In conjunction of Red Ribbon Week at Turner Public School, the staff joined together to show support for the week long festivities. They all dressed in costume to be a family of Minions. They had a lot of fun throughout the day and the students appreciated their teachers dressing for Halloween and Red Ribbon Week as well. Shown at left are, back row, l to r: M. Donnie Hutton-Science, Ayse Haxton- English, James Bowers-Business, Janie Mohar-Paraprofessional, Tyrel Shannon-Third and Fourth, Michelle Keller-Math, Tammy Jones-Secretary, Jaquie Richman-Cook, and Rita Chvilicek-Superintendent. Front Row: Zach Holland-History and P.E., Elissa Zellmer-Fifth and Sixth, April Fox-Art, Shelly Harmon-Kindergarten and Art, Diana Maloney-First and Second, and Linda Obrecht-Title.