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Chinook Schools trustees alerted to spring evaluation for AdvanceEd accreditation

Chairperson Miller called the meeting to order. Board members present were Travis Buck, Scott Gunderson, James Hodgson, Ernest Johnson, Pauly Miller, Joel Pruttis, Keith Raty and Viki Tilleman. Absent was Michael Copenhaver (Excused). Miller welcomed visitors.

Elizabeth Hodgson, Student Council President reported: a recycling project that will be in place January 1; a Red Cross Blood Drive is set for January 5th; and the National Honor Society will be wrapping gifts for the Angel Tree. Student Council will sponsor Movie Day for December 18th.

Shawn Bubb and Harry Scheff, with Montana Schools Group Insurance Authority, presented the Gary Griffiths Excellence in Workplace Safety Award to the school district and applauded the Chinook School District #10 for its safety performance. The recognition is accompanied with a $1000 monetary award to be used towards further safety endeavors.

Superintendent Hannum had no personnel/staffing reports. There was no public comment.

A consent agenda was motioned to approve the November 10, 2015 meeting minutes, investment reports, activity warrants, electronic and paper payroll warrants and high school electronic paper and claim reports. Motion was approved. Elementary school paper and electronic claim warrants were motioned and approved.

Old Business

Mr. Hannum asked for direction regarding a Junior High travel policy. After minimal discussion to action was taken.

New Business

Mr. Hannum provided paper copies of the most current Superintendent Evaluation Form. Board members are to return their completed forms to Chairperson Miller by January 7. No action taken.

Superintendent Hannum recognized the efforts of Jay Eslick regarding the safety award mentioned at the start of the meeting. Eslick also started a process to move the district toward AdvanceEd accreditation. Schools seeking accreditation under the model complete a self-evaluation using the AdvanceED standards and complete a three and a half day onsite review. Chinook’s AdvanceED review is scheduled for March 27-April 1. There is a survey posted on both the elementary and high school websites. The process will involve parents, students, trustees, administrators and teaching staff. Mr. Martin, the principal at Meadowlark, has been an evaluator for other districts and offered some insights as to the importance of the accreditation. Once accreditation is received school diplomas are noted as being issued by an accredited school. No action taken.

Mr. Hannum recommended approval of an individual transportation contract with a new family living 10 miles from the nearest bus route. Motion was made and approved unanimously. A recommendation was also made to approve an additional stipend of $150 to the Concession Manager, Pam Darrah, for home-hosted play-off games. Motion was made and approved.

Chairperson Miller read a letter from the Montana Highs School Association noting the outstanding accomplishment for not having any ejections in the 2014-2015 school year. Forms to declare intention to be a board candidate were made available.

Mr. Hannum presented the superintendent’s report. After thanking everyone for a great year, so far, he announced a CHS student had scored a 32 on the ACT (a college entrance exam with the highest possible score a 36). He listed things the school could be proud of to date this year: Speech and Drama has seven students participating; volleyball team made a good showing at the state tournament; the football team brought home a state title and the band and choir had eight students chosen for Honor Band/Choir. Hannum attributed these accomplishments to “everyone’s hand in our Academic Achievements.”

The superintendent asked the board to think about some minor changes/additions to district policies: adopting a hiring committee and a change to provide classified employees with bereavement pay rather than having to use sick leave. He also encouraged the board to pay attention to changes in federal policy in regards to the Every Student Succeeds Act. This legislation would allow each state the right to provide education as it sees fit along with accompanying test requirements.

The superintendent will be interviewing a new ITC company on December 15. He welcomed everyone to the staff luncheon at noon in the Meadowlark Cafeteria on Friday, December 18.

The principals gave their reports. Mr. Martin, for Meadowlark, reported the fifth graders would be attending Swanson’s bull sale (held December 10), MSU would be presenting an assembly regarding NASA (national space exploration program) and music concerts will be December 15 and 17 in the high school auditorium. In January elementary students will begin winter benchmark testing. The upcoming focus for MBI (Montana Behavioral Initiative) will learning hallway behavior expectations. He invited the board members to come see the wall: “Growing with Respect.”

At Hartland Colony, Martin reported the Hartland Christmas Play will be staged on December 21 at 1 p.m. and all are welcome to attend. Hartland Colony students will also begin benchmark testing in January.

Mr. Hannum reported for Principal Molyneaux, who is currently coaching boys’ basketball practice. Basketball, wrestling and speech and drama are busy through the month. A schedule of events was given to the board. The Sno-Ball dance was attended by 89 CHS students.

Meeting was adjourned.

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