We've Got The County Covered

Hogeland Happenings

A baby shower for Katie and Maya Billmayer will be held on Friday, June 30th at 7:00 p.m. at Susan Billmayer’s home.

Guests at the Wallace Beck home on Wednesday to help Dallas Beck celebrate his 1st birthday were his mom and dad, Daniella and Brandon, his grandpa Kevin Beck, Wally and Loretta Beck, Crystal, Cassidy, Holly, Cooper, and Lucy Grabofsky, Shawn, Bobbi, Tate, Ty, and Harley Beck, and Melissa Swenson of Chinook.

Susan Billmayer attended 4-H Foundation meeting in Chinook on Tuesday evening.

Harlan and Jane Krass attended the funeral luncheon at the Harlem Senior Center on Friday afternoon for Don Rasmussen.

Sandy Beck attended the Garth Brooks concert in Billings on June 10 at the Metra. She also attended the Oak Ridge Boys concert this past Thursday at the Alberta Bair Theater.

Susan Billmayer attended garden club meeting in Chinook on Thursday.

Loretta Beck attended the VBS program in Turner on Friday morning. That afternoon, she and Wally attended the graveside service in Harlem for Don Rasmussen and the luncheon afterwards at the Harlem Senior Center.

On Monday, June 12, Sandy Beck visited Lanny and Roine Allen, Darlene Butzine, Roger and Penny Snider, and Ralph and Nancy Snider at Edward and Vicki Snider’s home in Harlem.

Darwin Zellmer visited at the Wallace Beck home on Thursday afternoon.

Susan Billmayer attended the graveside service for Don Rasmussen on Friday.

Wade and Lori Dudley of Conrad were overnight guests at the Wallace Beck home on Sunday and Monday.

Wally and Loretta Beck were over to the Mike Grabofsky home on Sunday afternoon and enjoyed supper at the bar in Turner on the way back.

The Fun Maker Factory Vacation Bible School was held this past week in Turner at the Lutheran Church and the preschoolers at the Old Gym. Thank you to everyone who helped make the week a success! A program was held for the public on Friday to conclude the week’s activities.

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