Don’t forget to bring your cats and dogs in to Turner at the Old Fire Hall on Friday, June 16, from 11:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m. Blaine County Veterinary Service will be on hand to bring your pets vaccinations up to date! Big Flat 4-H Club is sponsoring this event. Ezzie’s Wholesale will also be on Main Street that day to take care of your fire extinguisher needs.
Vacation Bible School will be held this week. The public is invited to attend the concluding program on Friday at 11:15 at the Turner Lutheran Church. Thank you to everyone who chipped in with their help to make this year’s bible school happen!
Gene, Susan, and Emily Billmayer, along with Barb Weber of Chinook attended the wedding of Annie Van Voast and Alex Schoonen in Idaho Falls on Saturday.
The Steve Reed Family spent the weekend in Billings. Lucas attended the Class B All-star Football game in which Reece Hutton played. Steve and Anita attended the Garth Brooks concert Saturday afternoon.
Congratulations to Casey and Katie Billmayer on the birth of a baby girl, Maya Anne on June 1st.
Harlan and Jane Krass attended Natalie Richman’s 8th birthday party at the Richman’s home on Sunday afternoon.
A baby shower for Katie and Maya Billmayer will be held on Friday, June 30th at 7:00 p.m. at Susan Billmayer’s.
Wally and Loretta Beck vacationed from June 1-5 to attend the wedding of Melissa Grabofsky and Jeff Dobberstein in Owattana, Minnesota. It was a very beautiful wedding. Congratulations to the newlyweds!
Loretta Beck attended the car wash hosted by the basketball team in Turner on Wed., June 7. She enjoyed hanging out at the park with the grandkids and lunch in Turner while there.
The 2nd Annual 241 Grill and Tavern Car Show will be held this Saturday on Main Street Turner.