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John 3:16; Everybody sees it but what does it mean?

John 3:16 “For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.”

We see and hear John 3:16 frequently at sports events, in songs and sometimes in regular conversation. Not everybody who hears John 3:16 knows what it is about, the words, or maybe even what it is.

An important pastor down in Stanford, MT in a little beautiful church taught me that every scripture has different meaning to different people. It has it’s basis of what it means but from there the meaning is what you make of it.

There is no set way for a scripture. Read it, make of it however you will. It’s not something that has to be a solid stone. It can change and does change. The fact time to read the scripture has been taken is what matters to God. Take the lesson it gives to you and try to live life to best fit that.

The basis of John 3:16 is that God sacrificed his son for something that he loved so much. He gave the most cherished thing to him in order to save the rest of man. As long as you believe in Him life shall continue even when you’re gone, eternal life will take over. Knowing the basis you can go from there with your mind.

Some of us may take this as is, others may take this and let their mind and heart run. It’s all in who we are as people, our morals, our beliefs, and our acceptance.

For instance my mind takes it and runs with it several directions. First place it goes, I know that my loved ones are safe and okay. Not because they believed in such things but because God loves everybody no matter the sins they have made or the hurt and harm they caused others hearts. He sacrificed His Son for all our sins. So it brings peace to my mind to know that my loved ones are okay and can be at peace.

Second place it goes is somebody that could love something that much to give the most important thing in life must be great. That kind of love is a love that over takes you. Think of the love between your parents and yourself, or maybe the closest parent figures you have. Doesn’t have to be with God necessarily but just in general it’s a love we cherish for eternity,

The pastor from Stanford also brought something to my attention when I visited. It’s stuck in my mind and I appreciate the lesson that I have learned. Mainly because he shed a different light on all scriptures, the Bible itself, and how you should or have to believe.

He explained to me that I don’t have to live my life one way or the other to receive God’s love. I can receive it with anything that I do. I just have to open my eyes and open my heart. I don’t have to sit in church every Sunday, I don’t have to feel shamed because my sins let God down. God forgives all and His Son died for all sins on the cross.

Before I came across this special little church in the small town I was always uncomfortable around churches and beliefs. Mainly I let others scare me away with their opinions and beliefs being pushed upon me. Of course I always respected them no matter what because they are human. Eventually I just gave up on the idea and moved on with my life. Never did the thought of the points this preacher made cross my mind on my own.

So when you see John 3:16 anywhere remember the scripture and take it as you will. Maybe try relating it to the scenario you are around. Open your heart and let it go where ever it leads. Keep the basis of it somewhere in mind but understand not everybody views or reads it the same way.

Don’t force beliefs onto somebody, let them see it with their own eyes and feel it with their own hearts. Don’t tell them it is set in stone and this is the real meaning and nothing else is acceptable. Remember God loves everybody even though they sin different than you.