It’s cold outside this week, but nice and warm at the center, so be sure to stop by and enjoy a cup of coffee or tea and enjoy one of the many activities we have planned for this week. You can also stop by and meet the new cook Kirsten Shelor. She is busy putting together the new menu for February.
On Wednesday, Jan. 20, the Hallmark movie “Crossroads” is showing at 1 p.m. Refreshments will be served.
Bingo will be on Thursday, Jan. 21 starting at 1 p.m. Last week, we had a large group of 15 people playing. Lois Hanson and Francis Ewing were the blackout winners and it was a lot of fun.
On Friday, Jan. 24 will be the Area Council on Aging meeting in Chester. Marilyne, Art and I will be going but we have room for one more, so let us know if you are interested. At the center, the Kitchen Band will be playing for your enjoyment starting about 11 a.m. with pepper steaks being served at noon. Pinochle is played following the music. We had a very big turnout last week, so it’s one activity not to miss!
Pat Fournier will be at the center on Tuesday, Jan. 26 from 10 a.m. to noon and we still have a few openings. He comes every month to check on all your hearing needs.
If cards are your thing, Shanghai Rummy will be played Tuesday, Jan. 26 starting at 1 p.m. Last week, Lois Hanson was the winner.
Whist is on the calendar for Wednesday, Jan. 27 starting at 1 p.m. we can always use more players.
The Foot Clinic is scheduled for Feb. 2 and 3. Call the center at 357-2648, if you need to check on your appointment or to schedule one.
We are still looking for a centenarian that will be 100 years old by December 31, 2016. If you know of anyone in the Chinook area, please let us know here at the center.
Menu for the Week:
Thursday, Jan. 21 – Chicken a la King
Friday, Jan. 22 - Pepper Steaks
Monday, Jan. 25 – Smorgasbord
Tuesday, Jan. 26 – Soup and Sandwich
Wednesday, Jan. 27 – Stew
Upcoming Birthdays
Jan. 26 – Tom Tilleman
Jan. 30 – Blanche Warburton
Jan. 30 – Alicia Call