We've Got The County Covered

Hogeland Happenings

There will be a baby shower for Ellie Grace Guzman, newborn daughter of Shari (Goodrich) and Mike Guzman, to be held on Saturday, June 11, at 2:00 p.m. at the Hogeland Lutheran Church basement. Everyone welcome!

Susan Billmayer visited and had coffee with Jane Krass on Saturday morning.

Wally and Loretta Beck attended Memorial Day services at all three cemeteries on the Big Flat on Monday and the meal afterwards in Turner. They visited at the Mike Grabofsky home that afternoon.

Hilary, Linda, Diana, and Anita and girls visited Jane and Harlan Krass throughout this past week.

Wally and Loretta Beck left for Bozeman on Friday, going especially to help Bea Kane celebrate her 80th birthday at the home of John and Deb Anaker. They also stopped in to visit Nora Boardman. They returned home on Sunday.

Vacation Bible School is taking place this week at the Turner Lutheran Church for the area children. The theme is “Pandamania”. Thanks to all the volunteers who stepped up to help!

Teresa Cornell attended a quilt retreat in Red Lodge this weekend. On the way home, she stopped in Billings to visit Dalton, Alyssa, and Danial Cornell and Richard, Cassie, and August Handran.

Steve, Anita, Lucas, Brooke, and Bridget Reed traveled to Geyser to attend the Central Montana Shootout on Saturday. Brooke was among the participants on the Lady Tornadoes team that took 1st place in their pool of 5 different teams. Congratulations, girls and Coach Jen!

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