The Summer Reading Program is in full swing. A big shout out to our helpers last week. Patty Hall, Erica Smith, and Jill Paulsen, as well as all the parents and childcare givers who helped out. We couldn't have done it without you!
Our first Summer Reading program was all about worms. The kids got to examine their worms and then we had worm races, which was really exciting!
We have a worm composting system set up in the library and we will be making compost all summer. We should have compost by the end of the summer, which we will then donate to the FFA, to use in the Community Garden they began this year. We are excited to be doing this and donating back to the community.
We had a special program last Thursday, presented by PBS Montana. Clifford the Big Red Dog came for a visit and brought activity stations for the kids. We had 76 kids and 18 adults that day and it was fun. We have more fun things planned for the rest of June and July.
The movie on Monday June 19th will be Sing which is rated PG and runs for 108 minutes. Tuesday June 20th our Summer Reading Program theme will be about music. Our special guests that day will be the Stonebroke String Band at 2:00 p.m. Kids will learn about different musical instruments and be entertained by the band.
Friday June 23rd will be the final day for kids to turn in their coloring contest picture. If your kids haven't signed up for the Summer Reading Program yet, it's not too late. We have some great prizes they could win this year. For every two hours read, kids will be able to enter their name into our Summer Reading prize drawings. There will also be small prizes awarded for every two hour entry. Pre-readers are encouraged to participate by having someone read to them. Prizes will also be awarded to the winners of the coloring contest.
We have computers available for taking Accelerated Reader tests so kids can get a head start on AR points for the fall. We have introduced a Summer Storytime this summer for kids ages 5 and under. This program takes place every Tuesday morning at 10:30 a.m. and will last approximately 30 minutes.
The Summer Storytime program is tailored to the needs and interests of a younger age group and is a great opportunity for your younger children to get involved with our Summer Library activities. Each week we'll read stories, sing songs, and make crafts. Please contact us with any questions at (406) 357-2932 or email us at
There is always something going on at the library. Check us out on Facebook or look us up on our website at for up to date information about what's going on!