The Chinook Eagles Club hosted a Valentine's Day dinner to raise funds for the CHS chapter of Business Professionals of America. Eagles spokesman Mike Inman said the event was an opportunity to help the local chapter with travel expenses to various competitions hosted by the state and national BPA. Posing with the 'big' check from the event's proceeds, as a chorus the BPA members shouted, "Thank you Eagles Club!" About 120 diners attended the event and the Eagles presented a check for $1195 to the student group. Inman added, "The Eagles Club donated the food and labor for the dinner, BPA members served the guests. It was a very successful evening all around."
BPA: Helping
Today's Students be Tomorrow's Leaders
The Business Professionals of America chapter at CHS has 16 student members. Karla Neibauer, in her fourth year as chapter advisor, said, "The main goal of the club is to help students develop life skills that will help them succeed in high school and well beyond. Through BPA-sponsored competitions and local chapter participation students are exposed to a wide range of career possibilities and future opportunities." The local group is one of 2300 chapters in 23 states. Nationwide there are 43,000 members.
Most recently the local BPA chapter members attended the group's regional conference in Sidney, Montana. In addition to conference presentations the members participated in a wide range of competitions related to honing business skills. Some competitions are online or written tests where students are scored on their knowledge. Other events, like mock job interviews and small business teams solving hypothetical problems, are done before judges. Winners at the regional level move on to the state conference and competition. This year's state event is in Billings in mid-May. A number of BPA members will be competing in individual events and CHS has two teams in the state competition. Winners at the state level can move on to the national event, held each summer.
Karla Neibauer explained that BPA members are also committed to giving back to their communities, citing recent community service projects, such as wrapping gifts for the Angel Tree project. She said BPA members are very involved in the Special Olympics and help stage the regional track meet each year. Taylor Neibauer, CHS chapter president, said "Our chapter hosted a pie sale to support Special Olympics. We were able to donate $600 to Special Olympics. It's our major community event that we help."
Locally, statewide and nationally BPA supports Special Olympics with financial help and volunteering. Karla Neibaur added, "BPA is about making our own communities beautiful. We recognize and practice giving back to our community." At Christmas time chapter members helped wrap presents for the local Angel Tree effort and plans are to begin a program with Sweet Nursing Home residents who don't have regular visits from families.
The national Business Professionals of America slogan pretty well sums up the group's mission: "Today's students. Tomorrow's business professionals." Thanks to the generous efforts of the Chinook Eagles Club, they can also pursue their goal of continuing their professional development at the upcoming state competition in Billings.