We've Got The County Covered

Hogeland Happenings

The Suicide Prevention Walk was held Saturday morning. The rain had stopped and a large crowd of supporters joined in the walk to Turner from the Big Flat Catholic Church. There were kids on bicycles, some people on four wheelers and side by sides along with many walking. A meal was served and then Clint Malarachuk spoke to the group. He was a retired hockey player who had a message on depression and suicide and how he survived suicide.

Word was received Friday that John McKellenan (Slim) passed away in Valentine, Nebraska. Slim worked for Ralph Snider for many years. He was a true cowboy and loved horses(and talking about them).

Gene and Susan drove to Havre and picked up Emily on Saturday and they attended the Chinook Sugarbeeter Days. Afterwards they took her back to Havre. Susan met up with a cousin, Glenna Smotherman Prosser, who was attending a class reunion in Chinook as well as the Sugarbeeter Days.

Brenda and Terry Mohar and Dusty, Misty and Colter Mohar attended the Suicide Walk Saturday morning. In the afternoon they went down to the Missouri Breaks and listened to the elk bugle.

Teresa and Dave Cornell were in Scobey over the weekend, as well as Dalton, Alyssa and Danial Cornell, to visit Cassie, Richard and August Handran. They had planned family pictures for Friday, but were unable to because of rain. On Saturday they were able to get their pictures as the sun came out.

Loretta Beck attended the Suicide Prevention Walk and meal.

On October 6th, Susan Billmayer will host the October meeting of H.H.H. Club at her home. There will be a Halloween exchange and business will be to finalize the Spaghetti Supper for the Firemen. It will be held October 16 from 5-7 p.m. at the Big Flat Catholic Church hall.

Brooke Reed was over to see Sharon Goodrich on Friday for a sewing lesson.

Ted and Mary Ann Olszewski were visitors at the Wallace Beck home Sunday.

Elissa Zellmer hosted a 31 Bag party Friday at her home.

Crystal, Lucy and Cooper Grabofsky were over to the Wally Beck home on Tuesday to can corn in the morning. In the afternoon, Harley Jo Beck joined them and they dug spuds and picked raspberries.

Ashley Bare of Billings visited at the home of her parents, Carol and Duane Klindworth.

Loretta Beck attended the 31 bag party at Elissa Zellmers Friday.

Ladies gathered at the Hogeland Lutheran Church on Friday to make coleslaw for the Suicide Prevention Walk.

Linda and Darel Hauge visited Sunday with Mom and Dad at the Krass home.

It’s been a wet, cool week and we are slowly drying out. Many farmers are not done with their harvesting. Let’s hope this week dries some and they can get it done.

The Krass girls braved the mud several times this week and came and helped Mom and Dad Krass with some things.

Don’t forget the upcoming Turkey Dinner and Bazaar to be held at the Hogeland Lutheran Church on November 6th. It’s always a nice meal to look forward to.