The first meeting of the Valley Clovers was held on Sunday, October 2 at Wallner Hall. The meeting was called to order by President Brook Elliot, pledge, roll call, minutes, correspondence, and treasurer's report were given. There were reports on the 4-H Council, The Sugarbeet Festival Booth promoting 4-H, and Montana Leaders Forum.
The Valley Clovers will be providing concessions at the Gun Show October 7, 8, and 9 as a community service/fundraiser. They will also be responsible for desserts at the Achievement Banquet held at the Commercial Building October 16th.
Elections were held for the year 2016-2017 our President is Brooke Elliot, Vice President Erin Pula, Secretary Raynee Hasler, Treasurer Kourtney Hanson, Reporter Yelena Miller, and Historians are Torin Cecrle, Belle Elliot, Bree Swanson and Morgan Friede.
The announcement was made- remember October 2-8 is 4-H week and October is enrollment time for the new 4-H year. The meeting was adjourned.