The Airmen Memorial Committee held their annual Sunday before Veterans Day meeting to discuss past and future business and activities. A small group reviewed the past monetary contributions made by family members of the airmen as well as the cards of appreciation for our ongoing involvement in the memorial preservation and decoration.
The past year’s upgrade to the memorial consisted of a combination wreath and flag holder installed at the memorial stones. This makes all the stone more attractive and easier to mount a wreath or flowers without the old bungee cord and wire.
Also, last December, we sent pictures to all the family members we could contact of the yearly decorations placed on the sites. Numerous cards were received in appreciation of this.
Throughout the year, on appropriate holidays, the site is decorated by area people who have gracefully adopted a stone. The committee and the families of these airmen express our heartfelt thanks to the following who have decorated the stones. Pete and Anita Haluszka, Helen and Becky Schroeder, Madge Modic Woritz, Raye and Jim Thompson, Darwin and Betty Zellmer, Karolee Cronk, Linda and Duane Tangen, Dale and Loxi Mailand, Tim and Katrese Hammond, Barb Kohlar, Janice Gilham, Dwain and Olive Lavinder, and Ann Azure.
We do have one family waiting to adopt a stone should anyone desire to relinquish their obligation to a stone.
We ask that these people remove their decorations by December 1, so the committee can decorate with poinsettias throughout the holiday season. Also, please redecorate the stones at least two weeks before Memorial Day in the spring.
In order for this committee to continue and grow, we ask anyone who may be interested in joining to please call Darwin at 353-2370, Dwain at 353-2449, or Rod Becker at 353-2256.