We've Got The County Covered
By Jane Krass
Happy Easter Everyone!!
Elissa and Jordan Zellmer and family and Kathy Zellmer attended the final Basketball Elementary Jamboree held in BoxElder on Saturday. The kids did a good job this season and the coaches did a good job teaching them the game. Lets look forward to next season.
Susan Billmayer attended Lenten Services in Hogeland on Thursday night at the Lutheran Church.
Last weekend, Teresa Cornell was in Great Falls to visit her Mom, Evelyn Hedstrom and brother Kris and his wife LeAnn and family. Teresa and Evelyn attended church together at Redeemer Lutheran where Pastor Hedegaard is Pastor. Kris and Teresa took Evelyn for a drive out to Freeze out lake and over to Choteau for Evelyn to visit Carol Ekegren. Teresa came home in a snowstorm to Big Sandy and when she got home it started up here.
Sandy Beck attended the 3 on 3 Basketball tourney in Chinook Sunday and watched grandson Landon play.
Elissa, Brady and Gracie Zellmer and Kathy Zellmer went to Church Sunday in Turner for Church and the program by the young people.
Crystal Grabofsky, Cooper and Lacy were over to the Wally Beck home on Wednesday. Loretta, Crystal and Shawn Beck made sausage. Wally took Harley Jo, Cooper and Lacy to Books and Babies at the Store in Turner in the morning. In the afternoon, Crystal and Bobbie did some yard work for Loretta and Wally.
Caleb Zellmer and dad Jordan went to Chinook Sunday for the 3 on 3 tourney.
Loretta Beck went to Lenten services and Soup Supper at the Hogeland Church.
There will be a Bridal Shower for Annie VanVoast on April 15th at 7 pm at the home of Susan Billmayer. Everyone welcome.
Loretta and Wally Beck went to BoxElder Saturday to the Elementary Basketball Jamboree to watch Tate and Cassidy play for the Turner teams. They also went to Chinook on Sunday for the 3 on 3 tourney.
Hilary Richman, Hannah and Natalie, and Izzy Baker stopped by Mom and Dad Krss’ after 4-H in Turner that Natalie made for her demonstration. It was very good-a real treat. Also coming over to help Linda Hauge celebrate a late birthday were Diana and Shania Maloney, and Anita Reed, Brooke and Bridget and the birthday girl, Linda.