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A heater in one of the Harlem Water Treatment plants failed and ended up heating to the point of melting lead seals. When one of the city workers went into the room, he was hit in the face with a blast of chlorine causing injury and lung damage, according to city officials.
Community members asked officials if the incident could have been foreseen, but officials said that they were in contact with Department of Environmental Quality who advised them how to deal with the catastrophe. Other concerns from the community members were lack of communication about the water being shut off. It was advised to look into the reverse 911 messaging service that notifies people what is going on or possibly an amber alert type of text message by City Council Member Ken Hansen.
Eva English, also a council member, created a Facebook account for the city of Harlem and will be posting updates regularly. The water department is working with Bear Paw Development and Charlie Kulbeck, county commissioner who said they are nearly ready to bid a $4.8 million project to move soil.
Other items addressed at the meeting was the city of Harlem’s audit, which had very few findings and the new audit contract with Strom that was approved at the meeting. The airport audit had no findings with everything in compliance with federal regulations.
The fire department is in the process of purchasing two used fire trucks at a significant savings for $45,000 for both. There was concern with losing the deal to other buyers if not dealt with in a timely manner. A special meeting was called to handle the purchasing of the two fire trucks that will require workers to travel by train to pick up the trucks and drive them home.
Hansen was concerned that the regular meeting was the first official notice that the council received about the need to purchase the new fire trucks. Hansen said he needs to hear from the department heads about these type of things. The mayor said he notified the council and that he would take responsibility for not notifying the council more. Ralph Leo said they would like a written proposal. It was agreed by vote that the council would have the special meeting on Tuesday, February 16, 2016 at 6 p.m.
Other items on the agenda was the approval of the swim team’s request to have a swim meet this upcoming summer season at the Harlem Pool. It was passed by vote. Karensa Calvert also reported that Harlem is in search of Emergency Medical Technicians and that they need 12. The training has not been scheduled yet. Ambulance transfers from Fort Belknap have slowed down as they only have a 3-man crew now.
Mayor Bill Taylor concluded the meeting with the plan to have a staff meeting with city of Harlem officials to make sure everything is fixed that needs to be. The next regular city council meeting will be Monday March 4, 2016 at 6 p.m.