The regular November monthly meeting of the Harlem City Council was held on Tuesday evening, November 9 at City Hall. All council members were present: Kim Hansen; Ralph Schneider; Eva English and Marc Arensmeyer. Mayor William Taylor presided. City Clerk Rebecca Skoyen and Public Utilities Supervisor also were present.
Mayor Taylor called the meeting to order and the pledge to the flag followed. Council motioned and approved the minutes from the regular October, 2015 meeting. Council also motioned and approved the current claims and payroll for October. There was no public comment during the designated comment period.
• Waste Water Treatment Plant. City Clerk Skoyen reported the geotechnical studies are completed for the planned change in waste water treatment. She said the city, with help from Bear Paw Development, would be looking at using a Montana INTERCAP loan to be used to pay engineering and construction fees until approved grant money is moved to the city’s account. INTERCAP is a state program that allows municipalities to use low interest loans until grants or other loans are made available for a funded project.
• Housing study project. A handout was presented to council from KLJ engineering. The firm is doing a study of housing needs in Harlem, Malta and Chinook. The handout listed dates of informational meetings for ‘stakeholders’ with interests in housing. Harlem’s meeting will be on November 17 at 6 p.m. at City Hall. The meetings are open to anyone but real estate professionals, contractors, landlords, property owners and other interested parties are encouraged to attend. The meetings are public. A general public meeting to hear input from all residents and interested parties will be scheduled in December.
• Brownfields. The Montana DEQ is continuing to monitor the former Equity Coop site until it is determined to be stable.
• Drain ditch. Michelle Turville, with Bear Paw Development, is looking at possible grant sources to help the city with the expense of cleaning the irrigation ditch that runs through town. The cleaning is necessary to improve flow of water through the ditch.
Mayor Taylor reported he had been contacted by a member of the Belden property. Mayor was told there were still some estate issues that had to be cleared before the status of the property could be handled.
Water plant settling pond. The sludge in the settling pond has been tilled. Pike Construction is using a dozer to push the material into a berm and that work should be completed, if the weather cooperates, by the end of the week. DEQ approved this plan as an alternative to hauling the sludge to another location.
Council concerns/committee reports. Councilman Ralph Schneider reported that the new ISO Fire Protection Rating was “6” for Harlem. He said that’s an improved rating and same rating that first resulted when the water tower improvement was made in the late 1990’s. Council asked that the Fire Chief attend a council meeting to explain the new rating and what it means for the city and residents. Schneider commented that the ISO audit looked at several factors and the training paperwork was in good order.
Mayor congratulated council members Kim Hansen and Mark Arensmeyer on their reelection to the council. Kim Hansen reported that Sandra Boardman, the Chief Election Judge, said the voter turnout was very good for the election, despite both candidates running unopposed. Mayor said he thought a low number of candidates was an indication that the voters were satisfied with the performance of the current council.
Meeting was adjourned. The December meeting will be held on Dec. 14 from 6 p.m. at City Hall.