We've Got The County Covered

What 'cher point?

Last weekend was the end of the regular season for the NFL. That means that all too soon football will be coming to a close. I admit, this year there was too much to do to watch many bowl games but if it ends up that it is Clemson vs. Alabama for the championship, you can guess that I will be watching that one and rooting for Clemson all the way!

Meanwhile in the NFL, this last week has been plagued by bad decisions by coaches and one coach already has been fired even though at the time the season wasn’t over.

I watched the game where the Patriots played the Jets and the Jets won 26 to 20. Here is what coach Belichick did to lose that game. Now, don’t get me wrong, Tom Brady and a whole host of other players lost the game, too, but Belichick was right in there with the thick of them.

With plenty of time left for plays at the end of the first half, Belichick just called his players to walk off the field and not even try to get maybe three more points on the board. The same thing happened at the end of the game.

Then the Patriots got to choose whether to receive or not at the beginning of overtime and they decided to give the ball to the Jets with the theory that the Jets would never be able to march down, get a touchdown and win the game. Belichick thought he could stop the Jets, give his Patriots a chance to just get a field goal and win the game. Well, that is not how it worked and Belichick had egg on his face all week long. Then they played Miami this last weekend and I don’t know how that worked out but the Patriots had to play all their regulars the last weekend, which was dumb, although one wag observed that if you sit out that last weekend, all that R and R is called rust and ruin.

Meanwhile, in Bronco land, Brock Osweiler got through a good game all the way when they played the Cincinnati Bengals. Cincinnati was tough , too, but the Broncos won it. The score was 20 to 17.

Still leading the pack in the front are New England, Cincinnati, Denver, Kansas City, Carolina, Green Bay and Arizona with Seattle dragging closer and closer. I don’t know but some people are really tooting Arizona’s horn as being in the Super Bowl this year. They would probably play Denver or New England. Would Arizona win? Possibly they would!

And last, after three seasons, the Eagles fired their sort of strange coach Chip Kelly. The Eagles at this writing are 6 and 9 after going 10 and 6 two years in a row. I can remember Kelly and his coaches making strange signals to their players by the use of weird gyrations of their bodies. Seems that it didn’t work.

No picks this week. I will try to get some post season picks in when I can.

That is my story and I am sticking to it. Go Thunderbirds!

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