We've Got The County Covered

Turner Talk

Tom and Lucy Fairbank were to Colorado earlier this week to attend granddaughter, Megan Humphrey’s graduation. They beat it back to Turner so they could help celebrate a second graduation of granddaughter, Rennay Watkins.

Mary and Bill Hake were to Great Falls and Billings Monday through Wednesday for medical appointments. They returned home on Thursday. They attended Laci’s confirmation on Sunday at the Lutheran Church.

Virginia McCracken was to Turner’s graduation on Saturday. Then on Sunday she attended her granddaughter, Nicole McCracken’s graduation in Chinook. Granddaughter, Ginny McCracken of Billings was here to attend Nicole’s graduation as well.

Sonny and Nellie Obrecht attended Turner’s Commencement Exercises on Saturday.

Scott and Martha Warren attended a graduation party in Hogeland for Wade Schneider. Then on Saturday they attended Turner’s graduation and the party at the park. Then they motored to Havre to attend a Ventriloquist, David Pendelton and comedian, Darren Strewelo. They said it was great fun! Then, they were to Chinook’s graduation on Sunday and hit Reece Hutton’s graduation party in Harlem on their way home. They have had a busy weekend!!

Dan and Amy Hutton were to Turner’s graduation on Saturday and to Harlem’s graduation on Sunday.

Linda Hauge attended graduation on Saturday and confirmation at the Lutheran Church on Sunday.

Diana Maloney and Linda Hauge were over to Harlan and Jane Krass’ on Sunday to help Hilary Richman celebrate her birthday. They had cake and coffee. Also there helping her celebrate was Hilary’s girls, Hannah and Natalie.

Kindergarten graduation was Monday. Congratulations to the littles and best wishes as they enter First grade this fall.

This Thursday is the last day of school! Summer vacation is just around the corner. Remember that there is also a special election on Thursday from 12:00-8:00 p.m. Election will be at the Turner School in the History Room.

The State Track meet will be Friday and Saturday at Laurel. Good Luck to our athlete’s from Turner as they compete.

Memorial Day services will be Monday, May 31st. Silverbow will be the first service at 10:00, Wing at 10:45 and Turner at 11:00. There will be a lunch served at the park following Turner’s service.