Submitted by
Jennifer Hellman
The Chinook Area Chamber of Commerce held their monthly meeting at the Chamber office on main street March 9th, 2017 at 6:00pm.
In attendance was Bonnie Weber, Mitzi Cecrle, Hayley Yost, Heather DePriest, Robert Kelley, Jennifer Hellman, and guest Clint Greytak.
The minutes were read and approved by the board. New certificates for memberships have been finalized and will be sent out for our new members as they become available.
The License plate fundraiser is on hold for the time being as there is a much higher fee to process our application than anticipated. We will be working on getting a fundraiser set up to help cover the cost of this.
There is no Business After Hours for the month of April at this time. We are looking forward to having State Farm host the May After hours event.
Our workshop for the month of March is slated for the 28th at 6:00pm at the Library meeting room. There will be a small fee for non-members of the Chinook Chamber and Current members are free. We will be learning about Employment law that Carol from the Havre Job service will be going over with us.
The installation of our New banners is still in the works, as the weather gets nicer it gets closer to us getting these finalized. There is some work that we are needing to do to make sure we have the right equipment and approval to do so. If anyone would like to Sponsor a banner our prices are as follows: Chinook chamber member/Businesses/organizations can sponsor a banner for $100.00 per year, non-members will be $150.00 per year and the In memory ones will be $175.00 every 5 years. Please contact one of our board members for more information if you are interested in sponsoring one of these signs. Be on the look out for letters to Local businesses on this project as well!
There has been some interest in someone putting together the Sugarbeet Festival this year, Chinook youth baseball along with the youth football and wrestling are considering this idea.
We also voted to have our sign at the baseball fields put back up, be sure to check them out down at the fields this coming baseball season.
We will be implementing a new thank you for your memberships this year. Hayley Yost will be contacting all New members and past members to put together a little blurb about your business/organization so we can put this on social media.
Plant a seed read is still trying to get the word out there on their program to Blaine County members. $35.00 per year will buy a book once a month for a child of your choice in Blaine County until their 5th birthday.
It was mentioned that they have been in contact with the local daycares as well. The fairgrounds is sending out letters for renewal on their Banners signs, please remember to get in touch with them if you would like to renew your sponsorship for this coming Fair season.
We like to invite anyone to attend our regular chamber meetings to give us your valuable input. Your memberships are very important to our community, so please take the time and check out our website for more information All of the funds go right back into our community.
Next meeting will be held at the Chamber office on main street April 13th, 2017 at 6:00p.m. Jennifer Hellman- Secretary/Communications Director.