The Lloyada Ladies met on December 21, 2016 at the Chinook Motor Inn for their No host Christmas Dinner and Organizational Meeting. Everyone brought a gift for the Christmas gift exchange. Cheryl Barber the club’s Sunshine Pal was present.
The club participated in the Festival of Trees Event by donating a Christmas basket of Goodies. Members donated items to put in the basket on November 10 at the home of Doris Hofeldt where the club also celebrated Colette Olson and Yvonne Davies birthdays.
The club decided to keep the same officers and meeting schedule as last year, and everyone paid their dues. Vicki Niederegger and Amy Belle Smith will host the next meeting on Friday March 4, 2016. Members will meet to carpool at Vicki Niederegger’s at 4:30 p.m. to travel to the Duck Inn in Havre for a no-host dinner and then to NMC for the “Mary Poppins” theater classic at 7:30 p.m.