January was a busy month for a dozen volunteers from five churches. The volunteers met and made many Days for Girls kits for impoverished girls in 100 countries throughout the world. In many countries these girls do not have any feminine hygiene products to use forcing them to miss school 5 days out of every month that amounts to 2 months a year. Days for Girls is a non profit organization that distributes these kits, made by volunteers like this group, helping young girls and women anywhere there is a need. To read more, find Days for Girls on the web. Our group consisted of Vonnie Kllungland, Colleen Brommer, Renee Hansen, Sally OLeary, Valerie Van Voast, Loxie Mailand, Leigh Hofer, Raye Thompson, Barb Kolar, Carol Kienenberger, Polly Solberg, and Ethel Siemens. Recently five women boxed these kits, there were 72, ready to ship off to DFG headquarters in Lynden, WA where they will be shipped off to more volunteers to be distributed. This is a labor of love woman to woman.