We've Got The County Covered

Turner Talk

The Blaine Co. II Ambulance will be having a ham dinner at the Turner Jamboree Saturday, April 1st. from 11:30-3:00 as a fundraiser. All proceeds from Concessions will also go to the ambulance fund.

Don and Bonnie Harmon were to Havre to watch the H.S, boys and girls play in a five on five basketball tournament.

Nellie and Sonny Obrecht attended Helen Hornung’s 90th birthday party in Harlem on Saturday.

Peggy and Rose Van Voast were to Harlem on Saturday to attend Helen Hornung’s birthday party.

Lenny Erickson and Kirsti Cederberg were to the Catholic Spring dinner on Sunday.

Bill and Mary Hake were to Great Falls this week to attend a funeral. They were quite pleased to see Rusty Cowan at the funeral and enjoyed visiting with him after the services. On the way home, they stopped off in Conrad to visit Betty and Ramsey Offerdal and then on to Shelby to visit Steve and Shirley Bebich.

Virginia McCracken attended a bridal shower for Melissa Grabofsky on Saturday.

Nellie and Sonny Obrecht attended the Catholic Church dinner on Sunday.

Kirsti Cederberg and Linda Hauge attended Helen Hornung’s 90th birthday party in Harlem on Saturday.

Irene Stout was out to Turner and had a dinner date with Rose Van Voast. They attended the Catholic Spring dinner.

Virginia McCracken attended Lenten services and soup supper at the Hogeland Lutheran Church on Thursday.

Be sure to attend the Elementary Jamboree basketball games this Saturday at the Turner School. Turner girls play at 9:00 and 3:00 while our boys play at 10:00 and 4:00. Stop by the gym and enjoy basketball games, an awesome ham dinner to help support the Ambulance II and support our little Tornadoes in competition!

Math students from T.H.S. will be travelling to Havre for the annual Math Contest. Good Luck to them.

The Senior Classic basketball will be held in Rudyard on Tuesday, March 27th at 6:00. Hope you can come watch the Seniors play in basketball one last time before graduation.

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