We've Got The County Covered

Tami Mitchell files as candidate for Clerk of District Court opening

This upcoming election cycle there are two Blaine County elective offices to be filled—the District 2 County Commissioner’s post and the Clerk of the District Court’s position. Tami Mitchell, in administrative support for the Blaine County Attorney recently announced her candidacy for the Clerk of District Court office.

Earlier Frank DePriest had filed for reelection for another six year term on the county commission and Rebecca Blankenship filed as a candidate for the District Clerk’s position—that’s a four year term. According to Election Administrator Sandra Boardman, these are the only three candidates to file to date.

With this new addition for the Clerk’s position, Mitchell and Blankenship will vie against each other in the Democratic primary. The primary is set for Tuesday, June 7. The general election will be held on Tuesday, November 8. Filing for local offices closes the end of the business day on March 14.

Boardman said any person wishing to file for either of the two county offices to be filled during this election cycle can get the necessary paperwork form the Clerk’s office in the courthouse during regular business hours, Monday through Friday, 8am-5pm. There is a filing fee of $245.15 for the county commissioner’s position and a $235.15 fee to file for the Clerk of the District Court. The Declaration for Nomination and Oath of Candidacy forms for candidates can be downloaded online at sos.mt.gov. That site also shows where to mail or return completed candidacy forms along with the appropriate filing fee.

Voters can request an absentee ballot until noon the day before each election. Deadlines to get an absentee ballot would be by noon on June 6 for the primary and by noon, November 7 for the general election. If you did not receive an earlier absentee voter confirmation letter and want to vote by absentee ballot, call or visit the Clerk’s office and request a registration form. For more information about filing as a candidate or you have other voting questions, call the Clerk’s office at 357-3240.

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