Students, staff and community were certainly committed to the cause raising $2,806 in the final 36 hours
The Chinook High School Student Council, spear-headed by the efforts of senior Brooke Elliot, the student bodies of Meadowlark Elementary, Chinook Junior and Senior High Schools along with teachers, administrators and the generous people within the community came together in an effort to help defray medical costs for two teachers battling Cancer.
The en-devour was a huge success, according to Chinook High School secretary, Chrissy Downs, a grand total of $5,827 was raised for High School Science Teacher Jerilyn Woods and Library Assistant Deb Olson.
Downs had been thinking of ideas for a fundraising effort and had a discussion with Chinook senior Brook Elliot.
Elliot was all in from the get go, "When I learned Ms. Wood and Ms. Olson had cancer, it really hit home for me. Chrissy Downs approached me about doing a fundraiser for them, and we came up with the idea of head shaving," said Elliot.
The project began to take shape almost immediately as the Student Council purchased supplies to construct 'polling stations to be distributed throughout the community.
The idea involved five staff members volunteering to have their heads shaved dependent upon the amount of funds raised.
Chinook High School Principal Matt Molyneaux, Office Secretary Chrissy Downs, Office Aide/ML Title Moses Deanon, Vo-Ag teacher Robin Allen and Librarian Tammy Edwards were selected/volunteered to lose their locks for the cause.
Elliot, along with High School Teacher/Advisor Tanner Cummings, seniors Wade Schneider, Kyler Johnson and Rochelle Chaffin and local handyman Dennis Downs assembled and painted ballot boxes with the face of the five volunteers for 'voters' to cast their vote(s) for who they would like to see have their head shaved by placing money in the appropriate slot.
Nine polling stations were located at the Sweet Memorial Nursing Home, First Bank of Montana, Chinook Eagles, Finley's Food Farm, The Chinook Motor Inn, Chinook Pharmacy, Shores Floral, Meadowlark Elementary and the High School with the hopes of reaching as many potential voters as possible.
When money was counted on Monday, funds raised stood at $3,021 by the time the shaving was to commence (Tuesday afternoon at 2 p.m.) a grand total of $5,827 had been raised.
According to Downs the majority of the $3,021 total came directly from the schools while the bulk of the money brought in Monday and Tuesday came from the community.
By exceeding the five thousand dollar mark all five volunteer staff member would lose their hair and as a bonus Chinook School Superintendent Darin Hannum would also have his head shaved.
"Mr. Hannum said if we reached the goal of $5,000, he'd shave his head too. At the end, we had five "$1,000 heads" and one "$800" head," said Elliot.
"I was always planning on being a part of it," said Hannum. "I was disappointed in not being included in the original five but I made the final cut in the end."
The student council did a superb job putting on the fundraiser, "I think the project shows the generosity of our students as well as our community. I seen kids at the Meadowlark excited to put any change they found in the boxes," added Hannum.
In Addition to the staff shaving their head five high school boys also went bald and three girls had their hair cut and donated to Pantene Beautiful Locks in support of the cause.
Seniors Trevor Reid, Kyler Johnson and Wade Schneider along with junior Garrett Lowham and freshman Dalton Peck shaved their heads.
Sophomore Kourtney Hanson had donated her hair to Pantene on a prior occasion and brought the idea to Elliot. "I wanted to show support for the fundraiser and talked with Brooke and Lincy (Johnson) and they thought it was a great idea," said Hanson. "I chose Pantene because they make wigs with the hair for Adult woman and give them away for free where as other places charge money.
"Basically I wanted to show support for the teachers that the student body is behind them," said Schneider. "As soon as I heard the idea, I knew I wanted to be a part of it all."
Schneiders thoughts were echoed by his fellow seniors, "It was a really good show of support from the entire school, we raised more than we thought," said Reid. Johnson added, "It was really well planned and it's good to know that Chinook High School supports it's teachers."
The staff all had their heads shaved at a gathering in the high school gymnasium Tuesday afternoon as volunteer barber Jennifer Hellman cleaned their scalps of hair.
The entire fundraiser was a overwhelming success and will hopefully encourage people to continue to show their support for those going through tough times.
Even though the staff lost their hair in front of the entire student body they were all very proud to be a part of it all.
Vo-Ag teacher Robin Allen - "This is a great way to support our staff and community. I'm proud of our students that developed this fundraiser and of our staff members that participated."
Principal Matt Molyneaux - "It was Awesome, it was the least I could do for the cause and I was happy to be a part of it all."
Secretary Chrissy Downs - " I was just astounded by the support and am very grateful for it, especially that last day."
Office Aide/ML Title Moses Deanon - "It's always good to be able to give back to the community and to especially be able to help our co-workers."
Librarian Tammy Edwards - "It was such a good idea that when Brooke asked me I just couldn't say no. I was happy to be able to do my part."