Chairwoman Miller called the November 10, 2015 meeting to order. Board members present were Travis Buck, Michael Copenhaver, Scott Gunderson, Ernest Johnson, Pauly Miller, Joel Pruttis and Keith Raty. Absent: James Hodgson and Viki Tilleman (excused).
FFA members Garrett Lowham, Tyler Ortner and Cord Schneider presented a recap of their trip to the national convention in Louisville, Kentucky. Chairman Miller gave an overview of this year’s MCEL convention held in Billings. There were no remarks during the public comment period.
The agenda was approved with additions under New Business—consider adding an FCCLA program and consider student attendance agreements. The consent agenda was motioned: approve the October meeting minutes with a correction under New Business to consider transportation route with an added statement—“Route #1 total miles are 110, Route #2 total miles are 106 and Route #3 total miles are 84.2”; investment reports; no records to dispose; activity warrants; paper and electronic reports and high school electronic and payroll accounts. Motion carried.
A separate motion was made to approve the elementary electronic and paper claims. Motion carried.
New Business
Superintendent Hannum recommended approval for a Chinook chapter of FCCLA (Family, Career and Community Leaders of America). Program would run similar to FFA (Future Farmers of America) and would require a new student account for fundraising. Activities would be self-supporting and the only cost would be to pay an advisor stipend to Hope Hamilton. Motioned and approved.
Hannum recommended the Elementary Board offer a contract to Kaylan Johnson as Assistant Junior High Girls’ Basketball Coach for 2015-2016. Motioned and approved. He recommended the Full Board offer a contract to Gary Anderson as 2015-2016 Bus Driver (Relief Route/Activities). Motioned and approved.
Hannum reviewed feedback from surveys that were collected during parent/teacher conferences regarding travel for Junior High/Senior High students. Principal Molyneaux explained what other schools are doing and showed sample travel policies from two other schools. Molyneaux also offered a suggested policy for Junior High participation in Band/Choir. Trustees briefly discussed policies but will further review them.
Hannum presented information of the pros and cons of including sixth graders in Junior High athletics. There was no action by the Trustees to include sixth graders in athletics.
Hannum recommended approval of 2015-2016 Student Attendance Agreements for Chinook students attending Zurich Elementary. Trustees motioned and approved attendance agreements for Jayden Miller, seventh grade, and Martin Nussbaum, seventh grade.
Under announcements and communications Trustee Gunderson gave his feedback on his experience attending MCEL. There were no other announcements.
Superintendent’s report/communications/information
Superintendent Hannum reported on his “non-trip” to MCEL cut short by an accident with the school van and a deer. He would like for the board to consider an additional vehicle, possibly with 4-wheel drive.
Hannum shared some outcomes of two Technology Committee meetings: Ms. Hamilton, through her portion of a Carl Perkins grant, will purchase Chromebooks (laptop computers designed to be used while connected to the Internet) for her classroom; there will be $8,000 (quarterly funding) available to purchase Chromebooks for Special Education/Title programs.
The Superintendent announced Speech and Drama (with three participants) won first in C Division opener; Volleyball took second at Divisional playoffs and would be heading to state playoffs in Bozeman; Football had defeated two playoff opponents and would be going to Fairview to continue playoffs.
Jon Martin, reporting for Meadowlark Elementary, reported: the music concert would be December 16 and 17; the fundraiser was successful; parent/teacher conferences had a great turnout; Judge Perry Miller presented a Veterans Day Assembly and the MBI committee is working on school-wide behavior expectations.
For Hartland Colony School, Martin reported he visited Hartland and attended their Halloween party. MAPS and DIBELS testing is completed. Students will be cooking a Thanksgiving dinner. Hartland students are beginning work on a Christmas play, everyone will be invited and the date is to be determined.
For the Junior/Senior High, Matt Molyneaux, had welcomed participants to the Veterans’ Day Assembly on November 11. He described a new Ed Ready system for 6-12 grades through Montana Digital Academy, a tutorial system with assessments offered in math, English components will be available soon.
Meeting was adjourned.