We've Got The County Covered
Article information from unapproved council minutes.
At its regular monthly meeting the Harlem City Council learned that the bidding process should begin shortly for the upgrade to the wastewater treatment plant. Council approved salary increases for city employees, including a longevity increase for employees that qualify. There was also action on properties in violation of the decay ordinance.
The council was called to order by Mayor Bill Taylor. A quorum was present with all members in attendance. Present were: Kenneth Hansen, Ralph Schneider, Eva English and Marc Arensmeyer.
Council motioned and approved the minutes of the May 9 regular meeting. The payment of May claims and payroll was also motioned and approved. During the public comment period Yoyo Johnson commended the city on the cleanliness of Main Street and the City Park.
Bear Paw Development
Report was presented by Michele Turville. Turville said the process to obtain bids for the upgrade to the wastewater treatment plant should begin soon. She added that by next month’s regular meeting council could begin work on the new rate structure.
Per Turville, the housing study, among the towns of Malta, Harlem and Chinook, is completed. Mayor Taylor confirmed completed copies of the study have been received and Clerk-Treasurer Skoyen said close out of the project with respect to the grant and the paperwork was almost completed.
Turville said there is money, under the Brownfields program, to clean up the former Equity Coop property if the city would take ownership of the property. The Equity Coop is a defunct corporation. The staff member at Bear Paw who now handles the Brownfields program will contact Clerk-Treasurer Skoyen if there are other possible ownership options. The question is whether some other not for profit organization could take ownership and access the clean up funds.
Bear Paw Development is still looking for planning grants for the drain ditch project. Mayor Taylor added the city was working with the state to determine what steps need to be taken so that cleaning the ditch from the south east corner of town to the highway could be started.
Decay Ordinance complaints.
Council decided to send notification of violation, under the decay ordinance, to three property owners. Additionally, two property owners who received letters before, and have not mitigated the problems, are to each receive another letter of violation.
Resolution 03-16-03—
Salary Increases for Employees.
Council motioned a 3% increase for all employees and a 1% longevity increase for employees that qualified under the longevity provision. Motion passed unanimously.
Abandon Main Street Alley.
Mayor Taylor explained that the city attorney had done research on the issue. The mayor plans to meet with the interested party to see what should be done. Public Works Director Richard Mohar added that the city does use that space for snow storage in the winter.
Council Concerns/Committee Reports. Council member Eva English reported she and Clerk-Treasurer Skoyen continue to work on updating the city’s website. Next city council meeting is scheduled for Monday, July 11, 2016 at 6 pm.
Meeting was adjourned.