By Steve Edwards
BCJ News
Diners at JUMP's mystery meal, in late February, enjoyed a throwback to the old "Flintstones" TV series. The winter mystery meal has become a favorite with locals who enjoy a bit of mental challenge while enjoying a nice meal and visiting.
Costumed servers, in Flintstone-themed outfits, seated guests and offered menus. Each guest had to select from a list of 17 items with Flintstone-related names, list them in one of three courses and hope that the pasta came before the ice cream-and the appropriate eating utensils came with the dishes.
Turns out Dinosaur Tails were the main pasta dish and Cold Quarry Stone was the ice cream for dessert. Some diners got it wrong and had their meals in the wrong order and no utensils available. Thankfully part of the fundraiser was the ability to buy a fork or spoon if diners got desperate.
It was all fun and for a good cause with proceeds going to support the annual summer mission trip that JUMP coordinates each year. Chrissy Downs, one of the adult leaders with JUMP, said, "This year instead of doing a mission trip to some distant part of the country, we're doing a 'destination mission trip' in our own region. We'll spend a couple of days each in Helena, Missoula, Coeur d'Alene and Kalispell while working on projects that local churches help us identify." The group will travel by van to each location.
More fundraisers will occur before the summer trip.
JUMP members have already held several fundraisers toward their 'destination trip' this coming summer. They staged their every popular Pie Social and the specially made to order Holiday Pie Sale. Chrissy Downs, one of the JUMP volunteer adult leaders, said, "We've made concession booths for several events, including the regional Speech and Drama competitions hosted here at Chinook High.
Downs added, "Our next fundraiser is also our major one-the Ultimate Salad and Dessert Bar, set for Sunday, April 24. That's one of our most successful events and we are looking forward to a good turnout." For the uninitiated, the annual salad and dessert bar is a virtual smorgasbord of desserts and salads.
Per Downs, the fundraising for the 2016 summer trip is going well. She said, "The community has been very supportive of our weekly program for teens and especially of the annual summer mission." JUMP does many other community projects, not connected to their mission trip, volunteering to help with a variety of projects around the area.
The Mystery Dinner was one of several fundraisers the group uses to support their travel expenses and cost of materials for the projects they plan to do. After the Mystery Meal everyone was invited to enjoy a second serving, in the order they preferred and with spoons and forks as needed.