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My Neighbor In Need: A Letter to Chinook

Who is My Neighbor in Need?

http://www.myneighborinneed.org is a website that provides local citizens a way to ask for help from their community and a way for the community to give back.

Are you in need? Do you know someone in your community in need? My Neighbor in Need may be able to help! Please go to the website or call our office at 406-357-8080. A Good Deed Doer will get back to you within 48-hours.

Current Need

Neighbor in Need – A young man trying to establish a home is requesting assistance with general household furniture. He now has a full time job and an apartment, but does not have adequate furniture. A friend gave him a bed, he has an office chair to sit in and My Neighbor in Need was able to give him bedding and a few kitchen items previously donated. Please phone Chinook MNIN at 357-8080 or go online to http://www.myneighborinneed.org/chinook and click donate. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you very much. The ID number is: Chinook #78.

If you would like to help, visit http://www.myneighborinneed.org or http://www.mystudentinneed.org and click on the Chinook section. When it opens click on the Current Needs tab. Find a need request and click on the Fulfill This Need button. Or you can call 406-357-8080 and tell us how you would like to help. If you are fulfilling a financial need request you are asked to pay the business that will fulfill the need.

Send general financial donations to My Neighbor in Need, PO Box 571 Chinook, MT 59523. Please remember to make checks payable to My Neighbor in Need - Chinook. Your donation is tax deductible.

Please note that My Neighbor in Need is not an emergency service company. All requests go through a verification process. The operational cost for My Neighbor in Need is underwritten by sponsorship from Montana Farmers Union and other caring sponsors located throughout Montana. Don’t forget to like us on our Facebook page for updates and the latest information.