Clear Creek. It wasn’t such a great outhouse in the winter because it only had three sides. T...
We have some Prep standings both in Volleyball and in Football for last week. Let’s do Volleyball first. In Central A Havre is fourth. In District 2B Harlem is fourth. I don’t see standings for Chinook or the Thunderbirds. In the Frontier League Rocky is third and Northern is seventh. In the Big Sky Montana is fifth and Montana State is twelve. Here is how it looked last week in Prep Football. In Central A Havre is second. Belgrade is first. In 2B Harlem is fourth. In Northern C Belt is first followed by Great Falls Central. Chinook is eig...
I spent the last part of September in Glacier National Park at Lake McDonald and it was glorious as usual. Miracle of miracles, Going-To-The-Sun Road was open and it was showing fall foliage like I have never seen up there ever. Not only that but where the large forest fire burned last year in the vicinity of Baring Creek, there are views and vistas showing that have never been seen from the road before. It is simply awesome! While there, we stayed in cabin 6 at the Village Lodge and the views looking up at the Garden Wall and adjoining...
“Heavenly Father, help us remember that the jerk who cut us off in traffic last night is a single parent who worked nine hours that day and is rushing home to cook dinner, help with homework, do the laundry and spend a few precious moments with their children. Help us to remember the disinterested young person who can’t make change correctly is a worried 19-year-old college student, balancing their apprehension over final exams with the fear of not getting their student loans for next semester. Help us remember that the old couple walking ann...
Don’t forget to attend the annual Fireman’s Spaghetti Supper this Sunday, Oct. 16, from 5-7:00 p.m. at the Big Flat Catholic Church hall. This event is sponsored by the HHH Club, and free will donations will go to the Hogeland Volunteer Fire Dept. Guests at Dave and Teresa Cornell’s house this weekend were Dalton, Alyssa, & Danial Cornell of Billings and Richard, Cassie, & August Handran of Scobey, coming especially for the wedding of Taylor Fouts and Kayla Sather. The Junior High Boys and Girls have begun their basketball season for 2016!...
Remember to attend the Annual Fireman Spaghetti Supper this coming Sunday at the Big Flat Catholic Church from 5:00-7:00. This event is sponsored by the H.H.H. Club. Come help out by making a donation to the Hogeland Volunteer Fire Department. The Steve Reed family attended the Fouts/Sather wedding and reception on Saturday. Ron and Susan Fox are in Pilot Hill, CA for their nephew’s wedding. Julie, Cody, and Austin attended Taylor and Kayla Fouts’ wedding. Isley stayed the night with Grammar Sis at Bette Jo Snider’s. Kurt and Dylan went to a fa...
Boy was I shocked last weekend when I found out that Buffalo had beaten the Patriots. Not only did they beat them but they didn’t even allow the Patriots to score in their own stadium! That has not happened for a while. It couldn’t have happened at a better time for Rex Ryan. That was his first win for the season and rumor had it that if he did not win the Patriots game he would be looking for a job! So, before this last round of games has been played let’s see who is where and what is what in the mighty NFL. New England is at the top of the A...
It is much cooler this fall and it is a great time to get out that recipe for cabbage rolls which are a perfect food for this time of year. I have a new way of getting the cabbage leaves off the cabbage. More about that shortly. For now here is what you will need to make around fifteen large cabbage rolls. • One pound hamburger • One pound breakfast sausage • Your favorite rice mix in a box cooked off • Salt and pepper to taste • One large jar sauerkraut, washed and drained • One large onion chopped fine • 1 pint tomato juice • 1 large cabbage...
It all starts with Luke 6:31, also known as the Golden Rule, “Do to others as you would have them do to you” One of the greatest things about small communities is the simple fact everybody is willing to lend a helping hand to whomever deserves it. If you need it and deserve it, you’ll get it. The person to help you may not even know you personally. People will help just because they might want help someday in return, others just help because they can and they expect nothing in return. Few weeks’ back a stranger, to me, stopped and assiste...
Shannon, Dusty, and Derrick Downing visited Lenny Erickson, and Max and Kirsti Cederberg this past weekend. Congratulations to Britney and Matt Tempel of Chester. They welcomed a son on Wednesday, September 28th. He was 7 pounds, 13 ounces, and 19 1/2” long. The little lad has been named Carter Matthew. He was welcomed home by his big sister, Kenley. Congratulations to Grandma and Grandpa, Terry and Tammy Jones. Bruce McCracken of Great Falls, Brianna McCracken of Spokane, and great granddaughter, Samantha, were out to see Virginia McCracken o...
Congratulations to Mindy Liese and Damian Miller! They were married in Las Vegas, NV on Saturday, Oct. 1. The Annual Hogeland Fireman’s Spaghetti Supper, sponsored by the HHH Club, will be held on Sunday, Oct. 16, from 5-7:00 p.m. at the Big Flat Catholic Church Hall. Freewill donations will be given to the Hogeland VFD. Loretta Beck attended the District 2 American Legion Fall meeting and dinner in Turner on Sunday at the Legion Hall. Sandy Beck was to Havre on Saturday to watch her grandson, Landen, play football. The HHH October meeting w...
It seems that there is bad news for the NFL and it has been happening since this season started. Ratings are going down and smart people are trying to figure out why. Ratings going down are probably not from just one cause. It is from a lot of things that are meeting this season and altogether are causing people not to watch as much of Roger Goodell and company as before. First there is Goodell himself who is about as pompous as they come and yet gets right in the fray making sure that people like Tom Brady is punished for something he...
I have been told that when I was a little boy I was always very inquisitive. I was constantly asking questions of my mother and father and really wanted to know everything there was to know. Those questions really magnified themselves when driving up and down the Clear Creek road with my father, visiting one cabin owner or another or fishing in a particularly good fishing hole. I wanted to know what was up this coulee and that coulee and what the name of that mountain was and what was the road joining the Clear Creek road and why was Hungry...
The Suicide Prevention Walk was held Saturday morning. The rain had stopped and a large crowd of supporters joined in the walk to Turner from the Big Flat Catholic Church. There were kids on bicycles, some people on four wheelers and side by sides along with many walking. A meal was served and then Clint Malarachuk spoke to the group. He was a retired hockey player who had a message on depression and suicide and how he survived suicide. Word was received Friday that John McKellenan (Slim) passed away in Valentine, Nebraska. Slim worked for...
Glenna Ammen met up with her sister, Dolores Steimmetz from Butte, and Betty DeZort of Great Falls at the Chinook Festival Days. They enjoyed the day visiting. Tom and Lucy Fairbank took in the suicide awareness speaker at the Turner school on Saturday. Todd and Sherry Obrecht and Meghan visited Sonny and Nellie Obrecht on Sunday. Bonnie and Donnie Harmon took part in the Suicide Awareness walk on Saturday. Gerald and Shirley Keller took part in the awareness walk on Saturday. Doug and Tracy McCracken we’re out to see Virginia McCracken on S...
It is September and that is the birthday of America’s famous painter, Grandma Moses. She came from a very large Vermont family and had ten children herself. She worked and worked and worked and when she was in her 60’s or 70’s and her fingers would not work well enough for quilting and such, she took up painting, mainly water colors. Her subject matter was what was happening around her in her beloved Vermont Mountains. She was called a primitive painter or of the rustic genre and her paintings were sort of primitive but they were full of peopl...
Here is a perfect dish for a fall casserole that can be cooked best in a Dutch oven on the top of your stove. It is called Chicken in the Bog and I think I first heard the recipe from the Food Network. I think this is one of the best chicken recipes ever but you must use only Zatarain’s Dirty Rice for the rice in the dish. And, remember the rice is the bog so it needs to be wet. Dry rice ruins this dish. You will need • 1 cup of cubed ham or Polish sausage cut into half rounds • 3 chicken thighs • 1 red pepper, medium dice • 1 onion, medium di...
Sheena Binder from Castle Rock, Colorado is visiting her mother, Glenna Ammen for a few days. Tom and Lucy Fairbank spent a few days camping up at Beaver Creek Park this week. Gerald and Shirley Keller welcomed in their 18th grandchild on September 3. The little Miss weighed in at 6 lbs. 12 oz. and has been named Aliyah Rae Carr. Mom and Dad, Deldre and Cheryl Carr, and Addysen and Nyah are proud to welcome her home! Sonny and Nelly Obrecht were to Glacier and enjoyed the red buses. While there they visited with Jim and Diane...
Word was received Sunday that Elvin Johnson, former resident of the Big Flat Area, passed away on Saturday. Memorial services will be held later in Hogeland. Loretta Beck went up to Bobbi Becks on the 29th to help Bobbi celebrate her birthday. Later in the evening, Bobbi and Wally Beck celebrated their birthdays with a supper at the Shawn Beck home. Susan and Emily Billmayer attended a family reunion in Wisconsin the previous week, & returned home on Monday evening. Carol Klindworth hosted H.H.H. Club last Thursday at her home. Roll call was...
Several things happened this week in the wonderful world of football that were mildly disturbing. Colin Kaepernick would not stand for the National Anthem during two pre season football games. While most thought he was protesting the flag, it seems that was not the case. He was protesting police brutality to other than the white race. One day to further show his displeasure with the police, he wore sox that had pigs on them wearing police caps. At this writing another team mate has joined Kaepernick’s protest from the San Francisco 49er team a...
Often when I think of Labor Day, I think of the various labor I have struggled with during my 75 years on this orb called earth. I started working early. I learned that there was nothing in high school for me but if I could keep my grades up, I could get out at 3 p.m. and go to work at the downtown Havre store that bore my grandfather’s name. That was good enough for me to keep my grades up because I loved working in that great store which sold high grade merchandise for men and high grade shoes for everyone and had a dry cleaning department a...