We've Got The County Covered

Draft housing plan presentation for Chinook, Harlem and Malta

Contact: John How, KLJ



The Cities of Chinook, Harlem and Malta in coordination with Bear Paw Development are completing a joint housing study. A draft plan has been developed and is available for public review on Bear Paw’s website at http://www.bearpaw.org. In addition, the consultant, KLJ will be discussing the draft plan and proposed recommendations and best practices with each community.

We encourage interested citizens, businesses, non-profit organizations and the general public to attend the meetings to share ideas and input on the proposed recommendations. KLJ will utilize the input received to modify the recommendations and strategies for each community and will present a final plan in March for approval.

The meetings will be conducted at the following locations and times in each community. The presentation will last approximately 30 minutes with time for questions and answers afterward.

• Harlem: City Hall, 10 1st Avenue SW at 5:00 PM on Monday, February 8th

• Malta: City Hall, 39 S 2nd Street at 4:30 PM on Tuesday, February 9th

• Chinook: City Hall, 300 Ohio Street at 6:00 PM on Wednesday, February 10th

The meetings will also serve as outreach; therefore, KLJ will be glad to discuss issues not yet addressed or community information that is relevant to the study.

Bear Paw Development, the Cities of Chinook, Harlem and Malta and KLJ encourage you to attend these meetings in your community to make the study reflective of the needs for your town.

Questions about the meetings should be directed to: John How, KLJ, Project Manager, 406-548-5667, john.how@kljeng.com.

Light refreshments will be served.