The veterans of the United States Military are honored annually on the eleventh day of the eleventh month at 11:11 in the morning in celebrations around the country as we celebrate Veterans Day and honor all those who have served or are currently serving and remember those who gave all.
Veterans Day began as Armistice Day in 1926 through a congressional resolution. Armistice Day was celebrated on the eleventh day of the eleventh month at 11:11 a.m., the exact day and time that World War I ended in 1918.
In 1954, a Bill proposed by a Kansas Senator officially changed the name from Armistice Day to Veterans Day. In 1968, a law was introduced that changed Veterans Day to the fourth Monday of October. After it became apparent that November 11 was an historic day, Congress returned the day of observance back to November 11 in 1978.
This Wednesday elementary and high school students will honor Veterans in celebrations all across Blaine County. Chinook, Harlem, Hay/Lodge Pole and Turner all have several activities planned.
Observations will take place at 9 a.m. at Turner Schools in the gymnasium. A Veteran’s Color Guard will present the colors to begin the ceremony. Michelle Keller will sing the National Anthem and senior Tyler Humphreys will introduce each veteran in attendance along with the branch of service they were in and which Wars they served. The Turner High School Student Council has selected a few video clips to show to the gathering. Following the ceremony students will be asked to shake the hands of the veterans and thank them for service to the country.
Harlem Elementary will honor local Veterans with a celebration that is scheduled to start at 1 p.m. in the afternoon and last about a half hour. The students will fold the American Flag while reciting out loud what each fold means. The kids will then present the flag to the oldest Veteran in attendance. A couple classes will sing in conjunction with a Power-point presentation by Linda Brown. Following the conclusion of the ceremony the kids will get a chance to shake the hands of all the veterans in attendance and thank them for their service as well.
The Harlem Junior and Senior High Schools will hold their Veterans Day assembly at 10 a.m. in the Harlem High School gymnasium. There will be a presentation on the history and meaning of Veterans Day along with local veterans speaking of their experiences serving in the armed forces. The Harlem High School band under the direction of Dan Owens will perform during the ceremony.
Also in Harlem, a Veterans Day spaghetti supper will be held on Sunday, Nov. 8 with social hour beginning at 5 p.m. and supper at 6 p.m. at the VFW Hall. VFW members and their guests are invited to attend this meal to recognize the veterans’ service to our nation.
In Chinook, VFW Post #4620 will hold their Veterans Day program in the Lloyd Sweet Auditorium at 11:11 a.m., Wednesday morning at Chinook High School. The keynote speaker hasn’t been confirmed yet do to scheduling conflicts in Washington D.C. An announcement should be made shortly. The public is encouraged to attend the 45-minute celebration with a special invitation to those veterans who have served or are currently serving in the armed forces.