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Festival of Trees, Parade of Lights & Christmas Stroll set for November 27

A full schedule of activities has been set for the Chinook Area Chamber’s annual pre-Christmas event on Friday, November 27. Most activities will be in and around the downtown area throughout the day. Early evening the Parade of Lights will wind along the main street through downtown and the Festival of Trees live auction, a new activity, will conclude after the parade at the Eagles Club during the club’s Taco Feed.

This year there will be a variety of related items for the auction. Organizations and families are encouraged to create and donate trees, wreaths and gift baskets to be auctioned. The proceeds from the live auction will go to support JUMP, Loaves and Fishes and LEAP, all volunteer-supported groups that serve local youth in a variety of ways.

Trees and other auction gift items will be on display beginning Monday, November 16 at the lobby of First Bank of Montana on Indiana Street. A silent auction at the display will allow potential buyers to bid on the items of their choice.

A new twist to the auction includes a live auction after the Parade of Lights. All items will be moved to the Eagles Club, on Friday afternoon, where a live auction will determine the winners of each donated item. The live auction will be in conjunction with the Eagles Club’s annual Taco Feed at 7 p.m. You’ll want to be at the live auction to assure you get the items you hope to buy. The Jumping Juniper Garden Club is assisting in coordinating the display and auction. You can get more information about donating an item by calling Carol DePriest at 357-3870 or see the chamber website for details under ‘events schedule’.

During Friday afternoon there will be opportunities to stroll the downtown area for some early Christmas shopping. Vendors,normally set up along Indiana Street, will be at Wallner Hall this year. Organizers felt an inside venue would be more comfortable for vendors and strollers/customers. Steven Gores, a pianist, will be playing during the vendor show in Wallner Hall throughout the day. The Chinook Bell Choir will be performing as well. For additional vendor information or to be a vendor, call Sarah Pratt at 406-720-0837.

The evening Parade of Lights will arrive downtown at 6pm. This year the Chamber will be placing 10 tower heaters along the parade route to help parade watchers enjoy the show in comfort. Parade line up is at 5:30pm at the Meadowlark School. Families and local organizations are encouraged to have entries of floats and marchers for the parade. Bonnie Weber is in charge of the parade, she can be reached at 357-2776 for more parade information.

The annual events are a great way to get in the Christmas spirit, do some pre-holiday shopping, get together with friends and family and have some fun. Mark your calendar for Friday, November 27. Fight the ‘Black Friday’ hassles by spending the day and evening right here in Chinook.

There is additional information about the various events and contacts for specific activities at the Chamber’s website: http://www.chinookmontana.com. At the website click on ‘events calendar’ for details about the pre-Christmas celebration.

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