We've Got The County Covered

Browns win KAMUT honors for second year in a row

Johannas, Shannon, J.R. and Jake Brown went to Swift Current, Sask. over the weekend to attend a Kamut International annual dinner. It was there that they were honored for their Organic KAMUT grains. Some may wonder just what exactly Kamut is? Well, Kamut is an ancient grain that has a rich flavor and produces a wonderful flour and can be baked in a vast number of ways.

Johannas Brown and his family are organic farmers on the Big Flat. They were fortunate to receive this award for the second consecutive year in a row. They won for having the highest yield at 33.9 bushels and the highest test weight at 62.6 pounds.

The Brown's felt very honored to have received this award and look forward to another year producing organic grains.

Shannon Brown, wife of Johannas, says she bakes everything with flour produced from the Kamut. A few of the family favorites are pastas, pizza crusts, breads and many baked goods.

Congratulations to the Brown's as they accept this prestigious award and honor of receiving it a second time!

Shown here is Johannas and Shannon Brown and their two sons, J.R. and Jake.

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