Susan Billmayer attended garden club in Chinook on Thursday afternoon and Lenten services at the Hogeland Church in the evening.
Diana Maloney, Linda Hauge, Hilary Richman and the girls and Anita Reed and the girls visited with Harlan and Jane Krass at their home throughout this week.
Darwin Zellmer stopped to visit at the Wallace Beck home on Tuesday and they had coffee together.
Merrilyn Billmayer attended the District 9-C Basketball Tournament in Havre this past week.
Ed and Kathy Zellmer spent last Monday-Wednesday in Missoula visiting the Cuaresma and Hiniker families.
Ty and Harley Jo Beck were guests at the Wallace Beck home from Thursday-Saturday morning while their parents and Tate attended the basketball games at the District 9-C Tournament in Havre.
Caleb, Brady, and Gracie Zellmer had a sleepover Thursday and Friday at Grandma Kathy and Grandpa Ed’s while their folks went to Billings.
Lutheran Lenten Services will be held in Turner this week on Thursday, Feb. 25 beginning at 6:00 p.m. with a soup supper.