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Lloyada Ladies get ready for December 21 meeting

The Lloyada Ladies met on November 6, 2015 at the Motor Inn for a No-Host Luncheon. Hosts Barb Swenson and Colette Olson had pumpkin pie served after the meal.

The membership discussed the Sugarbeet Festival and the float they had in the parade entitled “Communications, You’ve Come Along Way Baby.”

The group had a planning meeting on September 14, and on September 23 decorated the float for the parade on September 26.

For new business the membership decided to make a “gift basket” for the Festival of Trees held during the Parade of Lights. Members planned to meet to put together the basket on November 10 and 2 p.m.; set up at the First Bank on November 16.

Thanksgiving and Christmas gifts for the club’s Sunshine Pal were discussed and voted on. Vicki Niederegger, Doris Hofeldt, and Paulette Keller won door prizes. Happy Birthday was sung to Marilyn Williamson, Colette Olson, Yvonne Davies, and Carolyn Terry.

The next meeting will be the Christmas Meeting on December 21 at the Motor Inn at 11:30 a.m., for a no-host luncheon. Everyone is to bring a gift for the Christmas Exchange. It’s the club’s reorganization meeting, with elections and dues.