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Valley Clovers 4H Club December minutes

The third meeting of the Valley Clovers 4-H Club was called to order at 3:00 PM on December 13, 2015, at Wallner Hall. There were 4 leaders, 33 members, and several guests present.

Several members have been participating in activities such as Officer Training, Shooting Sports, Angel Tree Committee, Festival of Trees, Adopt a Resident Program and coming up with a park area at the Fairgrounds.

The only order of Old Business was discussing the club’s winter activity. A motion was made to go ice skating in Havre at our January meeting. The first order of new business was discussing who should be our guest speaker. The 4-H members decided to bring the ideas to the next meeting. Other new business consisted of discussing what to do with our $170 worth of Chamber bucks that was won at the Parade of Lights. A motion was made to donate it to the Food Bank. Discussion was also held about the Chuckwagon needing a new grill, and a motion was made for the club to donate $200 to help the Chuckwagon purchase a new grill. Next meeting will be January 10th at 1:00 PM at Triangle Communications in Havre.