A large group of elementary aged children gathered recently at the Turner American Lutheran Church for a fun, week long Vacation Bible School adventure. This year the theme was Fun Maker Factory and the decorations were of the same theme. Pre-K kids had their week of fun at the Turner School Old Gym and were bused back and forth to the church via school bus. It was there that they joined the other students in singing and games.
The school lasted all morning dismissing at noon each day.
Those who attended are pictured below L-R: ake and J.R. Brown, Chantry Jorgenson, Matthew Erickson, Carson Maloney, Landon Hickel, Caleb Zellmer, Hannah and Natalie Richman, Avery Fox, and Laci Maloney. Middle Row: Holly Grabofsky, Colten Jorgenson, Preston Egbert, Modesty Chamberlain, Isabella Van Voast, Bridget Reed, Cassidy Grabofsky, Alison Doyle, Abigail Grabofsky, Izzy Baker. Front Row: Rhett Ammen, Lucas Grabofsky, Mary Simons, Harley Beck, Alaina Egbert, Gracie Zellmer, Cali Van Voast, Hudson Simons, Hannah Van Voast, Piper Fox, Savannah Heilig, Colt Leitner, and Ozzy Baker. Thanks to all the parents who brought their child and to all the teachers who dedicated their time and energies for the week long school.
It was a lot of fun!!