We've Got The County Covered
Memorial Day Weekend. Remember those that have served our country. It wouldn’t be the free country it is today without their service.
Services were held at all the Cemeteries on the Big Flat on Monday. It was windy and a bit cool to be standing out, as usual. That is Montana.
Cassie and August Handran of Scobey spent the weekend at the Cornell home.
Dennis and Ilona McGuire were to Red Lodge this weekend to take care of graves there.
Lois and Merlin Alcorn, their daughter Patty and her husband Mark Kubeja all of Washington, visited at Helen and Jim Billmayers this weekend.
Lynette and Brian Sallee were up Sunday afternoon to visit Harlan and Jane Krass.
On Monday, Loretta Beck took planters over to Pattys Greenhouse to have them filled with flowers.
She also visited Nancy and Ralph Snider at their home afterwards.
Jay and Vicki Billmayer and Bum and Linda Petrie visited Saturday at Jim and Helen Billmayers.
Dave and Teresa Cornell and Cassie Handran and August took in the 241Grill and Tavern Grand Opening on Saturday.
On Sunday, Marvin Beck, daughter Coral and her friend Kevin visited Wally and Loretta Beck, and took in the church service and brunch afterwards in Hogeland.
There will be a baby shower for Shari Guzman and baby Ellie Grace on June 11 at 2 pm at the Hogeland Lutheran Church basement. Everyone welcome.
Wally and Loretta Beck attended the 241 Grill and Tavern Grand Opening in Turner Saturday. They reported the meal was delicious.
Confirmation services were held in Hogeland on Sunday for Shyan Krass and Austin Welsh. A brunch followed the service. Congratulations to the Confirmands.
Susan Billmayer picked Emily up Friday in Havre, to come home for the weekend. She returned to Havre on Monday.
The Krass Girls were out during the week to help Mom and Dad with some jobs.
Susan and Emily Billmayer were up to Chinook Saturday to decorate the graves there.
Carol and Duane Klindworth attended Hailey Chambers wedding at tthe Beaver Creek Park Saturday.
Eric Billmayer took a float trip on the Lochsa River in Idaho over the weekend.
We had a wet week here on the Big Flat, with showers almost every day. It was hard to find a day to mow the grass. We won’t complain though, as the temperatures are forecasted to be warm this week.